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1、名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学问经纬Unit 2Is this your pencil.第 2 单元教学内容的核心是“确认物品 ”,也就是通过学习物品的单词,对物品的所属进行回答;学会写寻物启事和失物招领;类别语言学问点语音元音字母E 在重读开音节、闭音节中相应的发音以及拼读规章E /ei/ Eheme Epensetten重点词汇重点短语重点句型交际用语This, pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, case, backpack, sharpener, dictionary, that, no, n

2、ot, yes, sorry, thank, OK,in, English, how, do, spell, baseball, watch, computer, key, notebook, ring, call, at, lost and found, pleaseIs this your pencil. Yes, it is. /No, it isntWhats this in English. It s a pen. How do you spell it. P-E-N.Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your pencil. Yes, thank you. And

3、 that is my pencil.语法1. 一般疑问句的问与答;2冠词的初步用法;探究与实践学会写寻物启事和失物招领启事;热点聚焦1 Is that your backpack. No, it isn t. It s his backpack.那是你的背包吗?不,不是的;是他的背包;This 这个 , that那个 他们是指示代词,主要用来指示或表示人或事物的代词;单数复数近指this 这个these 这些远指that 那个those 那些that /thosethis/these在回答 this 和 that 作主语的疑问句时,要用it 代替 this 或 that, 如:-Is thi

4、s your note book.这是你的笔记本吗?-Yes, it is.是的;-What s that.那是什么?-It s a ring.是只戒指;2 Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your ruler. Yes, thank you. 第 1 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -请问, Sonia,这是你的尺吗?是的,感谢;“Excuse”一词主要意思是“原谅”;在交际中, “Excuse me”的主要功能是提示留意,当说话人想问问题、征求答应、问路、订正对方的

5、某种行为等必需打搅对方时,均可有它开头;它和 sorry 的用法有较大的区分:sorry 多用于事后赔礼的情形中;“Excuse me.”在译成汉语时有各种敏捷的说法,如“劳驾”“对不起”“请问”“打搅一下” ,等等;3How do you spell it. P-E-N.它是怎么拼写的?这句话和 spell it, please, 所达到的交际目的是一样的,但是,这句话中的how 意思是“如何”“怎么”;我们也可以这样表达:How to spell it.再比较: How are you. 中的 how, 那是表示询问身体状况;4And that is my pencil-case.而那才是

6、我的铅笔盒;承接下句中,我们用and 进行连接,使句子过渡自然;5Please call Mary.请打电话给Mary.Please 是礼貌用语,表示: “请”,常用于恳求或邀请别人做某事的情形中;Please 可以放在句首,也可放在句尾;放在句尾时要用逗号与前面的内容隔开;如:Please sit down.= Sit down, please.思 维 广 角 1所谓确认事物,实际上都的大家所熟识的身边的学习和生活用品,在学习过程中简单犯“明知故问”的毛病,这样就失去了语言交际的功能;那么,怎样才能表达出语言的交际功能呢?这就要我们去用;1)猜物;可以将物品放在不透亮的包里,答应同伴触摸,然

7、后问: “ Whatthsis. Is this a.”2)多向推测;画出几何图形,它既可成物品A ,也可成物品 B ;边画边问W hat sthis. Is this a.引导对方说出自己的想象物,添加笔画,再连续图形; 2 . Is this his pencil-box.Yes, it is.A. SorryB. ExcuseC. Excuse me Key: C解析:在要打搅别人之前,应当说excuse me.3 How do you spell the word. .A. Yes, you canB. Sorry, I can tC. No, you can tD. Sorry, I

8、 can Key: B解析:上句问句是特别疑问句,不能用yes/no 来回答,假如拼写,就直接用字母拼写;如果不能,就先表示歉意,然后说I cant 表示自己不会拼写;所以选B ; 4 Whatsthat in English. a pencil sharpener.A. This isB. That sC. He isD. It s Key: D解析:回答“What s this /that.”常用“ It s /It is”句型,用it 来代替上文中的this 或 that. 第 4 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -所以答案是D.5 Excuse me, is that

9、eraser.No, it s pencil sharpener.A. a, anB. an, anC. an, aD. a, a Key: C解析: a, an 这两个词意思一样都表示“一”,不强调“一”这个数量,强调的是类别;A 用在一辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前,而an 就用在一元音音素开头的单数可数名词前;上 句中 eraser 以元音音素开头,须加an, pencil 以辅音音素开头,须加a, 所以答案挑选C;课 外 拓 展 1英语的单词虽然难学,但它本身却有规律可循;发觉、把握其中的规律,是学习单词的有效方法,可以学一得十,触类旁通;从构词法来讲,单词的核心是词根,前后缀的含义有肯

10、定的规律可循;如:这单元学的sharpener,词根是sharp尖的 ,从 sharp 到 sharpener 的演化过程是这样的:sharp 锐利的 adj sharpen(削尖 v.) sharpener(卷笔刀n.) 又如: short 短的 adj shorten (使缩短v.)read读,朗读v. reader (读者 n.) 2 Lost and Found: 失物招领美国很多公共场所或公园都设有失物招领处(Lost and Found Office ) ,失主可以直接与之联系;自我评估I. 听 Unit2 1b, 回答以下问题;1 Is this ruler the boy s.

11、A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isn t.C. It s the boys.2. Is that backpack the girl s.A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isn t.C. It s the girl s.II. 单项挑选;1. Look. Whats that in English. .A. E-R-A-S-E-RB. It s an eraserC. This is her eraserD. No, it isn t2. do you spell backpack.B-A-C-K-P-A-C-K.A. CanB. WhatC. WhyD. H

12、ow3. Is this your computer.No, it s computer.A. myB. thisC. thatD. Janes4. Found a dictionary. Please call Kim 79850584.A. inB. atC. forD. of5. What s your name.Her name is Linda.A. brother sB. grandfather sC. father sD. sister s6. Is her pen in the case.A. whatB. hisC. thatD. it s7. This is empty b

13、ottle. Could you give full one.A. a, aB. an, anC. the, theD. an, a8. Hi, Lily. .Hi, I m very well, and you.A. How do you do.B. What s thatC. How are you.D. Are you OK.9. Kim is my name.A. familyB. lastC. firstD. full10. Is that your dictionary. .A. No, it s a dictionary.B. D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-YC. Yes,

14、 its my dictionary.D.Yes, it isn tIII. 依据上下文填入单词,单词的首字母以给出;1. I don t have a pencil, so I use a p instead.2. How do you s case.-C-A-S-E3. Please c Sonia at 312-8931.4. Is that your pencil sharpener in the L and Found case.5. Nick sits before the desk to play c games.IV. 给以下对话排好队Thank you.Here you are. Yes.Is this yo


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