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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上七年级下英语词汇练习 2012.06.Unit 5Topic1I.根据句意和汉语提示或首字母提示完成句子1. He _ (很少) has rice for breakfast.2. We saw some _ (美国人) on the street.3. Jim goes _ (游泳)very often.4. The class are _ _ (听) the teacher carefully.5. He often gets up at six _ (平日).6. He caught the (早班车) and got to school early .7. L

2、ets (步行) the cinema.8. We usually go to school _ _(步行)9. We must go to school (按时)10. He often goes to school _ _(骑自行车)11. My mother _(总是) gets up very early every day .12. LiMing _(经常)goes home in his fathers car .13. They often _ _ _(乘公共汽车) to work .14. Id like to _ _(了解) the school life of Americ

3、an students .15. They usually have a short rest _ _(午饭后).16. They usually play basketball in their f_ time .17. Li Xiang often r_ a bike to school.18. He goes to the library o_ a week. 19. He n_ takes the subway to work .20. Wen Wei is reading books in the school l .21.We all know the early bird c_

4、the worm .22.In our school, very f_ students go to school by car.23. We usually have a short r_ after lunch.24. Jane n_ goes to school on foot. She usually takes a bus to school.II从括号内选择恰当的词填空。1.What does Ellen usually do after school?She usually _ (watch/watches) TV.2.How do _ (America/American) st

5、udents usually go to school?Well, they usually walk or take a yellow school bus.3. Betty writes to his father _ (two/twice)a week.4. My little cat always .(play/playing)with the ball in the room.5.Its time _(for /to) class.6.She goes to bed _(at/in) about half past ten every night .7.Nice _ (talk/ta

6、lking ) to you .Unit5 Topic2I.根据句意和汉语提示或首字母提示完成句子1. How long can I (借)the book?2. Its a (愉快 ) to help you.3. The book on these ( (架)are about science.4. They are (擦) the blackboard.5. You must (还) them on time.6. He went to the (教学楼) to get the recorder.7. Kate is ( (制作卡片)at the moment.8. I have onl

7、y (一些) photos, so I cant give them to you.10. Hes (寻找) his pen. He cant find it on the desk.11.We are having a_ (乏味的) meeting. We all want to sleep.12.We should _ (学习)from LeiFeng.13.What _ (别的)things do you want?I want to use some rulers.14.Dont _ _(画画) on the blackboard , Jane.15.Look , they are _

8、 _ _ _(上英语课) now .16.The boys are _(跑步) on the playground at the moment.17.What are they doing now ? They are _(跳舞) in the gym.18.They are in the dormitory . They are _ .(睡觉)19.He is not doing his homework , he is _ (写)a letter to his mother.20.Peter is showing his mother a _ his school.21.What do y

9、ou think of the Great Wall.? -Its w_.22.Xiao Ming is playing basketball on the p with his classmates.23.There is some money in my p .24.How long can I k_ the book?Three weeks.25.Where is John now? He is r_ in the library.26.He likes his dormitory b he likes sleeping.27.He is good at swimming. He lik

10、es to swim in the swimming p_.28.He often b_ some books from the school library.29.Most of students like playing computer g 30.Lucy is _ (draw/drawing)pictures now.31.Thank you for _ _ (tell/telling ) me about the news.32.Both of them like _( listen listening )to music.II.用所给词的适当形式填空1. Many women (d

11、ance) in the open air now.2. Look. The boy (help) the old man cross the road.3. Listen. Someone (sing) in the next room .4. Kate, please come here. Ok. I (come).5. the students (run)? No, They are swimming.6. Where is uncle Wang? He (read) the newspaper in the living room.7. Its five now. My mother

12、(cook) and my father (wash) his car in the garden.8. Dont talk loudly, please. The baby (sleep).9. What can you see in the picture? I can see some students. Some (fly) kites, Some (play) soccer and some _(make ) model planes.10. They (talk) about Super Voice Girl. Lets join them. Ok. Lets go.11 Whos in the office? Mr. Smith. He (write)a report.12. The Reads (listen) to music in the next room at the moment.13. There is a kite in the sky. Can you tell me who (fly) it?Unit 5Topic3I.根据句意和汉语提示或首字母提示完成句子1. My classmates are _ (友好的)to me.2.What do you thin



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