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1、考研英语语法考研英语语法句子一:With regard to Futurist poetry,however, the case is rather difficult, for whatever Futurist poetry may be-even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right-it can hardly be classed as Literature.the case is rather difficult是句子主干,rather是副词,相当地,修饰形容词difficult;with regard

2、 to Futurist poetry作状语,with regard to就.而言;however表明前后对比关系; for引导缘由状语从句,说明难的缘由,从句为it can hardly be classed as Literature,hardly是否定副词,几乎不;在缘由状语从句中,whatever Futurist poetry may be-even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right是让步状语从句,even admitting that the theory on which it is based

3、 may be right在句中充当状语,admitting that后接宾语从句the theory may be right,on which it is based是修饰the theory的定语从句。参考翻译:然而就将来主义诗歌而言,状况就很难说了,因为不管将来主义诗歌是什么-即使承认其理论基础是正确的-也很难将其归为文学。句子二:Declaring that he was opposed to using this unusual animal husbandry technique to clone humans,he ordered that federal funds not

4、be used for such an experiment-although no one had proposed to do so-and asked an independent panel of experts chaired by Princeton President Harold Shapiro to report back to the White House in 90 days with recommendations for a national policy on human cloning.句子主干是he ordered that.and asked.to.;Dec

5、laring that.现在分词作状语,that后接宾语从句;he ordered that后接宾语从句,order后跟虚拟语气,省略了should;连字符中间的句子作插入语,是although引导的让步状语从句;asked是与ordered并列的谓语动词,用法是ask sb.(experts) to do(report back), chaired by Princeton President Harold Shapiro过去分词做定语修饰experts,to the White House in 90 days with recommendations for a national pol

6、icy on human cloning做状语。参考翻译:他宣布自己反对运用这种非同寻常的畜牧技术来克隆人类,并下令不准运用联邦基金做此类试验-尽管也没有人建议这么做-他还请一个以普林斯顿高校校长哈罗德.夏皮罗为主席的独立专家组在90天内向白宫汇报关于制定有关克隆人的国家政策的建议。分析每一个考研英语中的长难句,首先要找出其中的句子主干是关键,就像一棵大树的主干,再看其他分支详细是做什么成分,在分析详细成分时须要对于这些状语、定语、补语有所了解,真题也是对这些学问的理解与巩固。导语:考研基础阶段,近期学员询问的问题都是涉及长难句。的确,考研复习的依次要有规律,基础阶段不要焦急去靠做题强化。基础

7、阶段中的基础学问是必要的。今日作者就2022考研英语语法基础中的让步状语从句给大家进行讲解。让步状语从句是状语从句的一种,一般翻译成"尽管"或"即使"。引导让步状语从句的从属连词主要有though, although, while, as, even if, even though, whether.or., no matter, regardless of, despite, in spite of等。下面我们就举几个简洁的例子对其用法进行阐释。AlthoughThough he got ill, he still insisted on workin

8、g all day long. 虽然他病了,但他依旧坚持一天工作。AlthoughThough引导让步状语从句时,区分甚微,Although比Though正式,一般状况可以互换。在上边句子中,主句中出现了still(仍旧),而且在中文的翻译中,是"虽然,但是",但须要留意的是,出现这两个词的句子中,不能有but出现,但可以与yet,still连用。Hard asthough he is, he fails in the end. Asthough引导让步状语从句,要以部分倒装形式出现,如上边句子,正常语序是Asthough he is hard, he fails in t

9、he end. Hard是表语成分,须要前置形成部分倒装。被倒装的成分可以是表语、状语或动词原形。Even if/even though表示"即使、纵使"的意思。我们从下边两个句子中看看这两个连词的区分。Even if it rains tomorrow, we won't change our plan.即使明天下雨,我们也不会变更我们的安排。Even though the Chinese team has the least experience, they get the best.虽然中国队阅历最少,但是他们取得了最好的成果。由上可看出,Even if后接的

10、句子发生在"明天",是未发生的事情,包含一种假设;Even though往往引导的事实是发生过的。While引导让步状语从句时必需置于句首,这一用法比较好理解。While I know what you say, I can not agree with you.虽然我明白你说的,但我还是不能同意。While除了引导让步状语从句,还可以引导时间状语从句,其接的动词为持续性动词或表示状态的词;还可以表示前后的转折或对比。Whether.or.引导让步状语从句,但这种从句也可以理解成"选择条件-让步状语从句"。Whether you like him or

11、not, he will come tonight.不管你喜不喜爱他,他今晚都会来的。"No matter+疑问词=疑问词-ever"引导的让步状语从句是比较常见的,须要留意的是"No matter+疑问词"只能引导让步状语从句,"疑问词-ever"还可以引导名词性从句,对于二者的区分,从例子中获得。Whatever you say, I will not believe you.(让步状语从句);I will see whatever you show me.(名词性从句)。区分二者,可以把从句去掉,看剩下的句子在意思上是否和原句一

12、样,一样的是让步状语,不一样的是名词性从句。去掉之后分别是I will not believe you.和I will see.第一句和原句一样,其次句与原句存在偏差,因为句中状语成分不会影响整句意思。在基础学问这一块,从句是一大块,而其中的状语从句又是重中之重,这一系列的文章都会涉及状语从句类,希望整体上的梳理能够帮助大家对每一类从句都有个清晰的相识。以上是引导让步状语从句的一些连词,不须要记忆,大家就是要有个整体的相识,看到这些连词要知道对应的句子类型。希望大家能够稳扎稳打,会后期强化冲刺做好打算!活学活用案例一Prior to the twentieth century , women

13、in novels were stereotypes of lacking any feature that made them unique inpiduals and were also subject to numerous restrictions imposed by the male-dominated culture.prior to 在.之前Stereotypes 模式化的形象,固定模式,刻板印象,陈规老套lacking=lack of 缺乏,没有feature 特征unipue inpidual 独特的个体subject to 简单遭遇,受管制numerous 许多的Wome

14、n in novels were stereotypes and were also subject to numerous restrictions .of lacking any feature that made unique inpiduals 为定语,其中还包括一个由that引导的定语从句;imposed by the male- dominated culture 作定语修饰restrictions .20世纪前,小说中的女性都是一些刻板的形象,没有任何特点,所以无法成为独特的个体,而且他们还屈从于男性主宰的文化传统加强给他们的种种舒适。活学活用案例二The idea of fis

15、h being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulbs , even to run an electric motor , is almost unbelievable.generate electricity 发电light 点亮The idea is almost unbelievable.of fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulbs , even to run an electric moto

16、r 作定语修饰the idea。以上就是对于句子结构的把握,但是假如要翻译的话,确定不能按英语的结构来翻译,定语被前置的话,后果将是灾难性的。所以过长的修饰部分可以单独成句,然后再根据汉语的语序重新排列。首先定语部分可以切分为两个部分:1.of fish being able to generate electricity鱼可以发电2. strong enough to light small bulbs , even to run an electric motor电的强度足以点亮点灯,甚至可以开动电马达再看主句:3.The idea is almost unbelievable.这种理念简



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