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1、新概念英语青少版入门级A 期末测试卷Name _ Marks _ 一.听力部分I.圈出听到的单词。(10 )I.You(are aren t)six.2.(I 1 m m)not five.3.You aren t(eight nine).4.(He She sllt 5.This is(his her)rabbit.6.This is(his her)frog.7.lt s(oimder)the table.8.Hes a(dan cer doctor)9.It s(behind front of)the school bag.1O.She s(fat thin).II.给下列单词编号。(5

2、 ).tall little thin fat 2.frog mouse parrot tortoise()()()()()()()().policeman policewoma n postma n nurse()()()()4.a norak T-shirt shirt sweater 5.behi nd in on un der()()()()()()()()III.选择你所听到的句子(10 )1.()A.You are six.B.You aren;丄?t SIX.2.()A.He s short.B.She s short.3.()A.Is he tall?B.Is she tall

3、?4.()A.She s a nu rse.B.She isn t a nu rse.5.()A.What color is your T-shirt?B.What color is your shirt?6.()A.What sits name?B.What s his n ame?7.()A.My cap is red.B.My car is red.8.()A.It s under the table.B.It son the table.9.()A.Is it a trai n?B.It is a train.I.选择题(10 )1.How old are you?A.I m nin

4、e.B.I m MaxC.You re nine.2.What s your n ame?A.I m ten.B.I m Pop.C.You are Pop.3.Are you seve n?)9.Is she short?)10.Are you Lim?A.Yes,I m B.No,I m not.C.Yes,you are.10.()A.What this?B.What that?二.笔试部分II.用am,is,are 填空1.I six.2.You eight.3.She a teacher.4.He a postma n.5.It a dog.III.用 a,an 填空(5)1.ano

5、rak 2.mouse 3.teacher 4.sausage 5.salad A.Yes,I am.B.No,I m seveC.Yes,I m not.4.Mary a dan cer.A.am B.is C.are 5.1s she a policewoma n?A.Yes,she is.B.Yes,he is.C.No,he isn 6.What color is it?A.It s a cap.B.It s a sweater.C.It blue.7.Where s my book?A.It s un der the schoolbag.B.It s a book.C.Yes,it

6、is.)8.Is it a pig?A.Yes,it is.B.No,he isn t.C.Yes,she is.A.Yes,she isn B.No,she isn .C.Yes,he is.III.写出缩写形式。(10)1am two._ 2.I am not seve n.3.You are six.4.You are not ten.5.He is fat.6.She is thi n.7.She is not a doctor.8.That is a parrot.9.What is it?10.lt is a tortoise.IV.写句子(5 )e.g.a boy.Robert

7、is-1.a doctor?Is he 2.policewoman?3.is Jack.His 4.This his rabbit 5.in the room a bed V.翻译(1 0)dancer _ parrot _ behi nd _ rabbit _ _ VI.、读一读,正确写Robert is a boy.Are you a _ is _ is there _ policewoman _ tortoise _ in front of _ yes”,不一致的写“2、He is a postman.hamburger _ sweater _ nine _ no”.(1x6=6 分)3

8、、Happy birthday!4、I am a doctor.5、It isna bike.口试(15)单词:句子:()1.它是红色吗?A.Is it blue?B.Is it red?()2.是的,它是。A.Y es,it is.B.No,it isn t.()3.看我的鼻子。A.Look at my no se.B.Look at my mouth.()4.他不是一个警察,。A.He isnt a policema n.B.Is he a policema n()5.我个子高吗?A.I am tall.B.Am I tall?()6.这是我的妈妈。A.This is my dad B.This is my mum.()7.那是我的书。A.This is my salad.B.That s my book.()8.她的名字叫Kate。A.Her name is Kate.B.His n ame is Kate.VII.根据给出的中文意思,选择正确的英文句子,(9分)A.Is that a mon key?写上它的序号。)9.那是一只猴子吗?B.That isn a mon key.6、Oh!The parrot!



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