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1、2022年黑龙江省绥化市晓华中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. If she accepts this position, she will have no choice but _ an even greater challenge.A. to meet B. meets C. meeting D. met参考答案:A2. - I promise to go shopping with you if you help me with the housework. - _ You are the last person to keep a promise.A. Thats gre

2、at! B. How come? C. I dont agree. D. Come off it!参考答案:D略3. The successful launch of the Shenzhou-7 spaceship is a powerful witness to our countrys great _ in space science.A. encouragement B. solution C. achievement D. intention参考答案:C 4. Shes failed her test again. _! Lets go and give her a hand.A.

3、What a relief B. She deserves it C. What a shame D. She said it参考答案:C5. Journalists are evenly split on whether or not they should interview their personal heroes:some say you shouldnt because youll find your idol has _,while others argue the opportunity is too good to miss()Abutterflies in his stom

4、achBa green fingerCfeet of clayDa wet blanket参考答案:Cbutterflies in ones stomach心里紧张,七上八下;a green finger精通园艺;feet of clay内在的缺陷,致命的弱点;a wet blanket扫兴的人根据句意:记者就是否他们应该采访他们个人英雄这一问题上正反两方旗鼓相当:一些人说不应该采访,因为你会发现你的偶像也会有内在的缺陷,而另一些人争论机会难得不能失去故选C6. I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I _ to Hainan for

5、 holiday.A. will be flying B. will fly C. have been flying D. have flown参考答案:A7. 31Can all the donation be delivered to the earthquake-stricken area?Hard to say. Even if only 1% can reach them, I am still glad to do it, as the saying goes, “ ”. AThe more, the better BEasier said than done CBetter la

6、te than never DBetter than nothing 参考答案:D略8. I cant believe you got fined for speeding.I of you to be the most careful.A.am thinking B.think C.have thought D.thought参考答案:D9. Dont worry too much about making _ mistakes. They are _ natural part of learning. A. /: a B. the;/C. /; the D. the; the 参考答案:A

7、10. _ time, she will make a first-class tennis player like LiNa. A. Having givenB. To giveC. GivingD. Given参考答案:D11. After_ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to have the job interview. A. that B. what C. which D. who参考答案:B12. Smile,_ you will find life will smile at you Atill Bso Cand Dor参考答案:

8、C略13. He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _ was seen at its best when he worked with others.A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character参考答案:D略14. There is no food left and the grocery stores are shut so you have to _. Ago without Bgo out Cgo mad Dgo wrong参考答案:A 15. _the good

9、old days,he couldnt help smiling.A. Looking back at B. Looking on C . Looking forward to D . Looking into参考答案:A略16. Id rather ride a bike as bike riding has _ of the trouble of taking buses.A. much B. all C. neither D. none参考答案:D17. -I hope I can see you at my birthday party.-Oh, dear. I . When is i

10、t? Aalmost forgot Bhad almost forgotten Cwill almost forget Dhave almost forgotten 参考答案:D18. As President Xi Jinping put it in Moscow on Saturday, Chinas development creates more _ than threatsA changesB opportunitiesC positionsD shares参考答案:B二、 单词拼写19. 单词拼写66. The reason that Tom _(解释) for his being

11、 late didnt satisfy his teacher. 67.The only _(可进入) to the farmhouse is across the fields. 68.What were his _(实际上) words ?69. We are deeply _(感激的) to you for your wonderful work during the course of teaching in the past three years.70. Can you call me back at your _(方便) ?71._ (祝贺) to you on passing

12、the exam!72. Some teenagers waste too much time either playing computer games or_(聊天) online, which upsets their parents.73. Youll just have to be _ (耐心) and wait till Im finished.74. He has changed so much that I could hardly _(认出)him.75. Prices have risen sharply in the _(十年).参考答案:66. explained 67

13、.access 68. actual 69. grateful/thankful 70. convenience 71. Congratulations 72.chatting 73. patient 74. recognize 75. decade三、 阅读理解20. MIAMI一Florence, currently a tropical storm with maximum sustained winds of 60 mph, is prepared to strengthen to a hurricane” it head,toward the U. S. East Coast, the National Hurricane Center said Friday. Over the next few days, the stor


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