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1、2020年山东省临沂市朱家里庄中心中学高一英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. How _ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article? A. can B. must C. need D. may参考答案:A2. Do it right now._, it will be too late.A. However B. OtherwiseC. Instead D. Besides参考答案:B【详解】考查副词辨析。句意:马上做,否则,就太迟了。题干中表示

2、“否则”,A. However然而;B. Otherwise否则;C. Instead代替;D. Besides此外,故选B。3. I mean _ abroad and nothing is going to stop me, though that means _ my parents for a long time.A. going; leaving B. going; to leave C. to go; to leave D. to go; leaving参考答案:D4. Fifty-three years after it was written in 1958, the love

3、 letter to a US college student fro his girlfriend who _ his wife is finally on its way to him.A. was to becomeB. becomesC. is to becomeD. became参考答案:A5. Those s were_ people. After a few days, I was getting_ and homesick.A. boring; boring B. bored; boredC. bored; boring D. boring; bored参考答案:D6. I a

4、m fond of music while my sister likes reading novels. It seems that we have nothing _.A. in trouble B. in common C. in place D. in need 参考答案:B7. The sky is clear,so its not_to rain this afternoon.AfalseBcertainClikelyDfortunate参考答案:C句意为:天空晴朗,所以今天下午不可能下雨。likely表示“可能的”,符合语境。其余三项:false假的;certain确定的;for

5、tunate幸运的,均不符合语境。8. I was really anxious about you. You _ home without a word next time. A. mustnt leave B. shouldnt have left C. couldnt have left D. neednt leave参考答案:B9. How long do you suppose it is _ he arrived here? A. whenB. beforeC. afterD. since 参考答案:B10. This is the last factory we visited

6、in our journey.A. why B. what C. where D. that参考答案:D11. The number of private cars in China _ since 2005, but only 15 percent of them _ made in China. A. has been increasing; are B. have increased; is C. has been increased; is D. had increased; are 参考答案:A12. Everybody _look after their bodies.A. sup

7、pose to B are supposed to C. is supposed to D. supposes to参考答案:C13. Someone called me up in the middle of night, but he hung up _ I could answer the phone.A. as B. since C. until D. before参考答案:D14. The book is well worth _ (read). 参考答案:reading15. Many Europeans explored _continent of Africa in the 1

8、9th century with the determination to discover _ unknown.A/; the Bthe; an C/; an Dthe; the参考答案:D16. When asked to make an apology,he his head and said,“Apology? Why?A. took up B. brought up C. held up D. made up参考答案:C17. Are you still busy?Yes, I _ my work, and it wont take long.A. just finish B. am

9、 just finishing C. have just finished D. am just going to finish参考答案:B略18. It was some time_ we realized the truth.Awhen Buntil Csince Dbefore参考答案:D解析考查连词。句意:过了一段时间我们才意识到了事情的真相。It is.before意思为“过才”。19. Mr. Green, _ my opinion, is an easy-going man to get along with.A. on B. in C. of D. with参考答案:B二、 书

10、面表达20. 写作(满分25分) 每当有重要考试时,许多同学经常会感觉紧张。请你以“How to relax before exams”为题写一篇英语短文,以刊登在学校英语报上。短文必须包括以下要点:1考试焦虑的危害;2你的建议:(1)对考试有正确的态度;(2)制定科学的学习计划;(3)适当放松(运动、听音乐等);(4)保持充足的睡眠和均衡的饮食;注意:1词数:l00-120;2可以适当增加细节内容。参考词汇:焦虑anxiety(n) How to relax before exams 参考答案:略三、 阅读理解21. Monkeys seem to have a way with numbers.A team of researchers trained three Rhesus monkeys to associate 26 clearly different symbols (符号)



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