
二 年 级 英 语 教 案Primary English for ChinaBook 4二/假英语教案Primary English for ChinaBook 4教学计划及要求周次单 元页数重 要 句型四会单词语 音语 法重 点教 学要 求1-21 Myschool1-6Theres a/an.Is there a/an.?Yes,there is.No,there isnt.an art room aclassroom acomputer rooma hall alibrary amusic room aplaygroundisnt=is nothave a lookcoolOu(out,aroundshout,playground,Mouth,mouse)Thereb e 结构的陈述句和它的一般疑问句及其肯定否定回答1)每课A、B部分的单词和句子不仅要能流利背诵出来,还能默写或听 写 出来;2)每课C、E部分要求能流利背诵并有声有色地表演出来;3)每天跟磁带听当天所学内容若干遍,周末将本周所学内容再听一至两遍,这是每天固定的作业;4)两本练习3-42 Atschool7-12What do you doin the.?We.and.We play inthe.Study,paint,line up,dininghall,eat,drink,do,We,at school,wellEa(icecream,seat,read,eat,Meat,please,)介 词 in的 运用。连词and的 运用。代词 we的用法5-63 Myrobot13-18Whals inyour.?There,sa/an.Is therea/an.?Yes,thereis.lt has longarms.It has bigknees and bigfeet.Arm,head,knee,leg,foot(feet)shoulder,hand,Oh,dear,great,now,again,Ea(head,bread,ready,steady,)用形容词描述身体部分have,h a s 的用法代 词 it的运用7-84 Senses19-24What can yousee?I cansee/hear/smella.I see/hear/smell/withmy.Train,plane,ship,road,lorry,van,truck,with,hear,smell,park,wait,cross.Ai(rain,sail)ay(away,play)情态动词can的用法介 词with 的运用册具体操作:抄写本(copybook)是课后在家完成相应部分,应定期上交批阅,活动手册在课堂 上 完成,并立即检查正误;5)课前一定要预习,课后一定要复习。95Revision25-28复习前面几单元所学的内容。期中小考10-116 Myroom29-34I like the.What colour is/are the.?Its./Theyre.Shelf,purple,curtain,wardrobe,wallpink,table,colour,they,Ur(nurse,purple,curtain,turtle)用形容词描述物 体.代 词 it,they 的运 用.问物体颜色12-137 Myneighbour35-40Whos that?Thats Mr/Mrs/Miss Wang.Hes/Shes ourneighbour.Isshe/he a.?Yes,he/sheis.No,he/sheisnt.Policeman,nurse,shop,shop assistant,policewoman.Postman,Mrs,neighbour,who,don,t=donot,newOr(house,sea,shore,snort,snore)代 词he,she的运用一般疑问句和它的肯定否定回答14-158 On thefarm41-46Theres/there are(number)(animal)Whats yourfavourite animal?I like(animal)Farm,duck,sheep,horsechicken,cow,pig favourite,animal,hey,stopAr(farm,far,arm,car)名词的单复数动 词like 的运用16-179 Clothes47-52Do you likethis/that.?Yes,I do.No,IdontClothes,dress,hat,shirt,T-shirt,skirt,coat,scarf,excuse,excuseme,sureIr(girl,shirt,bird,skirt)用形容词描述服装代 词this,that的运用18-1910Revision53-56复习下半学期所学内容。单元测试19-20期末总复习、期末考试第1课时课题Unit 1 My school教学目标New words:room,library,hall,music,art,playgroundSentence patterns:This is.There is a an.教 重 点材分New words:room,library,hall,music,art,playground析难点Sentence patterns:This is.There is a an.教具Word cards,picture,tape-recorderI.Free talk教 II.Presentation1.Bring in a picture of a school and photos or pictures of thedifferent rooms taught in the Unit.2.(Books closed)Show the picture of you the school,saying This is my school.Give individual pupils the学 picture and ask them to repeat the sentence.3.Show the pictures of the different rooms in the school.Say their names and ask the pupils to repeat them after meThen practise by showing a room and asking the pupils totell me the name.过 4.Choose a picture and point to something in the picture thepupils know,e.g.a tree,a well-known room and sayThere,s a/an.Show the picture to individual pupils andask them to point to the object and repeat the sentence.Point to other known items in the picture and encourage程 them to make sentences about them.5.Play the PupiFs Book Cassette and point to the speechbubble.Ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps.III.Practice1.(Books open)Show Transparency.Point to the places inthe school on the page,saying Theres a classroom,etc.Encourage the pupils to repeat the sentences after you.2.Introduce the new character,Mike.Explain that Tim isshowing Mike a picture of his school.Teach the pupils thename of the school(No.1 Primary School).3.Read Tims speech bubble.Get the pupils to point to thecorrect places.Make sentences about the other places教 using Theres a/an.4.Encourage the pupils to make sentences by using there isa/an.while I point to the places in the picture.5.Get the pupils to look at each of the rooms.Point at an学 object in a room and say Theres a.过程1.Copybook 12.Workbook 1 板3.Write the new 书words on the 设notebook.计布置作业教学后记Unit 1 My schoolwords(picture cards)This is my school.Theres an art room.There,s a library.1.Teaching new words with motions impresses pupils.2.Using a and an should be emphasized.3.Pupils feel hard in pronouncing the words library,hall,andplayground.第2课时课 题 Unit 1 My school教 学 New words:art room,music room,hall,library.Sentence patterns:Welcome to.Is there a.目 标 Yes,there is./No,there isnt.New words:art room,music room,hall,library.Sentences:Is there a.Yes,there is./No,there isnt.Word cards,picture,tape-recorderI.Free talkII.PresentationMake a plan of your school with the places marked on it.The plan does not need to have the English names writtenon it.(Books closed)Show the pupils a plan of your school withthe places marked on it,revising the English names forthe places.Point to the plan and ask,for example,Is there a musicroom?Ask a pupil to come out and point to the placenamed and say Yes,there is.Ask about a place not in theschool,e.g.Is there a swimming pool?Is there a zoo?Then teach No,there isnt.4.(Books open)Show Transparency.Play the PupiFs Bo

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