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1、XX综合c职称英语考试阅读理解模拟试题 中,阅读理解能把握得怎么样,直接决定能不能及格。它是整个考试备考过程中最重要的一个环节。 以下是网的关于综合c职称英语考试阅读理解模拟试题,供大家备考。 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面都有4个选项。请仔细阅读短文并根据短文答复其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择1个最正确答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 We are so used to our life on the surface of the earth that it can be quite an effort for our mind to break free of all the

2、ideas that we take for granted. Because we can feel that things are heavy, we think of weight as being a fixed quality in an object, but it is not really fixed at all. If you could take a one-pound packet of butter 4, 000 miles out from the earth, it would weigh only a quarter of a pound. Why would

3、things weigh only a quarter as much as they do at the surface of the earth if we took them 4,000 miles out into space? The reason is this: All objects have a natural attraction for all other objects; this is called gravitational attraction. But this power of attraction between two objects gets weake

4、r as they get farther apart. When the butter was at the surface of the earth, it was 4,000 miles from the center. When we took the butter 4,000 miles out, it was 8,000 from the center, which is twice the distance. If you double the distance between two objects, their gravitational attraction decreas

5、es two times two. If you treble the distance, it gets nine times weaker (three times three) and so on. So this is one of the first things we need to remember: that the weight of an object in space is not the same as its weight on the surface of the earth. What about the weight of our pound of butter

6、 on the surface of the moon? At the distance the pull of the earth is about 4,000 times smaller than it is here on the surface, so we can forget all about the earth-pull on our butter. On the other hand, on the moon there will be an attraction between the butter and the moon: but the butter will wei

7、gh only about one-sixth as much as it does on the earth. This is because the moon is so much smaller than the earth. The amount of gravitational pull that a body produces depends on the amount of material in it. A packet of butter has a gravitational pull of its own; but this is very small in relati

8、on to the pull of something as large as the moon, or the earth, or the sun. 31 How much would four pounds of tea weigh if it was taken 4,000 miles out from the surface of the earth? A I pound. B 2 pounds. C 3 pounds, D 4 pounds. 3 We find it hard to break free from ideas connected with living on the

9、 earth because A it demands too great an effort for us to do so. B we are too familiar with the way things are to question the ideas. C we have proved that those ideas are correct. D we are so sure of ourselves that we never doubt anything on the earth. 33 Aording to the passage, weight should be un

10、derstood in the sense that A it is fixed if it is outside the earths gravitational pull. B it decreases four times when it is 4,000 miles from the earths center. C it varies with the change of the gravitational attraction between twoobjects. D things increase in amount as they are closer to the eart

11、hs surface. 34 We do not feel the gravitational pull of a packet of butter because A it is too small to have a gravitational pull of its own. B its pull is so small that we tend to ignore it. C its pull disappears in the presence of the earths gravitation. D it tends to melt and loses its gravitatio

12、nal pull. 35 The main idea of this passage is A different weight systems in different places B freedom from traditional ideas. C traveling from the earth to the moon. D the effect of gravitation on weight. In most large Japanese panies, there is a policy of lifetime employment. What this means is th

13、at when people leave school or university to join an enterprise, they can expect to remain with that organization until they retire. In effect, the employee gets job security for life, and can only be fired for serious mistakes in work. Even in times of business recession, he or she is free from the

14、 fear of being laid off. One result of this practice is that the Japanese worker identifies closely with his pany and feels strong loyalty to it. By working hard for the pany, he believes he is safeguarding his own future. It is not surprising that devotion to ones pany is considered a great virtue

15、in Japan. A man is often prepared to put his firms interests before those of his immediate family. The job security guaranteed by this system influences the way employees approach their work. They tend to think in terms of what they can achieve throughout their career. This is because they are not j

16、udged on how they are performing during a short period of time. They can afford to take a longer perspective than their Western counterparts. This marriage between the employee and the pany - the consequence of lifetime employment - may explain why Japanese workers seem positively to love the products their pany is producing and why they are



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