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1、xx最新的高中军训英语作文 Military training, a symbol of the suffering and tired; Soldier, mean resolute and strong. When add the two nouns to a group of new students of high school, what is produced? Is a metamorphosis, not only physically, but also on the mind. A long summer vacation, our warm formed the lazy

2、 worm. Such, we are unable to meet the ing three years of high school career. As a result, we facilitate began military training this morning. Actually, I think we dont have a great intensity of training, this a little bit of the sun, this little volume, it is absolutely stop us, well there is a say

3、ing: bloody sweat, no tears, peel off the meat is not left behind. If attached to all dare not to face, it also talk about what a famous university? Training today is very simple, in addition to stand JunZi only learned a few basic behavioral essentials of action. Although it is simple, but if from

4、time to time, in the heart cant reflect the military is simple and masculinity. Instructor to our requirements very carefully: there is a problem when the first report, received the mand does not move, sit back cannot but knees and hands, eyes cant see around. To be honest, to do all of these requir

5、ements, very tired, very hard. Because it is pletely different and we usually do, we must always pay attention to these. But our these pared to real soldiers need to do, but the tip of the iceberg. We have experience, but is a drop in the bucket of camp life. In a few days after the training, even m

6、ore of a challenge in waiting for us, more strict training in waiting for us. It is difficult to imagine, and we deserve, die to do deserters, fiercely dont discredit for class honor. There are a lot of people plain about the poor quality of military training clothing, wearing unfortable, such as to

7、tal line. Although I have had such thoughts, but recall the predecessors of the hard conditions, then I dont think so, when tell us where fortune is, honor ancestors. Actually this military training and I dont want to e, but now that I have e, I will do it. Or not to be, to do, I will do the best! T

8、he test of military training is not only to our body, more will hone to us. Bao jianfeng from honed out, plum blossom incense from Fairbanks to, who grew up in continuously hone, like a small tree, only experienced the baptism of wind and rain to grow into towering trees. Military training is very b

9、itter is also very tired, but it is a kind of life experience, is the best chance of victory over self, exercise will. The ancients cloud: day will drop responsibility on people, also will first frustrates, of reinforcement, its always hungry. Military training, it is so, there are the tears of the

10、sour, bitter salty sweat, have flying songs, have happy laughter. Yes, military training is very hard, recall that bitter grinding on the foot out of the bubble, bitter for stepping kicked ma leg, waist pain when standing JunZi tired acid, military training is so bitter, of course I have quit. But I

11、 insist on down, military training is a process, a self test and hone the process of self, give up is a disgrace. All his teeth and to never stop training, how many people are in critical day stood and fell down, and how many people is beside the instructor to just go to rest, to know the military t

12、raining was hone our will, exercise our bodies, so, why give up? Think of this, I will bullet, quite in the past. Maybe persistence in tired acid waist piled up, and finally will be strong and tall and straight and surrender. Perhaps these is not bitter, but a kind of harvest, a harvest, let me a li

13、fetime I harvest is endurance is persistence is brave, and is unyielding, team spirit. No matter what I do in the future, think of todays bitter and harvest, all difficulties and obstacles bee indifferent. I think it is to reach the purpose of military training. Before high school military training,

14、 I just want to have a good exercise themselves, pletes the labor of, yes, this time, I do well, gained the title of training mode, this is only done what I should do. Standing JunZi, 20 or 30 minutes, actually it is so, see mentality. I remember in that time, I recite patio spring changsha, again a

15、nd again, like the bold and the majestic momentum of the poem! In this way, time slip, feet acid, hemp, I seriously. 参考翻译: 军训,象征着苦与累;军人,意味着刚毅与顽强。当把这两个名词加到一群新入高中的学生身上,产生的会是什么?是蜕变,不仅使身体上的,更是心灵上的。 漫长的暑假,把我们温养成了懒散的蠕虫。这样的我们,是无法迎接即将到来的三年高中学习生涯的。于是乎,我们便于今日早晨开始了军训。 其实,我认为我们的训练并没有很大的强度,这一点点太阳,这一点点训练量,是绝对拦不住我

16、们的,有句话说得好:流血流汗不流泪,掉皮掉肉不落伍。如果连着都不敢面对,那还谈什么考名牌大学? 今天的训练很简单,除了站军姿仅仅只学了几个根本动作的动作要领。虽然说起来简单,但如果不时时刻刻用心的话,根本就无法表达军人的简洁、阳刚之美。教官对我们的要求非常细致:有问题时先打报告,没收到命令不行动,坐时背不能靠着且双手不过膝,双眼不能四处乱看。说实话,要想把这些要求全部做到,很累,很难。因为这和我们平时所做的完全不同,我们必须时刻注意这些。但是,我们的这些和真正的军人需要做到的相比,不过冰山一角。我们所经历的,不过是军营生活的九牛一毛罢了。 在之后的几天训练里,更大的挑战在等着我们,更严厉的训练在等着我们。再难,我们也要迎难而上,誓死不做逃兵,誓死不为班级荣誉抹黑。 还有很多人抱怨军训服装质量差,穿着不舒服,总开线之类。虽然我也曾有过这样的想法,但回想一下先辈们的艰辛的条件,我便不这样想了,就当忆苦思甜,缅怀先人嘛



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