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1、英语家教面试自我介绍 I am actually a native of this city and entered xxx university after I passed the higher educational entrance test. That is why I love this piece of land and want to make contribution for my hometown. I have been working hard as a student and a part-time teacher. Sometimes friends ask me

2、whether Im a tireless person. Of course I am not. But I just like that sense of fulfillment and aomplishment. I enjoy the alternative roles: being an English teacher and a student at the same time. In my class, I encourage students to voice their opinions and to approach English study in their uniqu

3、e ways, because I believe study is a personalized process. Last week when I gave them the first class of this semester, I said,everyone should bee a critical thinker in my class, and I want to be a good teacher in its real sense. Im not the traditional teacher. I try to reform the English teaching i

4、n my classes. Hope I can do something to change the present situation of English teaching. 本人在校期间学习刻苦努力成绩优异,得到了老师和同学的认可和好评,并屡次获得系三好学生奖励和奖金以及国家助学金,真正做到专业过硬、品行端正的首要要求。 除了完成学校课内知识外,还利用周末及寒暑假期间屡次参加社会实践,其中深切体会到如今社会对现代大学生的真正要求,得到极大锻炼和启发。同时也积累了大量社会经历,真正体会到团结合作的重要性以及人际关系处理方面的知识,受益匪浅,在以后的的工作中我相信自己能够做的很好。善于动脑解决问题是我最大优点,同时能吃苦和敢于吃苦,幽默,乐于助人,有耐心,信心,不达目的不罢休也是我的显著优点,这些在以后的工作中会得到充分表达和印证。 上学期间作过初中英语家教,凭自身所学努力教授辅导两名初中英语知识薄弱的学生,经过努力使这两名学身英语成绩从下等不及格的英语成绩提高到中等和中上等成绩,并得到家长的好评。从中体会到成功的喜悦和“一份耕耘,一分收获”的人生真谛。



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