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1、万圣节简短英语介绍 圣诞节就要来了,下面就简单的介绍一下关于万圣节的美食,有兴趣的朋友可以看一下哦! Skip the milk chocolate and sneak antioxidant-rich dark chocolate into trick-or-treat bags. Dark chocolate contains a healthy dose of flavonoids known for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. 别把牛奶巧克力放进糖果袋子,改放那些富含抗氧化物质的黑巧克力吧。黑巧克力含有有益安康的类黄酮,有助于降低血

2、压和胆固醇。 Lets face it, Halloween isnt the same without candy. But you can still do your bit for the environment and for the health of little ones by handing out preservative-free candy. Heres to a green, wholesome Halloween! 成认吧,没有糖果的万圣节不能算是真正的万圣节。但是,你可以选择无防腐剂的糖果,不但有益安康,而且可以保护环境。让我们一起来过一个绿色、安康的万圣节吧! D

3、id you know that dried figs are a nutritional powerhouse and pack more health benefits than most dried fruits? Theyre full of fiber, calcium, potassium, and iron. Plus, figs are sweet to boot, especially when dipped in chocolate! 你知道吗,无花果干含有丰富的,而且和其他大局部干果相比,无花果干对身体更有益处。它富含纤维、钙、钾和铁。另外,无花果吃起来是甜的,蘸了巧克力

4、酱后就更甜美可口了。 Soy snacks can contain up to a whopping 7 grams of protein plus they arent loaded with bad fats. Well admit that soy doesnt sound very appealing. But if you go for the sweeter variety, youll be surprised at how much it tastes like candy. 豆制品零食富含高达7克的蛋白质,同时不含不良脂肪。虽然豆制品的味道不太好,但是,你可以去尝试下那种甜味

5、的豆制点心,你会惊讶于它和糖果相似的口感的。 Kids will spell out yummy as they devour this fat-free treat. Packed with nutrients and antioxidants, gummy letters are a healthy choice. 孩子们在大嚼特嚼这种无糖橡皮糖时一定会大呼好吃的。这种橡皮糖富含抗氧化物质,字母形状的橡皮糖是个很好的安康选择。 Try pretzels, nuts, trail mix, popcorn, cheese and crackers, pumpkin or sunflower

6、seeds. All of these snacks provide good nutrients. The sunflower seeds, in particular, are high in good fat. 椒盐脆饼干、坚果、干果、爆米花、奶酪、苏打饼干、南瓜子或葵花籽,以上这些零食都是营养丰富,尤其是葵花籽,含有大量的优质脂肪。 Dazzle your neighborhood kids with bite-size honey and sesame candy. Three pieces contain 60 calories, 1 gram of protein and jus

7、t 7 grams of sugar. 给邻居家的小孩一口吃的蜂蜜芝麻酥糖吧,三块酥糖就含有60卡热量、1克蛋白质,而糖分只有7克而已。 If the thought of what all that Halloween candy can do to your kids health and teeth scares you, give them sugarless gum, a dentist favorite. It contains artificial sweeteners called xylitol or sorbitol that help prevents cavities.

8、 Make sure to offer a variety of flavors for your picky trick-or-treaters. Packages of cocoa are a good standby, too. 如果你一直担忧万圣节的糖果会危害到孩子的安康和牙齿的话,那么,你就可以选择牙医的最爱,无糖口香糖给孩子们吃。无糖口香糖里含有人工合成的制糖剂木糖醇或山梨糖醇,有助预防蛀牙。要给孩子们多准备些不同的口味,可以放几包可可味的备用。 Heres a sweet yet sugar-free snack that tastes good and is good for your kids, too. 水果干口感香甜、不含糖分,孩子们都爱吃,还有益安康。 Offer a selection of juice boxes or homemade apple cider to help kids stay hydrated while they go trick-or-treating and get their daily dose of Vitamin C. 多准备些盒装果汁或者是自制的苹果汁,可以帮助孩子们在挨家挨户讨糖果的时候补充水分和日常所需的维生素C。



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