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1、 优美的双语英语诗歌鉴赏 【篇一】美丽的双语英语诗歌鉴赏 爱复爱 The time will come 这样的时刻将会降临: when, with elation 你得意洋洋地 you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, 站在自家门口, in your own mirror 照着镜子,迎接自我的到来 and each will smile at the other”s welcome, 以微笑欢送彼此, and say, sit here. Eat. 并说道,坐这儿。吃吧。 You will love again the strange

2、r who was your self. 你将会再次爱上这个生疏人从前的自己。 Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, 斟满美酒,递上面包,把心交还其身, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, 给那一辈子爱着你的生疏人。 whom you ignored for another, 你曾由于他人而忽视了他, who knows you by heart. 他却打心底里懂你。 Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

3、从书架上取下那些情书、 the photographs, the desperate notes, 照片以及无望的字条, peel your own image from the mirror. 从镜中剥去自己的形象。 Sit. Feast on your life. 坐下。尽享你的生活。 【篇二】美丽的双语英语诗歌鉴赏 Mark but this flea, and mark in this, 看呀,这只跳蚤,叮在这里, How little that which thou deniest me is; 你对我的拒绝多么微缺乏道; Me it sucked first, and now su

4、cks thee, 它先叮我,现在又叮你, And in this flea our two bloods mingled be; 我们的血液在它体内溶和; Thou knowst that this cannot be said 你知道这是不能言说的 A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead, 罪恶、耻辱、贞操的丧失, Yet this enjoys before it woo, 它没有向我们恳求就得到享受, And pampered swells with one blood made of two, 饱餐了我们的血滴后大腹便便, And this,

5、 alas, is more than we would do. 这种享受我们无能企及。 Oh stay, three lives in one flea spare, 住手,一只跳蚤,三条生命啊, Where we almost, nay more than married are. 它的身体不只是见证我们的婚约。 This flea is you and I, and this 还是你和我, Our mariage bed, and marriage temple is; 我们的婚床,婚姻的殿堂; Though parents grudge, and you, w”are met, 父母怨

6、恨,你不情愿,我们还是相遇, And cloistered in these living walls of jet. 并隐藏在乌黑的有生命的墙院里。 Though use make you apt to kill me, 尽管你会习惯地拍死跳蚤, Let not to that, self-murder added be, 千万别,这会杀了我,也增加你的自杀之罪, And sacrilege, three sins in killing three. 杀害三条生命会亵渎神灵。 Cruel and sudden, hast thou since 多么残忍,你毫无迟疑 Purpled thy n

7、ail, in blood of innocence? 用无辜的鲜血染红自己的指甲? Wherein could this flea guilty be, 它不过吸了你一滴血 Except in that drop which it sucked from thee? 罪不至死啊? Yet thou triumphst, and say”st that thou 你却以成功者的口吻说 Findst not thy self, nor me the weaker now; 你我并没有因失血而有些虚弱; Tis true; then learn how false, fears be: 确实,担忧

8、不过是虚惊一场: Just so much honor, when thou yieldst to me, 承受我的爱,你的名誉不会有丝毫损失, Will waste, as this fleas death took life from thee. 就象跳蚤之死不会让你的生命有所损失。 【篇三】美丽的双语英语诗歌鉴赏 饮酒歌 Wine comes in at the mouth, 美酒口中停, And love comes in at the eye; 痴情止相看。 That”s all we shall know for truth, 此心既知今日意, Before we grow old and die. 何待衰年思惘然。 I lift the glass to my mouth, 欲饮杯难举, I look at you, and I sigh. 望君一声轻叹。



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