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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Where would you like to visit?一、词汇1. 生词jungle 热带丛林,密林spotlight 公众注意中心downtown 商业区,中心区customer顾客,消费者firm 公司spot 地点,场所intelligence 智力,智慧servant 仆人humanoid 类人动物shape 形状earthquake 地震2. 形容词tiring, educational, fascinating, thrilling, peaceful, exotic, historic, touristy, heavy, pr

2、ivate, pack, light, arctic, artificial, doubtful, elderly,electric.二、词组1. go trekking长途跋涉2. would like(love)to do想做某事3. consider doing sth 考虑做某事4. plan on doing sth 打算做某事5. get around 观光,到处走动6. depend on依而定,取决于7. take a trip去旅行8. go on a vacation 去度假9. provide with 供应某人某物10. love doing喜欢做某事11. need

3、to do需要做某事12. be away 离开13. be supposed to人们认为三、日常用语1. -Where would you like to visit? -Id love to visit Mexico. 2. -What else can you tell me? -I hope to go to France some day. I want to go to somewhere really cool!四、知识讲解Section A:1. Id like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacat

4、ions. 我想去热带丛林中旅行,因为我喜欢充满刺激的假期。区分through和across:两者虽然都表示“穿过”的意思,但用法上有所不同。但across 强调在某个表面上的运动,有“on”的含义;through则强调在一个上、下、左、右皆有东西的三维空间里移动,含有“in”的意义。例如:The thief got in through the window.小偷是通过这扇窗户进来的。The footbridge swayed when I ran across.当我跑过天桥时,桥晃个不停。2. go on a vacation 去度假是美式用法,英国人常用on holiday. 其中的介词

5、on是表示状态、方法等,意思是“进行中,在中,于状态”。例如:There are a lot of new suits on sale in the shop. 这个商店里有许多新套装在出售。go +on(或for)名词,常表示“去”。例如:Lets go for a walk after supper. 晚饭后我们去散步吧。3. some day是英式用法意为“(将来)有一天,有朝一日”,美式用法写作someday, 二者并无区别。My dream will come true some day (someday). 我的梦想将来有一天会实现。4. I do,tooI like places

6、 where the weather is always warm我也想去。我喜欢气候总是很暖和的地方。(1)I do,too中的do代替上文中的hope to visit Hawaii someday I do, too.=So do I例如:-I like swimming我喜欢游泳。-I do,too(So do I)我也是。(2)第二句I like places where the weather is always warm是个复合句,其中包含由关系副词where引导的定语从句wherewarm修饰先行词places,where在从句中作地点状语。文中出现的类似句子还有:I love

7、 places where the people are really friendly我喜欢那里的人们非常友好的地方。5. Why not consider visiting Singapore?为什么不考虑游览新加坡呢?(1)Why not+动词原形+?Why dont you+动词原形+?意为“为什么不?”常用来表示向对方提出建议。例如:Why not go to the movies? Why dont you go to the movies?为什么不去看电影呢?(2)consider visiting意为“考虑参观”,consider后跟v-ing作宾语。例如:We are con

8、sidering writing him another letter我们正在考虑给他再写一封信。6. Its best to travel with someone who can translate things for you最好和能为你做翻译的人一起旅游。(1)句型Its+adj+(for sb)+to do sth意为“(对某人来说)做某事是”。例如:Its hard(for you)to finish the task(对你来说)完成这项任务困难。(2)句中who can translate things for you是由关系代词who引导的定语从句修饰先行词someone(3)

9、translate是动词,意为“翻译”,常用短语为translate sth into sth意为“把翻译成”。例如:Please translate it into Chinese请把它翻译成中文。7. Isnt it supposed to be very hot?那里不应该很热吧?(1)句中be supposed后面跟带to的动词不定式,意思是“应该;允许”。例如:We are not supposed to play football on SundaysWe are not allowed to play football on Sundays我们不准在星期日踢足球。(2)suppo

10、se常与that从句连用,that可省略,意为“认定;猜想”。例如:What do you suppose you will do after school?你放学后想干什么?I suppose well go there next week我想我们下星期会去那里。(3)suppose用于情景对话中。例如:I suppose so我认为是这样。I suppose not. 或I dont suppose so我认为不是这样。Section B:1. I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacati

11、ons that your firm can offer. 我希望你能向我提供一些信息,就是有关你们公司所提供的一些度假种类。I hope 后是一个宾语从句,其中,that your firm can offer则是一个定语从句。provide的用法:(1)provide+名词或代词 Sheep provide wool. 羊提供羊毛。(2)provide +名for名(人)provide +名(人)with名,意思是“供给(某人)” Sheep provide us with wool.羊供给我们羊毛。 We provided food for the hungry children.我们为

12、饥饿的孩子们提供食物。2. The person has a lot of money to spend on the vacation这个人有很多钱花费在度假上。(1)句中to spend作money的后置定语。spend意为“花费”,常用于句型sbspendon sthin doing sth“某人花费时间或金钱在上”。例如:I spend 10 yuan on the book我花了10元钱买这本书。I spend two hours in finishing my homework我花费了两个小时完成我的作业。(2)a lot of意为“许多”(lots of),既可修饰可数名词,相当

13、于many,也可修饰不可数名词,相当于much。例如:I have a lot of /lots of/many friends. 我有许多朋友。He has a lot of/lots of/much money他有许多钱。3. My family and I want to take a trip this summer somewhere in the east of China我和我的家人今年夏天要去中国东部的某个地方旅游。(1)take a trip是固定短语,意为“去旅行”。例如:I will take a trip tomorrow明天我将去旅行。(2)in the east o

14、f China意为“在中国的东部”。在方位名词前一般可用介词in,to和on。in强调“在内”;on强调“接壤”;to强调“在外”。例如:Japan is to the east of China(日本与中国不接壤,且不属于中国,故用to)日本在中国的东面。India is on the south of China(印度与中国接壤,故用on)印度在中国南部。Beijing is in the north of China(北京属于中国,故用in)北京在中国北部。4. We specially love hiking and swimming,but any kind of exercise is fine我们特别喜欢步行和游泳,但任何别的锻炼也行。(1)especially意为“特别,非常”,而specially也有“特别,非常”


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