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1、1Journeys of Discovery READING FOR LEARNING 2 READING FOR DOING 3 GUIDED WRITING4 AUDIO/VIDEO LAB5 WARM-UP1 WRAP-UP6WARM-UPTask 1Look at the sample and then complete the two exercises that follow. WhichPairIstheSameastheExample?SampleExample:(1)Dolphin(2)Salmon(鲑鱼)A(1)Turtle(海龟)(2)EagleB(1)Salmon(2)

2、SpiderC(1)Seahorse(2)SharkAnswer and reason: The answer is C because just as the example, in which both dolphin and salmon can only live in water, both seahorse and shark can only live in water as well. Exercise1Example:(1)Fish(2)GoldfishA(1)Butterfly(2)BeeB(1)Crab(螃蟹)(2)SpiderC(1)Mammal(哺乳动物)(2)Wha

3、leExercise2Example:(1)Butterfly(2)DragonflyA(1)Spider(2)ElephantB(1)Eagle(2)BeeC(1)Zebra(斑马)(2)SnakeExercise 1 The answer is C because a whale is a subspecies of a mammal. Exercise 2 The answer is B because both animals can fly. WARM-UPTask 2Discuss the questions in pairs. 1Whichanimalinterestsyoumo

4、st?2Whatfascinatingfactsdoyouknowaboutanimals?Possible answers 1. I find bats fascinating. They can fly through woodland in pitch black.Possible answers 2 Reindeer can see UV light.Dragon flies are master predators. They catch 95% of their prey, lions catch only 40%.Elephants use infrasonic hearing

5、to communicate when they are very far from one another. They can hear thunderstorms from 500km away. Thats like someone in London listening to a storm in Edinburgh.Chinawasoncecalledthe“WorldFactory”,and“_inChina”wasthelabelonproductsthatwereof“high-qualityyetinexpensive”.Thisimage,however,is_today.

6、Withthe_ofscientificresearchcapacityandthe_ofthemanufacturingindustry,Chinaisimpressingtheworldwithhigh-techandhigh-qualityproducts“MadeinChina”isbecoming“_inChina”.“中国制造”曾经是世界上认知度最高的标签之一,是“物美价廉”商品的代名词。今天,中国“世界工厂”的形象正在改变。随着科技创新能力的提高,昔日低附加值的加工制造业正逐步向高技术、高质量、高品质路线转变,“中国制造”正迈向“中国创造”。Task 3Fill in the b

7、lanks with the words in the box.MadeCreateddevelopmentchangingupgradeMadeWARM-UPdevelopmentupgradechangingCreatedUsingtheintroductionparagraph(有效利用开头有效利用开头段落段落)文章的开头段落一般具有文章概览的特点,它是对文章内容的整体介绍,通常包含背景知识、相关统计数据、作者的主要观点等。所以,在写论文或查阅资料时,我们通常可以通过快速浏览文章的开头段落来决定是否继续阅读或购买这篇资料。Task 1Read the first paragraph an

8、d tick the things you think the text will cover. Read the text and check your predictions. READING FOR LEARNING1Howanimalsmigrate.2Whyanimalsmigrate.3Ourunderstandingofanimalmigration.4Thebiggestmigrationofanimals.5Howhumanstravelaround. A Nearly all animal migrations happen for one reason onlysurvi

9、val. For some animals, it is to find food. However, for others, it is to have their young in a place away from other dangerous animals. Animals do not have a calendar on their wall to tell them when to migrate. So how do they know when to leave? How do they find their way back to the place they were

10、 born many years ago? Or how do they know which direction to go on a 12,000-mile journey? Scientists are starting to understand more of the secrets of animal migration. Amazing Journeys译译文文奇妙的旅途几乎所有的动物迁徙都只是出于同一个理由生存。有些动物迁移是为了寻找食物,另一些则是为了远离危险,繁衍后代。动物们没有一个挂在墙上的日历告诉他们何时迁徙,那么它们是如何知道何时该启程了呢?它们又是如何找回到多年前出

11、生的地方呢?又或者,它们是如何知道在这12,000英里的旅途中该向哪个方向前行呢?科学家正开始了解更多关于动物迁徙的奥秘。B Knowing when to migrate comes from various things. For some animals, it is how long the day is. Some judge the time by the temperature outside, whereas others know when to travel by the level of fat in their body. Animals know how much f

12、at they need. When their fat levels fall, many will migrate. However, if they wait too long, they will not have enough fat to make the journey. 译译文文很多事物可以告诉动物何时迁徙:有些依据白天的长短,有些靠外界的温度变化判断时间,而另一些则通过他们体内脂肪的水平决定启程的时间。动物们知道自己需要多少脂肪。当脂肪水平减少时,很多动物就会出发。但是,如果它们等待的时间过长,就会没有足够的脂肪来完成旅行。C No one fully knows how a

13、nimals find their way to their destination. However, research is starting to show that both animals minds and the human brain have something like the GPS. Animals may use anything from landmarks, the stars, the moon and the sun to help remember where they are, where they have been and where they are

14、 going. While humans might remember short journeys such as their way around a city, it is quite another step to travel to somewhere over 10,000 miles away with nothing but yourself! 译译文文没有人充分了解动物是如何找到迁徙目的地的。但研究正显示,动物的大脑和人的大脑都有类似全球定位系统的东西。动物可以利用地标、星辰、月亮和太阳等任何东西帮它们记住自己现在在哪里,曾经去过哪里,以及将要去哪里。虽然人们可能会记住一些较

15、短的路途,例如所在城市周围的路线,但是仅靠自己不借助任何帮助就踏上一个一万多英里的旅途,就是另一回事了。More Information全球卫星定位系统是一种以人造地球卫星为基础的高精度无线电导航的定位系统。我国的北斗北斗卫卫星导航系统星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,简称BDS)也是一个成熟的卫星系统。北斗系统建成后,将为全球用户提供基本导航、全球短报文通信、国际搜救等服务。Some turtles can travel 12,000 miles back to the beach where they were born to have th

16、eir own young turtles. Salmon “smell” the water to return from the sea to a river. Many birds, butterflies and crabs use the Earth like a giant magnet to find their way. 译译文文一些海龟可以迁徙12,000英里,回到它们出生的那片海滩来繁衍后代。大马哈鱼靠闻海水的气味从大海回到河流。很多鸟类、蝴蝶和蟹类都把地球当成一个巨型磁铁来寻找方向。New Words Phrases and Expressions # migration survival calendar# migrate directiontemperature whereas fat destination landmarkfind ones way (back) toProper Names # turtle # salmon # crab giant # magnetmigratione.g. Swallowsbegintheirmigrationsou


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