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1、Project Management & Contract Law项目管理和合同法Trainer: Herb brookInterpret: Richard guoOutline(大纲)Legal System Layers法定体系层Sources of Law法的来源Contracts合同Legal system layersSanctionsSample ConductCode of EthicsNo formal penaltyFailure to report moonlightingProfessional MisconductDisciplinary actionMoonlight

2、ing for competitorTort LawCompensation to othersSlanderContract LawCompensation to clientBreach of contractCriminal LawPunishment (Jail)Breach of criminal codeAs conduct worsens the severity of the sanctions increase法律体系层面随着行为的进一步恶化处罚的严肃性也增加。处罚办法行为案例道德规范代码无正式处罚不报告 moonlighting职业人员的明知故犯训诫式的起诉为竞争对手提供暗

3、地服务民事法对他人的补偿诽谤合同法对客户的补偿违约合同刑法处罚 (进监狱)违反犯罪 codeSources of LawThe US Legal SystemBased on English common law except in State of LouisianaConsists of two partsLegislativeThe common law法的来源美国的法律体系除美国的路易斯安那州外都基于英国的普通法。 由两部分组成立法机构普通法Legislative lawDetermined by legislatures (US Congress and State Legislat

4、ures)Consists ofStatutes Professional Engineering Licensing Laws (States)Occupational Health and Safety Act (US)RegulationsCreated by organizations like the Society of Professional Engineers. 立法机构的立法由立法机构决定 (美国国会和州立法机构)组成部分有:条例 职业工程师执照法 (州)职业的健康和安全法案 (国家)法规由诸如职业工程师协会组织创建. Common LawJudge-Made Law Ba

5、sed on the theory of PrecedentContract DisputeLegal RulingPrecedentPrecedent - a legal principle established in previous court decisionswhich involved similar or analogous fact situations.普通法衡平法 基于先例的理论合同纠纷法律规则先例先例先例 - 一种建立在前一个类似案例的法庭宣判结果的法律原理。一种建立在前一个类似案例的法庭宣判结果的法律原理。Precedent Example - Fundamental

6、 BreachMay be applied to render exemption clauses in contracts ineffective.Case HistoryHarbutt Plaasticine v. Wayne Tank & Pump (1970). Factory burned down due to faulty material. $2,300limitied liability in contract was waived and $170,000 paid. Precedent - in the event of fundamental breach (a bre

7、ach of such nature as to go to the very root of the contract)an exmption clause in a contract would not afford protection to the party that committed the breach先例案例 - 根本性的违约可能应用于解释无效合同中的免除条款.案例历史Harbutt Plaasticine v. Wayne Tank & Pump (1970). 由于不合格材料导致工厂被烧毁。合同中$2,300的有限责任被放弃,赔偿了 $170,000。先例 -根本上违反合

8、同中的免除条款(该违反涉及到合同中的根本性问题)不能对违反条款方提供保护。The Theory of Deep PocketsThe purpose of Contract Lawis to compensate wronged parties for their damages (not for punishment)Therefore, legal action will tend to be made against those with the greatest capacity to pay.深口袋理论合同法的目的在于为受害方的损失提供赔偿(不是为了惩罚)因此,法律行为通常针对最有支

9、付能力的一方。Contract LawDefinitionrelationship between 2 or more people defining rights and obligations5 Essential Elements of EnforceabilityOffer and AcceptanceMutual IntentAconsideration was paid (If not, then the contract is an “agreement”.Capacity (18 yrs of age, sound mind, capable)Lawful Purpose合同法

10、定义在两方或多方之间定义权利和义务的一种关系具备法律效力的五个关键因素提供和接受双方自愿已支付 报酬 (如果没有支付,该合同仅仅是一个协议)。法律承担能力 (18岁以上,精神正常,有能力)合法的目的Bilateral vs. Unilateral ContractsEvery contract involves at least two parties: an offeror and an offeree. The offeror promises to do or not to do something. Whether a contract is unilateral or bilater

11、al depends on what the offeree must do to accept. A bilateral contract is a promise for a promise; if the offeree need only promise to perform, the contract is bilateral. A unilateral contract is a promise for an act; if the offeree can accept only by complete performance, the contract is unilateral

12、. A unilateral contracts offer becomes irrevocable once substantial performance has been completed. 双边与单边合同每一个合同至少涉及到两个合同方: 提供方和接受方 。提供方承诺做或者不做某个(些)事情。采用单边合同还是双边合同取决于接受方为了接受必须做什么双边合同是对一个承诺的承诺;如果接受方只需要承诺履行,合同则为双边合同。 单边合同是对一个行为的承诺;如果接受方只有通过完全履行才能接受,合同则为单边合同。在单边合同中,一旦关键部分已经履行, 提供则不能召回。Expressed vs. Imp

13、lied ContractsAn express contract is one in which the terms are expressed in words, oral or written, A contract that is implied from the conduct of the parties is an iniplied-in-fact contract, or simply an implied contract. The parties conduct reveals that they intended to form a contract and create

14、s and defines its terms. To establish an implied-in-fact contract: (1) the plaintiff must have furnished some service or property; (2) the plaintiff must have expected to be paid and the defendant knew or should have known that payment was expected; and (3) the defendant had a chance to reject the s

15、ervice or property and did not. 明确的与隐含的合同一个明确的合同中,条款以语言的形式(口头或书面)明确表述,隐含于合同方的履行准则之外的合同是一种隐含于事实的合同, 或简称为隐含合同。合同方履行准则不但表明合同各方有意达成合同,而且创建并定义合同条款。建立一个隐含于事实的合同:(1) 原告必须已经完成一些服务或产品; (2)原告必须已经期望得到支付,被告已经知道或应该已经知道原告期望得到支付; (3) 被告已经有机会拒绝服务或产品但是没有拒绝。Formal vs. Informal ContractsFormal contracts require a spec

16、ial form or method of formation to be enforceable. Formal contracts include contracts under seal, which are writings with a special sea attached. All other contracts are informal contracts, or simple contracts. For these, no special form is required (except for certain types; of contracts that must be in writing).正式与非正式合同正式合同需要一种特殊的合同形式或形成合同的方法以使合同生效。正式合同包括有印章的合同,即付有特殊印章的书面文字。所有其他合同都是非正式合同或简单合同。对于这些合同,不需要特殊的合同形式(除了一些必须以书面形式存在的合同)。Executed vs. Executory ContractsContracts are also classified acco



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