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1、“麻省理工会让你意识到口己的不足,然后麻省理工会粉碎它们,再让你意识到口己的潜力 有多大”学校简介:综合排名第六finance专业排名第六。位于麻省的坎布里奇市,毗邻历史悠久的 笔架山和波士顿的中心地带。如呆你自认为是科学天才,那么來到麻省理工,你就会受到打 击,因为在这里,你会感到白己知道的知识原來是如此之少。麻省理工会令即便是全世界最 聪明的学生也会产生畏惧心理。麻省理工在经济学、政治学、管理方面都领先于其他大学。 这所顶尖人学的特色专业有工程、自然科学和数学,来到这里的学生可以学到更多的知识。项目名称:Master of Finance(http:/mitsloan.mit.edu/mf

2、i n/DrogramcomDonents/whatisthemasteoffinance/)这是一个密集型学习项冃,仅用12个月完成所有课程学习。它让你能够应用先进的数学模型 和量化方法创新地解决H益复杂的金融问题。 灵活的课程设置是这个项FI授大的特点,学校鼓励学生根据自己的专业兴趣去选修课 程,和必修课-起,制定适合占己的curriculum。 项目由一个为期6周的小学期开始(7月开学),小学期期间,学生主要学习如何运用先 进的数学模型和计虽方法去找出比较有创意的解决复杂的金融问题的方案。小学期的学 习为他们之示学习理解吸收更为专业的金融和企业会计知识打下了很好的基础。 它的course

3、work需要协作完成,往往是以小组的形式去完成一个课题任务,在真实的案 例小,团队合作寻找解决的最优方案,以培养提高学空团队协作的能力。 项冃构成: A pair of required summer courses in quantitative finance and accounting to provide the foundation for financial management, along with workshops to improve “soft business skills such as writing resumes and cover letters, int

4、erviewing, and networking. A required advanced quantitative financial analysis course, including mathematical, statistical, and computational methods. A set of required electives that focus on managerial areas in finance. An array of electives ranging from financial technology courses and quantitati

5、ve methods to economics, and additional advanced finance courses. Action Learning courses that integrate financial theory and applications with hands-on work experience in the financial industry. These project-based courses challenge students to solve real-world problems with MITs partner corporatio

6、ns, culminating in student solutions presented to the actual corporate decision makers. A professional development seminar consisting of three days of sessions focusing on ethics, professionalism, and giving voice to values. Industry treks to New York City and Asia to broaden exposure to financial c

7、areers and to the financial community. 要成功毕业,学生必须提交一个24学分的论文或者完成12学分的自主学习,通常是额外 选修课程。学习的课程信息请参见此处:http:/mitsloan.mit.edu/mfin/program-components/Dersonalized-cuiTiculum/core-requirement S/ 就业情况:毕业牛能够选择的就业方向很多,包括:1. Investment Banking 投资银行Structured financeCapital markets, trading, and risk managemen

8、tDerivatives researchPrivate equity/merchant bankingHedge funds代表性企业:Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Barclays, BNP Paribas, Morgan Stanley, D.E. Shaw & Co., Fortress, Global Investment Management2. Asset Management 资产管理Multiple analyst positions at long-biased major asset managersAnalytical positions

9、at quant shops/alternative asset managersPrivate wealth management代表性企业:Fidelity Investments, Wellington Management, Putnam Investments, Citi,Pimco, Bessemer Trust3. Risk Management 风险管理代农性企业:AIG, American Express, RiskMetrics Group, Liberty Mutual, J.P. Morgan4. Government Financial Regulators 政府金融

10、监管机构代表性企业:NYSE, U.S. Federal Reserve, FINRA5. Treasury and Corporate Finance 国债和企业融资代表性企业:Fidelity Investments, Raytheon, Thomson Reuters, General Motors6. Financial Information Systems and Data Providers 金融信息系统和数据提供代表性企业:Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Standard & Poofs, Moody5s, Fitch7. Reta

11、il and Commercial Banking 零售和商业银行业务代表性金业:Citi, HSBC, Bank of America, UBS& Venture Capital and Private Equity 风险资本及私募股本代表性企业:Sequoia Capital, KPCB, Watermill Group, Blackstone Group, Quadrangle Group, Permira, GMO, 3i9. Corporate Finance and Corporate Restructuring 企业融资和企业重组代表性企业:General Motors, Tho

12、mson Reuters, Raytheon, Fidelity Investments10. Financial Services and Consulting 金融服务和咨询代表性企业:Deloitte, McKinsey & Company, Capital One, Watson Wyatt, Cambridge Associates, Hewitt, Mercer申请要求如下:(http:/mitsloan.mit.edu/mfin/admissions/)1. 截止H期: July 2013 entry:MFin Round 1MFin Round 2巾请必须在12点前提交Thur

13、s, Nov & 2012Mon, Jan 7,2013录取结果出来时间byTues, Jan 15, 2013Thurs, Mar 14, 2013确认入学时间Fri, April 12, 2013Fri, April 12, 2013MFin Early Action Deadline For July 2014 entry申请必须在12点前提交Wed, May 1,2013录取结果出来时间byFri, June 14, 2013确认入学时间Mon, July 15, 20132. 申请者的专业背景比较多样化,理科、数学、工程专业的学生都可以申请;申请主体也 可以多样化,应届毕业生、刚开始

14、从事金融工作的全职员工、工程师、数学家、编程员 均可以申请。但是每-位申请者都最好貝备以下列出的数学基础知识: Linear algebra Calculus Probability Statistics/Econometrics Computer literacy3. Application checklist: Online application: https:/appapplyyoursc】fcom/AYApplicantLogin/ApplicantConncctLoginasp?icl=mit ba 申请费$100 Resume EssaysEssay 1: The mission

15、 of the MFin program is to create the next generation of global financial leaders w让h state-of-the-art training in modern finance theories and methods and an appreciation of the ethical implications of finance. Our program attracts the best and brightest students who go on to advance financial management practice and improve the world. Please tell us about past experiences, accomplishments, and personal qualities that will enable you to contribute to the advancement of this mission. (Up to 500 words)Essay 2: What type of career are you looking for upon completion of the program? Wh


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