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1、 2022年5月涉外秘书资格三级英语试卷2Section ADirections: Read the following passage and to the multiple choice questions. (2 marks each, 10 marks altogether) Here are a few examples of business customs in foreign lands that one should be cognizant of: In Brazil, conversations can become very animated and involve p

2、hysical contact and raised voices. Yet trying to dominate the conversation will meet with disapproval. In China, its considered impolite to reply negatively. Answers like “we should discuss this further at another time” or “perhaps” are much better than a simple “no”. The details can be worked out l

3、ater. When giving gifts, avoid using white or green wrapping paper as those colors are considered to be inauspicious. In Germany, its customary to wait to be introduced someone new by a third party. People are uncomfortable when approached by complete strangers. When dining with co-workers in Japan,

4、 always let the host pay for the meal. Be sure to never leave your chopsticks placed vertically in a bowl of rice as this is only done at funerals. The Irish are enthusiastic conversationalists who often indulge in criticism of themselves as a people and Ireland as a country. If youre involved in th

5、is type of conversation country will be roundly abused. Even in “close” countries like Canada, there are some differences in the way business people interact. Luckily there are many training programs available to familiarize business travelers and career people with the ins and outs of dong business

6、 the international arena.Questions:1. Which of the following is true in Brazil? Conversations can be _.(A) very interesting with physical contact and raised voices(B) animated and anyone can dominate the conversation(C) animated and everyone likes to control it(D) very interesting yet people may dis

7、approve to each other2. In China, colors like white or green _ .(A) may be used in any case(B) are the colors people like very much(C) are usually not used to wrap gifts(D) are often used to wrap gifts for the foreigners3. When having dinner, the Japanese people _.(A) let their friends pay for the m

8、eal sometimes(B) should not pay for the meal(C) do not put their chopsticks on the bowls(D) do not place their chopsticks vertically in a rice bowls4. When involving in a conversation with the Irish people who are criticizing their own countries, _.(A) just feel free to join in their criticism and t

9、hey will feel you are closer to them(B) never agree with what they are saying(C) you should criticize your own country(D) you should discuss together with them5. Even in close countries like Canada _.(A) people do business in the same way(B) there are training programs(C) there are differences in th

10、e way business people interact(D) there are no differences between business people 1. The employment interview is like a persuasive speech because the applicant wants to persuade the employer to employ him or her. 2. A job applicant should be able to find certain types of information prior to the in

11、terview.3. In some cases, it is important that the applicant know his reasons for wishing to work for a particular company.4. After gathering information concerning the location of company, the applicant is ready for the interview.5. Although you may have different ideas about hairstyle and dress, m

12、any personnel directors form initial impressions from these characteristics. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (4marks each, 20marks altogether)1. This is to notify members that the discussion on the working plan for the net year will be put off to next Tuesday,

13、December 15th , at 9:30 a.m., owing to the absence of certain commission members.2. Wed like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract.3. While warnings are often necessary, it isnt clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers if a customer is injure

14、d.4. Its just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient of you right now.5. We are really glad to see you se constructive in helping settle the problems as regards the signing of the contract. WritingDirections: Below is a note provided for you to make a letter of consultation. (5 mar

15、ks for the format of letter, the body of the letter is 15 marks, 20 marks altogether)You are John Roberts, Marketing Director of ENB Co. You are going to write a letter to Damien Smith of WBC Co., 34, 23rd street, New York, NY 12022, USA. about the falling of the sales. Your address is ENB Co., 3 Guangzhou Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing. The writing time is Jan. 12th, 2022.Your letter should include the following items:1. Concerned that the sales in recent months have fallen2. Ask about whether they are facing difficulties3. Offer help4. Ask for a d


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