初中英语—Unit 5 The world around us

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《初中英语—Unit 5 The world around us》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中英语—Unit 5 The world around us(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初中英语初中英语 E W E H T R A The WeatherLook and learnWhats the weather like today ?Itssunny rainy cloudy windy snowyhot warm cold cool dry humid wet Can you say some other words which describe the weather ?It is _. It is warm. The flowers and trees _. Birds are _ _ _.It is _. It is very hotand sunny. The

2、 children go to the _. Kitty is _ under _ umbrella.Ben is _.springare growingmaking their nestssummerbeachlyinganswimmingIt is _. It is cool and dry. The children go to thecountry park. Ben is _a kite.It is _. It is cold andwindy. The children _warm clothes, scarves and gloves. They are _their bicyc

3、les. autumnflyingwinterwearridingFill in the blanks1.There are _seasons in a year.2. They are _ _ _and_.3.2. In spring everything starts to _. Birds 4. often make their _in the tree.5.3. In summer people go to the _. They 6. often have a swim and _on the beach.7.4. In autumn children like flying the

4、ir _.8.5. In winter youd better wear your _and9. _when you go outside because its10. cold and windy.fourspring summer autumn wintergrownestsbeachliekitesscarfglovesChoose the best answer( )1. In _, everything begins to grow. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter( )2. Heres the weather report _Sund

5、ay. A. in B. on C. for D. with( )3. Its _outside, you should put on your warm clothes A. hot B. warm C. cool D. cold( )4. Its _in summer, people often go swimming. A. hot B. warm C. cool D. cold( )5. Children like _in autumn. A. swimming B. diving C. flying kites D. reading( )6. Winter is _than any

6、other season in a year. A. hotter B. warmer C. cooler D. colderACDACDcloudwatersealand islandFirst, water comes from the _.seaNext, the water makes _.cloudsThen the wind blows the clouds to the _.landFinally, it _.rainsWhere does water come from ?Read and answer Water in our cityEvery day, people in

7、 our city use a lot of water,but there are no big rivers in our city.Most of the water we use comes from other cities. First, it comes through very long, wide pipes. Next, it goes into reservoirs in our city. Then a special factory makes the water clean. Finally, it goes through smaller pipes to our

8、 homes.1.Are there big rivers in our city ?2.How does water come to our city ?3.Where does the water go next ?4.What makes the water clean ?5.How does water come to our homes ?No, there arent any.it comes through very long, wide pipes.Reservoirs.A special factory.it goes through smaller pipes to our

9、 homes.How do people use water at work / home ?People use water toclean the flat cook rice make drinkswash clothes brush teeth take a showergrow vegetables put out fires make things in factories What is done at home and what is done at work?clean the flat cook rice make drinkswash clothes brush teet

10、h take a showergrow vegetables put out fires make things in factories Choose the best word1.The _blows the clouds to the lands (rain, wind)2.There _no big rivers in our city. (is, are)3.Water comes _very long, wide pipes.4. (through, across)5.4.Mr Brown _America. 6. (comes from, comes to)7.5.People

11、use water _fires. (put out, to put out)8.6.What _water clean ? (makes, make)9.7._do people use water at home ? (What, How)10.8.Water comes to our home through smaller _.11. (pipes, rivers)windarethroughcomes fromto put outmakesHow pipesLook and learnThis is fire. We dont eat . We use to cook meat. W

12、e eat.raw meatfirecooked meat.People in the countryside like to cook with_. But people in the city like to cookwith _and _. Childrenlike barbecues. They cook with _.woodgas electricitycharcoalWhich do you like better ?I likebetter thanbecause itsWhat do we cook food with ?charcoalwoodgaselectricityF

13、ill in the blanks with the given words1.Grandma Li likes gas _than wood. (well)2.People eat _meat now. (cook)3.Alice likes to cook with electricity because its_. (clean)4.Whats the weather like today ?5. Its _today. (cloud)6.5. Cars go _than bicycles. (quick)7.6. People use water _fire. (put out)8.7

14、. Lets cook your chicken some _. (much)9.8. Water _from the sea. (come)bettercookedcleanercloudyquickerto put outmorecomesLook and learnsmokedustWhere do smoke and dust come from ?power stationssmoke, dustfactoriessmoke, dusttrafficsmokeconstruction sitedustBen and Kitty are shopping in Garden City.

15、Ben: Whats the _, Kitty?Kitty: _ eyes hurt. Its the _ _ the traffic.Ben: Theres also _ _ _. Look at the dust.Kitty: The workers _ _ rubbish there. Look at the _ from the fire.Ben: The air in Garden City is very _.Kitty: There _ a lot of air pollution.matterMysmoke froma construction siteare burnings

16、mokedirtyisFrom sentences1.smoke, is, the, from, it, traffic, the2. in, very, Garden City, dirty, is, air, the3. is, air, of, pollution, there, lot, a 4. the, what, is, matter, Alice5. does, where, from, pollution, come, airIt is the smoke from the traffic.The air in Garden City is very dirty.There is a lot of air pollution.What is the matter, Alice ?Where does air pollution come from ?祝大家学习愉快!祝大家学习愉快!


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