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1、市场和产品分析市场和产品分析 The Market Assessment罗宾罗宾 达西达西农业经济学家农业经济学家加拿大国际开发暑基本生活改善项目加拿大国际开发暑基本生活改善项目Robin Darcy, Deb Rasmussen, Agriteam Canada 1内容内容Contents1 市场体系市场体系 The Marketing Systeml什么是市场体系?什么是市场体系? What is the marketing system?l 为什么我们需要掌握市场体系?为什么我们需要掌握市场体系? Why do we need to understand the marketing sy

2、stem?2内容内容Contents2市场分析市场分析 Market Analysisl长远展望和策略长远展望和策略 Long-term outlook and strategyl方法方法 Methodologiesl引导市场分析引导市场分析 Conducting a market assessment确定和调查市场确定和调查市场 Identifying and examining markets调查市场体制调查市场体制 Examining the marketing system分析制约因素和机遇分析制约因素和机遇 Identifying constraints and opportunit

3、ies核算市场费用核算市场费用 Calculating marketing costs 3市场体系市场体系The Marketing System什么是市场体系什么是市场体系What is the marketing system?4销售的目的是什么?销售的目的是什么?What is the goal of marketing?调查消费者需求Finding out what the consumer wants向消费者提供盈利产品Supplying the consumer at a profit5什么是市场体系?什么是市场体系? What is the marketing system?所谓

4、的市场体系是指如何将生产者的产品送到消费者的手里The marketing system is how goods get from the producer to the end consumer在市场体系中有很多不同层次的分配渠道There are many different levels and distribution channels in the marketing system6Consumers消费者Retailers零售商Wholesalers, Handlers, Processors, Transporters, Storage批发商,装卸工,加工者。运输者,保管者Pr

5、oducers生产者简化的市场体系模式简化的市场体系模式Simplified Marketing System Model 7什么是市场体系?什么是市场体系? What is the marketing system?农业产品经常有很多不同的市场(各种类型的购买者) There are usually many different markets (types of buyers) for agricultural products为获得成功,明确以下几点是很必要的To be successful, it is necessary to identifyl在市场体系内的不同的市场和各自市场的需

6、求the different markets within the marketing system and what each market wantsl不同的市场体系的份额是如何相互影响how the different parts of the marketing system interact with each other8不同层次的市场体系不同层次的市场体系The different levels of the marketing system在市场链里有许多不同的市场和层次在市场链里有许多不同的市场和层次There are many different markets and l

7、evels in the marketing chainl生产者 Producersl装卸工和包装工 Handlers and packagersl运输者 Transportersl经销商,批发商和分配者 Traders, wholesalers and distributorsl保管 Storagel加工者 Processorsl零售商 Retailersl消费者Consumers910End Markets最终市场Individuals and households 个体和农户Organizations 组织 lfactories, restaurants 组织、饭店Intermediat

8、e customers中间消费者lwholesale traders, retail outlets, agents, brokers, traders, processors批发商、零售、代理、中间人、贸易商、农产品加工者Government 政府 lSchools, hospitals, military 学校、医院、军队Foreign market外国市场11Product and Markets for your beef你肉牛的产品和市场(participants identify options)(学员任意确定)Beef Farmer 养肉牛养肉牛农民农民Product optio

9、ns 产品任选Marketing options 市场任选Dragon Head Co. 龙头公司龙头公司Product options 产品任选Marketing options 市场任选12Products & Markets Small farmers(some suggestions) 产品和市场小农(一些建议)Products产品产品lFrame cattle 架子牛lSlaughter cattle 屠宰牛lBreeding stock 种畜Market options 市场市场选择选择lSell in local market 在当地市场销售lSell to Dragonhead

10、 出售给龙头lFeed at home 在家饲养lSell in wet market 在鲜肉市场销售lSell to Dragonhead 出售给龙头lSell to other Co.出售给其他公司lUse in own herd自己畜群使用lSell to neighbours卖给邻居13Products & markets DragonHead产品和市场龙头Products产品产品lBreeding cattle种牛lEmbryos, AI 胚胎、人工授精lFrame cattle 架子牛lSlaughter cattle 屠宰牛lCarcasses and cuts 胴体和切割lPr

11、ocessed meats 加工肉Markets市场市场lLocal farmers当地农民lIMAR and China 内蒙和中国lOwn feedlot 自有育肥场lOther plants其它工厂lOwn plant自有工厂lLocal, IMAR, China 当的、内蒙古、中国lStores & restaurants 商店和饭店lOwn or others自有或其它出售给龙头14为什么我们需要掌握市场体系?为什么我们需要掌握市场体系? Why do we need to understand the marketing system?因为在没有掌握市场之前进行生产是非常危险的Be

12、cause it is very risky to produce without understanding the marketing systeml在现有的市场中寻找农民获得最大利润的市场Need to find highest margin markets available for farmers by looking at all available marketsl需要掌握通向市场的障碍和在市场体系内发现机遇Need to understand constraints to accessing these markets and find opportunities within

13、 the marketing system15市场分析市场分析Market Analysis我们如何分析市场潜力?我们如何分析市场潜力? How do we analyze market potential?16我们如何分析一个市场?我们如何分析一个市场? How do we analyze a market?市场分析的目的是什么?What is the goal of a market analysis?长远的展望和策略Long-term outlook and strategy方法Methodologies指导市场分析Conducting a market assessmentl确定和调查

14、市场 Identifying and examining marketsl调查市场体系Examining the marketing systeml明确各种障碍和机遇Identifying constraints and opportunitiesl经营成本核算Calculating marketing costs17市场分析的目的是什么?市场分析的目的是什么? What is the goal of market analysis?为生产者寻求能够创最大利润的长远的机遇Finding the most profitable long-term opportunities for produc

15、ers寻求同加工(工厂),储藏及批发等各个环节上的潜力Could also look at potential for processing (factories), storage, wholesaling etc.关键是把聚焦放在挖掘各个市场潜力上和试图去发现生产者能够进入并获得最大利润的市场Key is to focus on the potential of each market, and try to find the highest margin markets that producers can access18长远的规划和分析长远的规划和分析Planning and Ana

16、lyzing for the Long-Term必须正视长远的市场潜力,否则得不偿失Must view long term potential of market, otherwise of little to use 需要调查增长中的市场潜力、未来参与进来的更多的竞争者和产量增大而导致的价格下滑等因素Need to examine market potential for growth, entrance of competitors in the future, price decreases with increased production etc. 19方法方法Methodology间接来源Secondary sources直接来源Primary sources20间接来源间接来源Secondary Sources政府的统计 Government statisticsl中国农业统计年鉴 China Agricultural yearbookl地区,县和乡的统计数字 Prefecture, county and xiang statistics国际互连网 Internet国际组



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