
河北省石家庄市鹿泉实验初级中学2022年高一英语模拟试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. If you cheat in the exam, you will never __________it. A. get away from   B. run away from C.put up with  D. get away with 参考答案: D 2. It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and _______ I have it, I am not going to be silent. A. now that B. unless C. so that D. although 参考答案: A 3. ______ of the land in that district _______ covered with trees and grass. A. Two-fifth; is   B. Two- fifth; are    C. Two-fifths; is    D. Two-fifths; are 参考答案: C 4.   ________ prevent her from attending the meeting, he took away the key to their car _______. A. So as to; by mistake            B. In order to;on purpose C. In order to;to her surprise      D. So as to;in surprise 参考答案: B 5.  John, look at the time._____ you play the piano at such a late hour? A. Must       B. Can          C.May            D.Need   参考答案: A 6. The diamond mine _______ accidentally by a little boy when he was playing hide-and-seek. A. discovered                        B. was discovered  C. has been discovered                D. would discover 参考答案: B 7. Excuse me, sir, but may I ________seats with you? I prefer a seat near the window. A.replace  B.dislike  C.swap  D.join 参考答案: C [swap sth with sb和某人交换某物。] 8. I can’t imagine_____ that with such a famous author. A. work      B. to work   C. to be working    D. working 参考答案: D 9. As is reported, it is over 100 years_____ Qinghua University was founded. A. when    B. before    C. after     D. since 参考答案: D 10. Yang Liwei is China’s first astronaut in space, ______ achievements will go down in history. A. that B. whose C. which D. where 参考答案: B 11. We ___ on this project for four hours. Let’s have a rest. A. are working             B. have been working C. worked                 D. had worked 参考答案: B 12. Do you know the student ____________ left a moment ago?      A. whom                           B. which                     C. whose                             D. who 参考答案: D 略 13. —Your shoes look comfortable and warm. —That’s ______ I like best about them. A. how  B. why  C. where  D. what 参考答案: D 14. To my surprise, I was told my suitcases had        arrived in Texas Airport instead of Washington Airport. A. somewhere B. somewhat C. somehow D. anyhow 参考答案: C 15. He trusts you; only you can _______ her to give up the foolish idea. A. suggest          B. notice           C. advise             D. persuade 参考答案: D 16.  The cartoon series Pleasant goat and Big Big Wolf made a good ___ upon all the boys and girls. A. expression       C. opinion        B. impression      D. experience 参考答案: C 二、 书面表达 17.     在日常生活中,因特网起着越来越重要的作用。请根据下面的要点提示,以“The Fantastic Internet”为题,写一篇短文,介绍因特网的作用。要点如下:     1.看国内外新闻,获取其他信息;     2.发e-mall,打电话;     3.读书,学外语;     4.看比赛,欣赏电影、音乐,玩游戏;     5.交友,聊天,购物。 注意: 1.词数100左右;     2.可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯,不逐条翻译; 3.开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。 The Fantastic Internet The Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.                                                                                                                                                               参考答案: 三、 阅读理解 18. Crane was traveling from the United States to Cuba as a newspaper reporter. One night, his ship hit a rock. It sank m the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Florida. Most of the people on board got into lifeboats. Crane was among the last to leave. There were three others with him: the ship's captain, the cook, and a sailor. These four men climbed into the only remaining lifeboat. The boat was so small that no one believed it could stay afloat for very long. None of the four men thought he would ever reach the shore. But the men fought the seas bravely, with all their strength. For two days, the four men had been struggling to reach land, but there was no land to be seen. All the men saw were violent waves which rose and came fiercely down on them. Hours passed. Then, as the boat was carried to the top of a great wave, the captain looked across the water. He said that he saw the lighthouse at Mosquito Inlet. The cook also said he saw it. The lighthouse had been slowly growing larger. At last, from the top of each wave the men in the boat could see the land. Slowly, the land seemed to rise from the sea. Soon, the men could see two lines, one black and one white. They knew that the black line was formed by trees, and the white line was the sand. At last, the captain saw a house on the shore. And the lighthouse became even larger. Slowly and beautifully, the land rose from the sea. The wind came again. Finally, the men heard a new sound — the sound of waves breaking and crashing on the shore. The men watched the shore grow larger. They became hopeful. In an hour, perhaps, they would be on land. The men struggled to keep the boat from turning over. They were used to balancing in the boat. The reporter thought he was now wet to the sk

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