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1、2022/4/23王老师精品英语15 . She saw _ boy playing with his dog A. a eight-year-old B. an eight-years-old C. an eight-year-old D. a eight-years-old考点分析:a 有连字符的名词有连字符的名词全部用单数 b see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事看见某人正在做某事 c 辩析a; an; the6 .The story sounds_ . A. interestingly B. interesting C. interested D. danger考点分析

2、: a : sound (v) 听起来 辩析 sound hear listen b: 辩析 interested interesting 2022/4/23王老师精品英语27. John told me to _ the pictures _ tomorrow. A. take; here B. bring; there C. taking; there D. bring; here考点分析:a take拿走拿走; bring带来带来; carry随身携带; fetch派人去取8. There _ a lot of _ in the kitchen and it was very_. A.

3、was; smoke; hot B. were; smokes; hot C. was; smoke; hotter D. were; smoke; hotter考点分析: a : there be 句型be 看其后的名词单复数 b: smoke 不可数n c: very 修饰形容词原级修饰形容词原级2022/4/23王老师精品英语313. They have _. A. enough food to eat B. food enough eat C. enough food eating D. food enough eating考点分析:a have 是中招重点词 b: enough是中招

4、重点词enoughadjadj+n to doI have enough food to eat我有足够多的食物吃Advadv修饰句子I played the game enough我玩这个游戏足够多地了Have sth to do有事要做2022/4/23王老师精品英语4形容词正常修饰:形形容词前放置修饰名容词前放置修饰名词词副词正常用法:副副词前放置修饰形词前放置修饰形容词容词A red roseANVery goodEnough Enough food(adj)Good enough(enough 做副词;后放置修饰形容后放置修饰形容词词)2022/4/23王老师精品英语514. -Mu

5、st I clean the room today? -No, you_. A. must not B. can not C. need not D. may not考点分析:回答回答must 开头的疑问句开头的疑问句,用用neednt(基础题基础题)15. She _ so much _ her mother. A. looks; like B. looks; for C. looks; after D. looks forwards; to考点分析:look 的搭配的搭配 Look at看; look around四周环顾; look like看上去象; look forward to期待

6、; look up向上看; look out of从向外看; look out当心!look for寻找2022/4/23王老师精品英语616. Mr. White likes to live in a _ place. A. quite B. quiet C. quick D. quietly考点分析:词型易混quite (ad)很,十分; quiet (a)安静的; quick (a)快的,迅速的17. Kate has a cat _ Tom A. called B. call C. to call D. calling考点分析:固定搭配固定搭配 sb named/called 叫名字的

7、人 这个叫汤姆的男孩是我的同学.2022/4/23王老师精品英语718.- May I take my pet to school? - no, you_. A. may not B. might not C. need not D. can not考点分析:回答回答may 开头的疑问句开头的疑问句,用用can not(基础基础题题)19. The teacher told the children to keep the classroom_. A. to clean B. cleans C. clean D. cleaned考点分析:keep的用法的用法 :keep sth.+adj.保持

8、某种状保持某种状态态 2022/4/23王老师精品英语822. Toms gold fish died because he gave them _ food. A. too much B. much too C. a few D. too many考点分析:常考题常考题 Many+可数many booksToo many进一步修饰I have too many booksMuch+不可数much foodToo much进一步修饰He needs too much food Too+adjtoo hotMuch too进一步修饰It is much too hot.2022/4/23王老师精

9、品英语932. He began learning English. _ the age of five. A. for B. on C. in D. at考点分析:a: begin doing sth/ begin to do sth b: at the age of = when sb is . Years old 33. His job is _ cars. A. to repair B. repaired C. repairs D. repair考点分析:固定搭配(固定搭配(the job is to do 某人的工作是某人的工作是)2022/4/23王老师精品英语1034. We s

10、hould protect our eyes _ sunglasses.(考有动作含义的介词) A. in wear B. by wearing C. with wearing D. to wear考点分析:a: 介词介词ving所以排除 A , D b: by通过方式 with 本身就有本身就有 “戴戴”的意思的意思, 意意思重复思重复, 就象enter不能和 into连用.Protect our environment from pollution 35. He visited Uncle Li_ a cold morning. A. on B. in C. at D. for考点分析:o

11、n+具体某天具体某天 morning a cold morning也是具体某一天也是具体某一天2022/4/23王老师精品英语1136. They often _ school activities after school. A. join B. do C. take part in D. play with考点分析:常考题. 记清记清join的搭配的搭配 join the Party / the Army/ 入党/参军 please join us请加入我们 Joinvt常接 “ 组织,党派”Join the ArmyTake part in参加具体活动 they take part in

12、 the club activities.2022/4/23王老师精品英语1239. You can find some _ on the Internet. A. informations B. information C. picture D. story考点分析:a: information 不可数名词不可数名词 b: 请写:一条消息 40. The _ girl is looked well by her grandmother A. five-years-old B. five year old C. five-years old D. five-year-old考点分析: a: 连

13、字符中表示复数(参见第五题) b: 翻译此句2022/4/23王老师精品英语1347. wed better go and tell her the _ news. I am sure she will be very _ it. A. surprised; surprising in B. interested; interesting in C. interesting; interesting at D. surprising; surprised at考点分析:a: had better do sth/ had better not do sth最好做(不做). b: surprisi

14、ng sth让人惊讶的 c: sb be surprised at / with 某人对感到惊讶 49. The teacher told us not_ our dictionaries to school the next day. A. to bring B. to take C. bring D. take考点分析:a: tell sb not to do (不定式的否定不定式的否定, 基础语法知识基础语法知识) b: bring 与take的区别(常考题) bring 带 take拿走 2022/4/23王老师精品英语1451. When I was watching TV, I _

15、 someone calling my name outside. A. heard B. listen C. listen to D. hear考点分析:a: 又再考hear ; listen to的用法和区别(参考第三题) hear 听到听到 listen to 听的动作听的动作 2022/4/23王老师精品英语1559. The house is _ for us to _. A. big enough; live B. enough big; live in C. big enough; live in D. enough big; live考点分析:a: 考enough做副词副词的用

16、法 (参考13题的讲解) b: live和house的关系.live in the house60. He finished his sandwich and asked for _. A. the other B. another C. other D. others考点分析: a: ask for 要求要求 b: 再考再考another 的用法的用法 (参考43, 53题的讲解)2022/4/23王老师精品英语1661. Do you like the cake _ nuts _ it? A. with; in B. have; in C. has; on D. with ; of考点分析:a:区分介词有动作含义,和动词用法 the cake with nuts有坚果的单糕有坚果的单糕 b: in/ on /of 三个介词本意的区别2022/4/23王老师精品英语1763. The used car is _ 500 dollars. A. cost B. pay C. worth D. spend考点分析:常考题常考题 Cost v值Sth costs.某物值The car co


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