
CISLUNAR SECURITY NATIONAL TECHNICAL VISION November 2022 Edited by Steve Parr and Emma Rainey Steve Parr Susanne Wirwille and Bruce MacDonald Erin Fowler and Ben Schmachtenberger Brian Bauer and Eric Klatt Ryan Mitch Ed Birrane and Sarah Heiner Copyright 2022 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory LLC.All Rights Reserved.Cislunar Security National Technical Vision i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.INTRODUCTION.1-1 Importance of the Moon and Cislunar Space.1-1 Low Cost of Navigating Cislunar Space Once Off the Earth.1-3 U.S.Cislunar Security Needs.1-4 Stakeholders and Other Efforts.1-5 Scope.1-5 Outline of the Cislunar Security National Technical Vision.1-6 2.FORMULATING A NATIONAL CISLUNAR STRATEGY AND POLICY.2-1 The United States Needs a Cislunar Security Strategy and Policy Now.2-1 CislunarThe Newest Frontier.2-1 History of Cislunar Activity.2-1 Current Situation and Trajectory.2-2 United States.2-3 China.2-4 The Threat of Complacency.2-5 National Strengths and Values.2-7 Cislunar Opportunities and Challenges.2-7 Future Vision.2-8 A National Approach.2-9 Conclusion.2-10 3.CISLUNAR SITUATIONAL AWARENESS.3-1 Why Do We Need Cislunar Situational Awareness?.3-1 Space Situational Awareness Definitions and Background.3-3 Current Activities in Cislunar SSA.3-4 Cislunar SSA Challenges.3-4 National Technical Vision and Current Technological Needs and Challenges.3-5 Electro-optical/Infrared and Radar Sensors.3-6 Sensor Placement.3-7 Mission Autonomy.3-8 Low-Thrust Propulsion.3-9 Orbit Determination.3-9 Cislunar Security National Technical Vision ii Critical Technology Gaps and Recommendations.3-11 Orbit Determination and Catalog.3-11 Sensor-Related Recommendations.3-11 Low-Thrust Capabilities.3-12 Algorithm Development for Autonomous Mission Design.3-12 Cislunar Computing Resources.3-13 Visualization Utilities.3-13 4.USE OF CISLUNAR SPACE FOR RECONSTITUTION OF SPACE-BASED CAPABILITIES.4-1 Introduction.4-1 Options for Resiliency Through Reconstitution.4-1 Resiliency is De-escalatory.4-2 Use of Cislunar-Based Assets for Reconstitution.4-3 Mission Basis and Priority Ranking for Replenishment.4-3 System Needs.4-5“Conversion Van”Approach.4-6 Summary.4-7 5.CISLUNAR POSITION,NAVIGATION,AND TIMING.5-1 Introduction.5-1 Cislunar PNT Needs and Challenges.5-1 Heritage PNT Systems Used in the Cislunar Environment.5-5 Emergent PNT Architectures.5-6 Common Technology.5-8 Considerations for Emergent PNT Architectures.5-9 Recommendations for the Cislunar National Technical Vision.5-10 6.CISLUNAR COMMUNICATIONS.6-1 Defining Cislunar Networking.6-1 Evolving Internet-Like Services.6-1 Networked Sensing.6-2 Building a Cislunar Network Architecture.6-3 Application-Centric Architectures.6-3 Network-Centric Architectures.6-3 Cislunar Networking Recommendations.6-4 Cislunar Security National Technical Vision iii Enabling a Cislunar Network-Centric Architecture.6-5 Time-Variant Routing.6-6 Secure Store-and-Forward Transport.6-8 Autonomous Network Management.6-9 The Future of Cislunar Networks.6-10 APPENDIX A.ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.A-1 Cislunar Security National Technical Vision iv This page intentionally left blank Cislunar Security National Technical Vision 1-1 1.INTRODUCTION Steve Parr This document describes a technology vision for cislunar security:the technology developments needed to ensure free access to,transit to,and use of the EarthMoon system beyond geosyn-chronous orbit(GEO).The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory(APL)established and hosted the Cis-lunar Security Conference(CLSC)in 2020 and 2021.1 CLSC encourages national-level discourse on the technology,policy,and strategy implications of increased cislunar activity for national secu-rity.Over the first two years of the conference,APL hosted 700+attendees(on-site and virtually)from more than 150 organizations,including the U.S.government and military,University Affili-ated Research Centers,Federally Funded Research and Development Centers,the commercial space industry,and academia.The recommendations in this document are based on presentations and discussions that occurred at the first two CLSCs as well as discussions internal to APL and those with the external cislunar community,including the Office of Science and Technology Policy,Aerospace Corporation,Air Force Research Laboratory,and others.Importance of the Moon and Cislunar Space The Moon has been a focus of deep space missions since the early days of the Space Age.From 1958 to 1976,approximately 90 lunar missions were attempted by the United States and the So-viet Union,culminating in the successful Apollo 1117 missions.2 After a 14-year gap,new mis-sions launched to the Moon beginning in 1990.In the 1990s,the United States and Japan launched several lunar missions.Since 2003,approximately 20 lunar missions were launched by a broad range of nations and space agencies,including the United States,Europe,Japan,China,India,Luxembourg,Israel,and South Korea.More than 100 lunar missions are expected

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