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1、2022年河南省商丘市夏邑县李集第二中学高一英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. For all the professional athletes, _ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books.A. approach B. methodC. way D. access参考答案:D试题分析:考查名词。A. approach 方法,途径,接近;B. method方法;C. way方法,道路; D. access进入;使用权;通路。意思是 对专业运动员而言,进入奥林匹克运动会意味着他们有载入史册

2、的机会。故选D。考点:考查名词2. What about the two of us _ to the newly opened theme park in our city this afternoon?A. going B. to go C. go D. will go参考答案:A。解析:what about后接动词-ing形式,在这里是复合结构,the two of us为going的逻辑主语。3. The father as well as his three kids _ skating on the cold river every Sunday afternoon in wint

3、er.A. is goingB. goC. goesD. are going参考答案:C【详解】考查主谓一致。句意:冬天每个周日下午,爸爸和三个儿子都会在结了冰的河面上滑冰。分析句式可知,as well as 连接两个并列主语时,谓语根据前面的主语来判断,即the father是句子的主语,谓语动词用单数,再根据every Sunday afternoon,时态确定用一般现在时。故选C。4. As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only _ .A. anxiously B. occasionally C. urgently D

4、. hopefully参考答案:B5. If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty, great it isAwhat Bhow Chowever D whatever 参考答案:C6. Mary _ my letter, otherwise she would have replied before now.A. should have received B. has received C. couldnt have received D. ought to have received参考答案:C7. - Coul

5、d I use your computer while you are out tonight? - Of course you _. A. should B. can C. could D. need参考答案:B8. Anyone who breaks the law could hardly _ it. A. keep away with B. break away from C. get away from D. get away with参考答案:D9. What a pity! He _the only chance of success.A. put down B. threw a

6、way C. gave in D. broke off参考答案:B10. He was disappointed that his plan did not .A. go onB. go offC. go through D. go out参考答案:C11. _, Americans eat turkey for Thanksgiving and Chinese people have moon cakes for Mid-Autumn Festival.A. ActuallyB. SurprisinglyC. ObviouslyD. Typically参考答案:D【详解】考查副词的辨析。句意

7、:通常,美国人在感恩节吃火鸡,中国人在中秋节吃月饼。A. Actually实际上;B. Surprisingly令人惊讶的是; C. Obviously明显地; D. Typically通常,代表性地。通过句子后面的举例,两国人民在节日“通常”吃的食物是火鸡和月饼。故选D项。12. We looked forward a chance to have a good summer holiday.A. for getting. B. of getting. C. to get. D. to getting.参考答案:D13. _ of the land in my hometown _ cove

8、red with trees and grass. A. Two-fifths ; is B. Two-fifth ; are C. Two-fifth ; is D. Two-fifths ; are 参考答案:A略19. Where do you believe _? We cant find him anywhere. A. has he gone B. he has gone C. has he been D. he has been to 参考答案:B略15. We should take some measures to_ wild animals_.A. protect ; fr

9、om being killed B. prevent; from killingC. keep; being killed D. stop; from killing参考答案:A16. Even ifthingsdont _asplanned, youll still be heading in the right direction. A. go out B. work out C. put out D. figure out参考答案:B17. Tom was _ to win first prize in the competition, but his illness made him

10、miss the chance.A. possibleB. likelyC. probableD. maybe参考答案:B18. _ printed, this science fiction will be popular among the students. A.Before B.Unless C.When D.Once参考答案:D二、 新的题型19. Since a university education in the United States _41_(be)very expensive, most students work in addition to studying. S

11、tudents _42_(usual)work part-time, but some students take full-time jobs.A typical job for a students would be working _43_a waiter or waitress. Other typical off-campus jobs would include being a clerk in a store or delivering pizza. Sometimes students also find jobs on campus such as cleaning, wor

12、king in a cafeteria or library or answering _44_(telephone). Most student jobs are entry-level and low paying, but have flexible schedule_45_(allow) students to attend classes.Sometimes students also hold more responsible positions such as managers, or if they are lucky, positions in their area of s

13、tudy, _46_they hope will help them find employment after they graduate._47_double responsibilities of working and studying result in a very busy,_48_(stress)life for some students. _49_, it is the only way for many people to finance their college educations. Some Americans believe that the work expe

14、rience is good for the students _50_(they)since it gives them a taste of “the real world” outside the school.参考答案:41. is 42. usually 43. as 44. telephones 45. allowing 46. which 47. The 48. stressful 49. However 50. themselves由于美国的大学教育非常昂贵,大多数学生除了学习以外还工作。学生通常做兼职,但也有些学生做全职工作。他们既工作又学习,对一些学生来说这种双重任务让学生们过着忙碌而又紧张的生活,但可让学生们完成 大学。工作经验对他们本身也有好处,可让他们体验到真正的社会。41. is 考查主谓一致。主语是“a university education


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