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1、贵州省遵义市绥阳中学高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. He _ this situation to make some money, but he _ to do so. A. could have taken advantage of; refusedB. would have taken advantage of; refusedC. had taken advantage of; had refused D. might have taken advantage of; refused参考答案:A2. We attached great importance _ computers

2、, because we rely _ them to organize our work.A. to; on B. on; onC. of; upon D. to; to参考答案:A考查短语。attach importance to sth意为认为某事重要, rely on sth意为依靠/依赖某物。句意为我们认为电脑很重要,因为我们依靠它们组织工作。故选A。3. The plan I put forward at the meeting has been_ . Thats great.Aapproved Bmastered Cabsorbed D. rejected参考答案:A4. We

3、_ the difficulty together, but why didnt you tell me?A. should face B. might face C. could have faced D. must have faced参考答案:C10. She always dreams of there _ a chance to go abroad for further study.A. being B. to be C. is D. will be参考答案:A27.The boy told me about some _ on his first day at school, f

4、ew of which I could believe.A. incidents B. accidents C. events D. matters参考答案:A略7. Ones life has value_ one brings value to the life of others. A.so long asB.even thoughC.as ifD.while参考答案:A 【分析】句意:只要我们给别人的生活带来价值,我们的生命就是有价值和意义的。A: so long as“只要”;B: even though“即使”;C: as if“仿佛,好像”;D: while“当.时候,尽管”。本

5、句使用as long as表示条件。故选A。【点评】考查状语从句,本题涉及as long as引导的条件状语从句。8. Who would you rather _ your graduation ceremony tomorrow, your parents or friends? All of them. A. will have attended B. have attended C. attended D. to attend参考答案:C略9. It suddenly _ to the detective that the millionaire was probably murder

6、ed by his own daughter.A. happened B. occurred C. thought D. took place参考答案:B10. He cant_her happiness with his own.A. identity B. identifyC. identification D. identifies参考答案:B根据语境,由于此空是在cant情态动词之后,只能用动词原形,故只有B项符合题意。identify sth. with sth.意为“认为某事物与另一事物等同”。11. by a strong earthquake, the visitors wer

7、e cut off from the outside, water and food shortage.A. Hit; facing B. Having been hit; facedC. Having hit; facing D. Hit; faced参考答案:A12. The teacher couldnt make himself attention to because the students were so noisy. A. to pay B. to be paid C. paid D. pay参考答案:C13. I picked up a copybook in the sch

8、ool yard yesterday _ with name and address.A. marking B. to mark C. marked D. being marked参考答案:C14. I suddenly thought of the lotus pond that I passed by everyday, which should _ a different look.Atake offBtake away Ctake on Dtake over参考答案:C15. Sculptures are something _ but the concepts they demons

9、trate are _, which takes wisdom to understand A. real; subtract B. concrete; abstract C. realistic; subscribe D. specific; conventional 参考答案:B16. Can you work out this problem? Im sorry I cant. It is _ my ability.A. over B. up C. off D. beyond参考答案:D17. We could hardly believe what she says because s

10、he is _ changing her mind.Aregularly Bsteadily Csuddenly Dconstantly参考答案:D18. When _ help, one often says “Thank you.” or “Its kind of you.” . offered B. to offer C. to be offered D. offering参考答案:A19. Its a pity that he failed some exams and didnt have enough_to graduate this year.A. creditsB. prais

11、esC. awardsD. rewards参考答案:A二、 新的题型20. 语法填空You may feel short of money even if you have a good salary. The following are some tips on 1._to save your money. First, set 2._(goal) to save money and form money-saving habits while staying away from those who waste money. Think twice before using money on

12、 expensive skincare products.Second, cut down your daily expenses. When going to a supermarket, write down what you want to buy to avoid 3._(buy) unnecessary stuff. Girls, 4._always spend money on clothes, should keep 5._eye open for discounts youre likely to buy good summer dress in winter at a 6._

13、(reason) price. Third, economize your social life. When its your turn to buy a meal, invite your friends to your home and cook the dinner 7._(you). If you separate from your boyfriend, you 8._(suppose) to donate the gifts he sent to you to some charities instead of 9._(throw) them away.10._(final) , you need to find other ways to earn extra money.参考答案:1.how2.goals3.buying4.who5.an6.reasonable7.yourself8.are supposed9.throwing10.Finally语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了让你省钱的四种方法。1解析:此处表示“以下是关于如何省钱的几点建议”,故用how。2解析:考查名词的数。句意:首先,设定目标节省钱,形成省钱的习惯,同时远离


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