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1、2021年河南省焦作市温县第一高中分校高一英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Seeing that he was so seriously ill, I insisted that he _ to hospital at once.A. was sent B. be sent C. will be sent D. had been sent参考答案:B2. The weather turned out to be very good, _ we hadnt expect. A. what B. which C. that D. it参考答案:B3. It took Joan a long t

2、ime to _ a new dress at the store.A. pick up B. take up C. take out D. pick out参考答案:D略4. Leo, we will have a picnic this Sunday. Would you like to join us?Sorry, I _ my parents.A. have visited B. was visitingC. will be visiting D. will have visit参考答案:C5. _ comes first will get the prize. A. Who B. W

3、hoever C. Whom D. Whomever 参考答案:B略6. good and sweet, this kind of pear was soon sold out in the market. A. Tasted B. tasting C. Having been tasted D. Being tasted参考答案:B略7. To reach Africa, we flew _ high mountains, _ deep valleys and _great deserts(沙漠).A. on, across, though B. over, through, through

4、C. over, through, across D. on, in, across参考答案:C 略8. Jack, you seem in high spirits. _ .We won the match 4-0. A. Guess what? B. So what? C. No wonder. D. No doubt.参考答案:A9. He commanded that all the gates _.A. should shut B. would be shut C. shut D. be shut参考答案:D略10. If it tomorrow, the sports meet w

5、ould be put off. A. rain B. rains C. should rain D. will rain参考答案:C略11. The _look on his face showed that he had enough confidence in himself. A. surprised B. upset C. excited D. determined参考答案:D12. We wont _ other athletes in the 100-meter race if we dont spend more time training hard.A. compete fo

6、r B. compete with C. compete in C. compete参考答案:B13. The _ look on Toms face showed that he completely believed in himself.A. surprised B. concerned C. excited D. determined参考答案:D14. If you see Jack please give my _ to him for not having written to him. A. apology B. excuse C. message D. theory参考答案:A

7、略15. Last week the staff made_ suggestions, but unluckily they were just _ impractical by the manager.A. dozen of; dismissed for B. many dozens of; dismissed fromC. two dozen; being dismissed as D. dozens of; dismissed as参考答案:D16. Hes a man of and he had a lot of interesting in his life .Amany exper

8、iences ,experiences Brich experience ,experienceCmuch experience ,experiencesDmany experiences ,experience参考答案:C二、 填空17. Dubai is a large port city but it has a desert climate. In the past, Dubai was not a big city. Most of its citizens lived simple lives._41_ 他们通过捕鱼挣钱 or dived for valuable ocean pe

9、arls. Until recently, most people in the area around Dubai lived the same way that they had lived for hundreds of years before.All that changed in1966, _42_.那时工人在迪拜发现了石油 At this time, the Maktoums were Dubais ruling family. _43_. Oil quickly brought them large amounts of wealth. But the family knew

10、that the oil would not last forever. So they decided to put a lot of their money into other industries-like tourism and trade.Now, tourism is a major industry in Dubai. Each year, millions of people come to visit the city. Many people come to see Dubais famous building projects. _44_. Dubai has the

11、worlds tallest and highest priced hotel. It also has two sets of man-made islands. The Palm Islands(棕榈群岛)are a group of islands made in the shape of a date palm tree. Dubais World Islands look like a map of the world. And, _45_.它们是如此之大以至于你在太空都能看得到!参考答案:41. They earned money by catching fish 42. when

12、 workers discovered oil in Dubai 43. 石油很快给他们带来巨额财富 44. 迪拜有世界上最高的、价格最贵的宾馆 45. they are so large that you can even see them in space【41题详解】根据时间状语In the past,可判断出是发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时;by doing通过做某事,这是固定用法,所以填They earned money by catching fish。【42题详解】when引导时间状语从句,所以填when workers discovered oil in Dubai。【43题详

13、解】large amounts of大量,该短语是固定短语,所以填石油很快给他们带来巨额财富。【44题详解】tallest和 highest priced并列的形容词修饰名词hotel,所以填迪拜有世界上最高的、价格最贵的宾馆。【45题详解】so that太以至于,该句型是固定句型,所以填they are so large that you can even see them in space。三、 阅读理解18. (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项并将该项在答题卡上涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。 71 Sports help to k

14、eep people healthy, happy and help them to live longer.Sports change with the seasons. 72 Games and sports often grow out of peoples work and everyday activities .The Arabs(阿拉伯人) use horses or camels in much of their everyday life; they use them in their sports, too. Some sports are so interesting that p


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