
河北省衡水市前村中学2023年高一英语联考试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. On ______ Children's Day,Jack received a prize for being ______ honest boy. A. the; an B. /; an C. /; a D. the; a 参考答案: B 2. —Excuse me. Could you tell me _____________ —Yes. A. where were you born             B.what color1 is your bike C. if I can join the music club          D. when is your birthday 参考答案: C 3. He had to _______ paying the bills because of a lack of money. A. put down                B. put off            C. put out            D. put aside 参考答案: B 略 4. He wins the Nobel Prize for his outstanding          to physics. A. contribution B. conclusion C. addition D. explanation 参考答案: A 5. —Would  you like to go shopping with me?    —I’d like to __________ A. to going      B. going     C. go   D. to 参考答案: D 略 6. A team, _____ two doctors and three policemen, was sent to search for the lost explorers. A. consisting of    B. consists of     C. consisted of    D. to be consisted of 参考答案: A 33. ---It’s nearly ten years since my father worked in this company.[]    ---____________?    A. Will he still wish to work here             B. Where does he work now    C. Has he been working here happily           D. Do you want him to work here any longer 参考答案: B 略 8. This armchair is not comfortable      . A. to sit in                            B. to sit                                C. sat                                  D. sitting 参考答案: A 9. The young woman ______ a Frenchman. She has ______ him for five years. A. married with, married with                   B. married, married C. married to, been married to                  D. married, been married to 参考答案: D 略 10. There must be a          way to do this. A. butter              B. better           C. bit             D. bitter 参考答案: B 略 11. You had better get all the people      the work,or you cannot get it     on time. A.do, done    B.doing,do    C.to do,done D.done, done 参考答案: C 12. Mike, you ______ play with fire. You______ burn yourself.  A. won’t; can’t                       B. mustn’t; may  C. don’t have to; must               D. have got to; shouldn’t 参考答案: B 13. When walking down the street, I came across David, whom I _________ for years. A. didn’t see    B. haven’t seen   C. hadn’t seen    D. wouldn’t see 参考答案: C 试题分析:句意:当沿着街道散步的时候,我遇见了多年未见的David。根据语境,“not see”这个动作发生在come across之前,是过去的过去发生的动作,用过去完成时。故选C。 考点:考查动词时态。 【名师点睛】英语中的时态主要由动词的形式决定,因此在学习英语时态时,要注意分析动词形式及具体语境,想象在那个特定的时间动作所发生的背景,这个动作是经常性动作、一般性动作、进行性动作、完成性动作还是将要发生的动作。过去完成时是一个相对的时态,表示过去的过去的动作,还有一个特点就是和过去的一段时间搭配。 14. The room is very large and only little room _____ by the new piano. (   ) A. are taken up   B. takes up    C. is taken up     D. is taking up 参考答案: C 15. ---Have you finished your experiment report, Jane? ---Oh, my god. I’ve _____forgotten all about that.. A. exactly B. entirely       C. loosely      D. gratefully 参考答案: B 16. ― Do you think Jim lazy enough? ―I’m afraid he’s ______ than lazy. You see, he works faster than all the others. A. more clever                   B. clever            C. much clever          D. more cleverer 参考答案: A 二、 书面表达 17. 书面表达(满分25分) 假如你是邢台市第一中学学生李华,你的美国笔友约翰信询问雅安地震情况,并表达了去灾区当志愿者的愿望。请你回信,内容主要包括: 1.伤亡情况:死约200人,伤逾万人。 2.救援人员:军队,当地政府及民众。 3.婉言劝止并说明理由。 注意:1.词数100左右。 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3.相关词汇:rescue 救援 the trapped 被困人员 Dear John, Thank you very much for your concern over the earthquake in Ya’an, Sichuan Province.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Anyway, thank you for your offer and I will keep you informed of the situation. Yours Li Hua   参考答案: Dear John, Thank_you_very_much_for_your_concern_over_the_earthquake_in_Ya'an,_Sichuan_Province. Now I'm writing to tell you something about it. As far as I know, about two hundred people were killed and more than ten thousand injured in the earthquake. The army was soon sent to join the local government in the rescue. Together with the local people, they are making every effort to search for the trapped and send the injured to hospitals. I know you are dying to help out. But personally, I don't think it's a good idea for you to come. You know, danger still exists. Besides, you will find it hard to communicate with people there, after all, you speak a different language. Anyway,_thank_you_for_your_offer_and_I_will_keep_you_informed_of_the_situation. Yours Li Hua 三、 阅读理解 18.    Blogs are here to stay. They have become a deep-rooted part of the literary, journalistic, and even social area. Perhaps you would like to start a blog; perhaps you would like to improve your blog; perhaps you would like to take your blog to professional standards—as a means of earning incomes or increasing your visibility. Whatever your goal is, this course

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