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1、2022年湖南省娄底市涟源增加乡中学高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Do you think it is worth_ ones health to look slim and attractive? A. to destroy Bto damage Cdamaging Ddestroying 参考答案:C略2. Apple CEO Steve Jobs died of cancer in October, 2011, _ made most people sad.A. whoB. whichC. whenD. what参考答案:B3. Many of Florences mos

2、t beautiful paintings and sculptures were _ during the Renaissance.Aincreased BproducedCdrawn Dmade参考答案:Bpainting与draw搭配;sculpture与make搭配,二者不能换用。produce意为“生产,制造”,符合句意。4. You made the same mistake for second time, dropping “n” in the word “environment”.A. a; the B. a; aC. the; an D. a; an参考答案:D【详解】考查

3、不定冠词的特殊用法。不定冠词跟序数词连用不表示次序,而是表示“又一次”相当于once again,后面的单词environment里面有两个n,而题干中的“n”是单数,这个字母又是元音音素开头的,因此用an。要注意不定冠词用在读音是元音音素开头的字母或单词的前面,而不是元音字母或元音字母开头的单词前,如an hour,但a university, a European country等。故选D。5. After graduation from college,he began to wander from city to city,_a suitable job.Ahunting for Bg

4、etting toClooking after Dbringing up参考答案:A略6. The students in our school each _ an English dictionary.A. have B. has C. had D. are having 参考答案:A7. -What a pity! I missed the last concert of the year. -Oh, not at all. It was so terrible. In fact, I would rather I there. A. hadnt been B. was not C. ha

5、vent been D. am not参考答案:A略8. Ill tell you _ he told me last week. A. all which B. that C. all that D. which 参考答案:C略9. She should stop. She _ for six hours and that is too long.A. has driven B. is drivingC. will driveD. has been driving参考答案:D10. That government tried its best to the peoples needs, bu

6、t the people was still not_. As a matter of fact, what the government did was not_.A. satisfy, satisfied, satisfying B. satisfy, satisfying, satisfied C. satisfied, satisfied, satisfying D. satisfying, satisfied, satisfied参考答案:A略11. Did Mary enjoy visiting her former roommates last night? Yes, she d

7、id. She _ them for a long time.A. didnt see B. hadnt seen C. hasnt seen D. wouldnt see参考答案:B12. She heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth.A. it B. which C. this D. that参考答案:B13. _ with them in the afternoon?A. Do you suggest what we should do B. Do you suggest what should we do

8、C. What do you suggest should we do D. what do you suggest we should do参考答案:D略14. -Can you go to the mall with me this Sunday? - Sure, _.A. Id love to B. Im sorry , I cantC. OK D. Oh, no参考答案:A【详解】考查交际用语。句意:这个星期天你可以和我购物中心吗?当然了,我想去的。根据sure,可知后者同意和对方一起去购物中心,所以使用Id like to。故选A项。15. - What happened to yo

9、u these days? I havent seen you for several weeks.- Its a long story, but _ , I went to America to visit my friend.A. in my opinion B. from what I understand C. in a nutshell D. as you see参考答案:C略16. If you want to keep healthy, you should the junk food.Astay away from Bget along withCpay attention t

10、o Dlook forward to参考答案:A17. _get to the company in time, we set out early in the morning.ASo as to BIn order toCSo that DIn order that参考答案:B空格后面是动词原形get,所以排除C、D两项,因为C、D两项后跟从句;A项不能位于句首,故排除。18. A _ has been launched by the netizens on the Net to get rid of unhealthy information which does harm to youn

11、g students. A. struggle B. campaign C. fight D. battle 参考答案:B二、 单词拼写19. In spite of his troubles, he gave the _(外表) of being happy.参考答案:appearance三、 阅读理解20. According to some researchers, you should not praise children for everything that they do. It does not help them build self-confidence. Most pa

12、rents and teachers agree that praise can help increase childrens self-confidence the more, the better. However, according to some researchers, only proper praise is good for children. If adults praise everything children do, it makes children look for praise all the time, not trying to do their best

13、. Teachers should not say things like good job or nice work whenever a child does something. They should encourage them to continue to improve, some researchers advise.Another idea is that children with high self-confidence are happier, and do better at school. About this, Marshall Duke, a researche

14、r in children, says, Self-confidence does not make children happier, get more, or become able to do more. Finding a childs strengths (强项) and developing them can help build confidence more than too much praise can. Praise also loses its effect (影响) if it is given equally to all students. Its important to tell children the truth about what theyve done. Honest feedback (反馈) is far better than empty praise, Duke adds. People hav


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