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1、Unit4 Topic 3课题Unit4 Topic 3 习题测试课型探究课课时 单项选择 Unit 4 测试题 ( )1一Its time for the weather reportCould I_the TV,Dad? Go aheadpleaseI also want to know about the weather for tomorrow Aturn on Bturn off Cturn up Dturn down( )2-Dont forget to post the letter! AYes,I do BNo,I dont CYes,I will DNo, I wont( )

2、3-What a nice day today! Yes_go for a picnic and relax ourselves? AWould you like BWhy not CWhat about DWhy dont( )4The teacher often told Mike_too much time playing computer games Anot to spend Bto not spend Cdoesnt spend Dnot spend( )5If there_no buying and selling of animals,there_no killing in n

3、ature Ais;will be Bwill be;will be Cis;is Dwill be;is( )6_away from drinking and smoking! AStay BStaying CTo stay DStays( )7Tina is_tired_she needs to have a good rest Asuch;that Bso;that Ctoo;to Dso;to( )8一I am not sure_I can pass the examI should work harder Athat Bwhen Cwhich Dwhether( )9Listenin

4、g to the_music always makes me Arelaxed;relaxing Brelaxed;relaxed Crelaxing;relaxing Drelaxing;relaxed( )1 0Linda is not good at Chinese,but she passes the exam_the help of her classmates Awith Bunder Cwithout Dby( )11Which do you like better,plants or animals? Aenjoy Bprefer C10ve Dhate( )1 2Did yo

5、u hear about the drought in Hubei Province? Ahear Bhear from Chear of ,Dhear out。( )13We learned another two English songs last week Aother two Bmore two Ctwo more Dtwo other( )1 4More than two thousand people lost their lives in the earthquake AMany BMuch COver DAbout( )1 5We should exercise often

6、to keep healthy Amake Bget Cbecome Dstay 学法指导栏总结自己做错的题,并把做题原因写下来。_学习目标1. 识记本单达标元单词和短语 ;2. 学习并熟记一些常用的重点句型结构;学习重点宾语补足语的用法学习难点If引导的从句教师“复备栏”或学生“笔记栏”I用所给词的适当形式填空 Topic 3 测试题1We should use the Intemet_(safe)2Young people like to make Mends by sending emails or _(chat)online3Dont spend too much time _ (pl

7、ay)computer games 4The earthquake made many people_-(1ose)their families5I saw Mary _(play)the violin in the room just now1l-单项选择o( )1-What day is it today,Michael? Im not sure _ it is Tuesday Athat Bif Cuntil Dwhen( )2-Where is your father,Tom? 一In the garden.I saw him_the flowers there when I came

8、 in Awater Bwaters Cwatered Dwatering( )3Lets play a gamePlease keep your eyes _ Aclosed Bclosing Cto close Dclose( )4Could you help me_some information about UFOs? A1ook for B1ook at C1ook out Dfind out( )5The color TVS were very popular Ain 1990s Bin the 1990 Cin the 1990s Don 1990s( )6The buildin

9、g _ beautifulIt_a colorful ball A1ooks,looks like B1ooks like,looks C,looks for,looks up D1ooks at,looks after( )71 work hard this term,but Peter works much _ Ahard Bharder Chardest Dthe hardest( )8The baby feels_while his mother holds him in her arms Asave Bsafe Csafely Dsafety( )9-Why dont you go out to play,Rose? 一Im afraid I cant.I have much homework_ Ado Bdoes Cdoing Dto do( )1 0Please keep quiet,everybody! I have_important to tell youA nothing B something C anything D everything2



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