
完形填空强化训练(1)A teenage girl couldn,t stand her family rules,soshe left home.She wanted to be a star and became famous.But shehad a little education and years later,to ask for food on the street for a living,father has died.Her mother is an old woman.she hadNow herBut sheis still 2 her daughter.She has been to everycorner of the city.Everywhere she goes,she 3 abig photo of her daughter on the wall.At the lower partof the photo she writes,“I still love you,Come backhome!One day,the daughter saw one of the photos.She wasso surprised that she couldn,t believe her 4.“I sthat me?”She moved 5 and read the words,“Istill love you She cried.She couldn,t wait 6back home.When she got home,it was early morning.Shepushed the door.T he door opened itself.She rushed tothe bedroom at once.Her mother was sleeping there.She7 _ her mother up,“I t s me!Your daughter is backhome!”T he mother and daughter looked at each otherwith excitement,full of happy tears.T he daughterasked,“8 is the door unlocked?A thief could getin.”T he mother answered softly,“T he door has neverlocked 9 you left.We miss you all the time.Webelieve that you 11 come back some day.”As everyone knows,parents love their childrenforever.Children should also understand their parentsand share their happiness,sadness,even everythingwith their parents,and children can be()1.A.a littleD.more10 this way,happy.B.a fewboth parentsC.much()2.looking()3.D.()4.D.()5.()6.A.looking for B.looking after Cat D.A.sets onmakes upA.eyes B.headA.fartherD.awayA.goinglooking upB.puts upearsB.furtherB.goC.cuts upC.noseC.closerC.to goneD.to goD.on()7.A.wakeD.wakingB.wakesC.woke()8.A.whatD.whyB.whoC.when()9.A.sinceD.unlessB.forC.before()10.A.withB.inC.by完形填空强化训练(2)Stuart and Steve were twin brothers.Stuart loved toplay basketball.But Steve loved to read books.One day Stuart was playing basketball he felland broke his leg.When they took him to the hospital,the doctor said he wouldn,t be able to play for six months.Steve went 2 him and brought him books on basketball.At first Stuart wasn,t going to read them.T hen he beganto read them and 3 that there were ways he could playbasketball better.He began to think that books weren,t that 4.When Stuart s leg started getting better,Stevewou 1 d help him by going for walks with him._ 5Stuart s doctor said he could start playing basketballagain.T hen Stuart showed Steve how to toss(投)forbaskets.Steve found that he enjoyed it.T hen Stuart was ready to 6 the basketball games.Steve went to games and enjoyed himself.T hey then 7practiced basketball and read books together.So you can see,when 8 happens,something goodmay also happen.Steve showed Stuart about books andStuart showed Steve about basketball.So you can also 9showing others something that you like to do and they canshow you something that they like to do.10 you canfind new things to do.()1.A.until B.when C.after D.where()2.A.on seeing B.to call C.to visitD.to look()3.A.saw B.looked C.readD.found()4.A.good B.bad C.better D.worse)5.A.But B.D.So)6.A.take partD.join in)7.A.always B.D.much)8.A.anything goodHowever C.B.winnever C.B.somethingsomething bad D.anything wrong()9.A.try B.practiceD.likeFinallyC.loseseldomnice C.C.enjoy()1 0.A.On the way B.By the wayway D.I n this way完形填空强化训练(3)C.All theMany Chinese students find it difficult to learnEnglish,but not Chinese,because Chinese is theirmother language.I n fact Chinese is much moredifficult to 1 than English.Still some students in other countries can speakChinese very 2.I f you don,t see them,you willtake them for Chinese.What 3 them successful?“For me,conversation is the most helpful.I tryto speak in 4.I f you only listen to what othersspeak,you will be good at 5,but if you talk asmuch as you can,you will find you can speak 6,“says Jenny Brown,an English girl now 7 Chinese atBeijing University.8 is interested in Chinese andits history.She thinks that to learn a language,onemust try to know 9 about the country.Chinese is different from English,10 we can usethe same way in learning it.I t is conversation.()1.A.talk B.say C.learn D.know()2.A.well B.good C.bad D.badly()3.A.makesB.make C.let D.lets()4.A.EnglishB.Japan C.French D.Chinese()5.A.listenD.B.talkingtalk C.listening()6.EnglishA.good English B.good Chinese C.badD.Bad Chinese()7.studyingA.pickingD.up B.teachingcatching up C.()8.A.He B.She C.Her D.His()9.A.something B.anything C.nothingD.everything()1 0.A.so B.and C.also D.but完形填空强传训练Jenny was my grandmother?s sister and she was anamazing woman.She was born in 1901 and _J._ in 2000.I t was a pity that she didn,t live to celebrate(庆祝)her 100th birthday,2 she had a good,long life.She had already been a professional 3 beforemany women had jobs.She taught in Africa for many years.T hen she moved to Malaysia and taught English there fora few years.At that time,people didn,t travel _ 4a plane,so she had to travel there by ship.I t tookher three months 5 from England to Malaysia in thosedays.I n 1947,she traveled by plane for the first time.T his made

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