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1、2022年甘肃省定西市中考英语试卷听力部分I.听力理解(分6小节,共30题;每题1分,满分30)第一节:听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。1(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 第二节:听句子,选择恰当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。2A.Yes,please.B.Have fun.C.Lets go.3A.Here you are.B.Sorry to hear that.C.Not at all!4A.Im very well.B.Hes fine.C.Its sunny.5A.I have no idea.B.My pleasure.C.Good luck!6A.It mus

2、t be Lilys.B.Were in China.C.Theyre blue.第三节:听对话及问题,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。7What animals does Sam like best?A.Monkeys.B.Pandas.C.Lions.8When will the football game start?A.At 4:30.B.At 4:00.C.At 3:30.9Who is Tina?A.Daisys mother.B.Daisys sister.C.Daisys cousin.10How is Bettys life in Gansu?A.Just so

3、 so.B.Great.C.Too bad.11Why was David late for the meeting?A.Because hes ill.B.Because he forgot the time.C.Because his car didnt work.第四节:听长对话,根据其内容选出能回答下列问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。12(2分)(1)Where is the surprise party?A.In a restaurant.B.In a classroom.C.In a park.(2)Will they be able to get to the party on

4、time?A.No way.B.Yes,they probably will.C.No,they wont.13(3分)(1)Whats wrong with the woman?A.She has a cold.B.She is too stressed out.C.Shes got a stomachache.(2)How long has the woman been like that?A.For over a week.B.For about three days.C.Since the day before.(3)What should the woman do?A.Take th

5、e medicine once a day.B.Drink only a little water.C.Call the doctor if shes still sick the next week.第五节:听短文,根据其内容选择能回答下列问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。14(1)How is John Smith?A.Very old.B.Very weak.C.Very well.(2)What does John Smith do?A.A teacher.B.A worker.C.A driver.(3)How many children does Mr.Smith have?A.4.B.

6、5.C.6.(4)Why doesnt Mr.Smiths eldest son live with his parents?A.Because his school is too far away from the town.B.Because he is a teacher in a village.C.Because he doesnt like his parents.(5)Who doesnt go to school in Mr.Smiths family?A.His youngest daughter and his eldest son.B.His youngest son.C

7、.All of his children.第六节:听短文,根据其内容填写下面表格中所缺的信息。短文读三遍。(每空限填一词)注:请将此节的答案填写在答题卡非选择题部分的相应位置上。15The earth has a special day.It is much like your(1) .It is on(2) 22nd.The Earth Day 2022Knowing more about the importance of the(3) .We.to help the earth!can keep the rivers,lakes and ponds clean,and(4) water

8、when washing dishes,taking a bath or doing other thingscan plant more trees ,and not cut them down at willmustnt(5) at school,at home or in the neighborhoodread more about how to protect it and tell it to others Lets start together now!笔试部分.语法与情景对话(共20题;每题1分,满分20分)阅读下列各题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。16I ju

9、st bought a new shirt._shirt was pretty expensive.()AABAnCTheD/17The_rang and Pat answered it.It was his son calling from New York.()AtelephoneBdoorbellCclockDbike18These are my cousins._are both university students.()AWeBYouCIDThey19We can see the toy bear_in the picture.()Ain the boxBon the bedCbe

10、side the shelfDunder the table20This will be my visit to the Great Wall.Im really excited.Really?I cant believe youve never been there yet.You arrived in Beijing almost a year ago!()AfirstBsecondCthirdDfourth21Lets_the chicken and make some soup.()Alook atBcut upCput offDknock against22Hows the new

11、restaurant?Its_.We waited a long time for the food to arrive.()AwonderfulBexcitingCdifficultDawful23I havent got any apple juice,_Ive got some orange juice.Would you like some?()AbutBandCorDfor24_do you exercise?Every day.()AHow longBWhyCWhat timeDHow often25Linda spoke too quietly.I could_hear her

12、at the back.()AalwaysBeverChardlyDusually26Shall we have an outdoor graduation party after the exam?_I think everyone will love it.()AGood idea.BNo way.CEnjoy yourself.DThe same to you.27Paper_in ancient China more than 2,000 years ago.()AinventedBwas inventedCinventDis invented28I wonder_.()Athat A

13、pril is the hottest month in ThailandBdo you know where I can buy some medicineCwhether June is a good time to visit GansuDhow can I improve my pronunciation29I dont think sixteenyearolds should be allowed to smoke._Its bad for the teens health.()AI agree.BI hope so.CI disagree.DI hope not.30What ca

14、n we know from this School Notice?()ASchool will start on Monday.BSchool will be closed for a week.CWeve succeeded in fighting against COVID19.DStudents neednt go to school on March 16.31Hi,Mary.You look tired._I missed the school bus so I had to run to school this morning.()AWhat happened?BWhat a pain!CYoure kidding.DHow about you?32We_a meeting.Come and join in.()Awere havingBare hav



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