盐城工学院《大学英语1》课件-Unit 10

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1、Unit 10盐城工学院大学英语盐城工学院大学英语1Text ComprehensionSection 1 Para. 1 A group of young men were going on a vacation.Section 2 Para 2 16 They found out Vingos story on the journey.Section 3 Para 17 18 The oak tree had lots of yellow handkerchiefs on it at Brunswick.Language Pointsmysterious: adj. full of mys

2、tery; strange1.For fear of a letter bomb, no one dare touch that mysterious parcel.2.Johnny is determined to explore the mysterious Bermuda Triangle when he grows up.Cf. mysteryevery adj.1.We have English classes every other day .2.Americans elect a president every four years (every fourth year).We

3、have classes _ day: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.A. other B. every C. each other D. every otherDanew: adv. again(强调用新的或不同的方式,与以前有强调用新的或不同的方式,与以前有对比的意味)对比的意味)1.The gate has been painted anew. 2.She started her life anew in a fresh place. Cf. newsometime: adv. a certain time in the past or future1.I w

4、orked as an industrial consultant for that factory sometime around 1969.2.I dont remember exactly, but I did meet this person sometime when I was in Paris.3.I will talk to him about it sometime.Cf. some time sometimes some times1.I stayed there for some time.2.I sometimes stay in bed until lunch tim

5、e.3.I have been to Beijing some times.4.The story happened sometime during the Second World War.They were going to Fort Lauderdale and . they were carrying dreaming of as the cold spring of New York vanished behind them.,board: v.1.Flight 387 for New York is now boarding at Gate 15.2.Passengers shou

6、ld board the train now.3.When did he board the plane ? We had planned to see him off.n. 1.He was on board the flight to New York.2.Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.3.飞机上的人都很着急飞机上的人都很着急,而且我们急于想了解出了什么事。而且我们急于想了解出了什么事。1.Boards are used much in building.2.

7、His uncle is now on the Board.3.The board of the directors unanimously agreed that Mr White was the best candidate for the job.4.董事会一致同意怀特先生是干这项工作的最佳候选人。董事会一致同意怀特先生是干这项工作的最佳候选人。5.She arranged to board some students from the university.6. 她供一些大学生膳宿。她供一些大学生膳宿。Are you _ of management of this company?A.

8、 on board B. on the boardC. above board D. by the boardBdream of1.I dreamed of becoming a civil engineer when I was young.2.The pilot often dreamt of home.vanish: disappear either suddenly or gradually1.The fairy vanished at the sound of human beings.2.A number of the once deadly diseases have vanis

9、hed from the earth.3.I thought it would rain, but the clouds have vanished and its a fine day. 4.我原以为天要下雨的,可是云消失了,是个好天。我原以为天要下雨的,可是云消失了,是个好天。 Cf. disappear1.When spring comes, the snow disappears.2.I watched him until he disappeared from sight in the distance.3.The thief ran into the crowd and vanis

10、hed from sight.mask: v. conceal; hide (esp. feeling)1.He masked his anger with a smile.2.The young man masked his hatred under an appearance of friendship.3.She masked her grief with jokes before her guests.4.The pollution is so serious in the country that you must mask your face once in a while.Cf.

11、 n. 1.Everyone who enter the chemical laboratory must wear a mask.2.At a masked ball the guests wear masks. 3.a gas mask/ a flu maskpull into/in: arrive at ( a station); move in towards, as a motor vehicle1.The train pulled into the station on the stroke of 12.2.Lets pull into the parking lot and ha

12、ve a rest.3.As the train pulled in there was a rush to get seats.Cf. pull out (of)1.The peace-preserving army of the United Nations pulled out of the area.2.联合国的维和部队撤出了那个地区。联合国的维和部队撤出了那个地区。pull up 把(车)靠在路边;(车辆)停在路边把(车)靠在路边;(车辆)停在路边1.He pulled up his car outside the inn.2.He pulled up at the “George”

13、 for lunch.root: fix firmly (使使)扎根扎根, 使立定不动使立定不动, 坚定不移坚定不移1.His difficulties are rooted in his lack of education.2.Our movement is rooted in the hearts of the people.These words have been rooted in my memory.Stunned by what had happened, the old man stood rooted on the spot.(使使)生根生根Do roses root eas

14、ily? Cf. n. the square root the root of a plantwonder about: suggest or think (something) that is not so;1.Do you often wonder about the future of the world ?2.Have you often wondered about his reasons for wanting this money?3.I was wondering how to get there quickly.4.I wonder how you came to miss

15、your way.Cf. wonder (at/that/ to do): be surprised and want to know (why)1.I wonder at your allowing him to do such a thing.2.I wondered to see him looking so cheerful.3.I dont wonder you were anxious about his safety.1.A wonder lasts but nine days.2.谚谚什么事儿都新鲜不了多久。什么事儿都新鲜不了多久。retreat: vi withdraw; m

16、ove away (from)1.The defeated army had to retreat hastily.2.The Jacksons retreat to the south every winter.3.I retreated to the country for a long weekend.4.You cant retreat from your responsibility in this affair. Cf. n. The enemy was in full retreat.【反义反义】advanceTen days ago the young man informed his boss of his intention to _. A. resign B. retreat C. reject D. replaceAnod: vi1.The student sat nodding over the dull book.2.The teacher caught one of his pupils nodding.3.I nodded off in the meet


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