九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry测试卷(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 试题

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九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry测试卷(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 试题_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry测试卷(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 试题_第2页
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1、第十一单元测试卷第I卷(选择题)一、单选题1My parents are sometimes too hard _ me.Are they?They just want you to spend more time on your lessons.AonBwithCforDto2The young man made many mistakes in his work, so the manager _ the company.Acalled him inBkicked him offCpicked him upDwoke him up3Sam borrowed a book from the

2、school library. _ he read it, _ he liked it.AThe more; the muchBThe much; the muchCThe much; the moreDThe more; the more4I heard that you went to Chongqing for a holiday. Did you enjoy yourself ?Well, _. The food was delicious but the weather was awful.Aa piece of cakeBof courseCyes and noDno proble

3、m5Ive got two tickets for tomorrows film. Do you feel like _ to the cinema with me?Sorry, Im busy.AgoBto goCgoingDgone6Alan would rather _ long hours on the train than _ by air.Aspend; travelingBspending; travelingCspending; travelDspend; travel7Many volunteers went to Nepal after the earthquake. I

4、really admired them for their _.AreliefBcourageCfaultDpower8After school he has to walk home _,but he doesnt feel _.A. alone; lone B. lonely; lonely C. alone;lonely9How do you like Han Hans books? They are my last choice. The more I read them,_ I like them.Athe lessBthe leastCthe moreDthe most10Leo

5、was _ hungry _ he rushed to the kitchen,hoping to find something to eat.Atoo;toBso;thatCvery;toDsuch;that11Cheng Long and Li Lianjie have much _.And they often play similar roles in the movies.Ain generalBin styleCin commonDin shape12 Didnt you see the sign, sir? Smoking is not allowed here._.ANever

6、 mindBIm sorryCDont mention itDSure. I dont smoke13My sister bought me a new MP4 player, but I dont know _.Let me show you.Ahow to use itBwhere to use itCwhat to useDwhich one to use14Lily did all kinds of things to make the baby _.Ato stop cryingBto stop to cryCstop to cryDstop crying15His uncle wo

7、uld ratherthe old bike thana new oneArepair:to buyBto repair;buyCrepair;buyDto repair;to buy二、完型填空I think smiling is as important as sunshine.Smiling _ sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day.If you arent happy,you can smile,and then you will feel _Someone may say,“I dont feel

8、happy.”Then I would say,“Please smile when you are unhappy or play with your friends happily,then you will really be happy _”You dont like crying,right?So you must _ smiling,and you know smiling will let people _ everything unhappy.Every day we see teachers or classmates and say,“Hi!How are you?”At

9、_ time,you are smiling,right?Smiling can let you have _ friends.With a smile,people will know you are a _ person.They will talk with you,_ you will have more and more friends.I think _ is like a flower,the sunshine and the warmth.It will give you happiness.16AlikesBis likeClikeDare like17AhappyBsadC

10、angryDexciting18AagoBbeforeCagainDafter19AdislikeBhateCworryDprefer20AstopBrememberCforgetDknow21AdifferentBthe sameCsameDthe different22AmoreBlessCleastDmost23AunfriendlyBseriousCkindDbusy24AbutBifCbecauseDso25AcryingBsayingCspeakingDsmiling三、阅读单选For years, Kyle Hargreaves, 13, had a secret fear. I

11、t wasnt of snakes or spiders or of heights. Kyle was afraid of mascots (吉祥物). Thats rightthose characters in fun costumes (服装) at sporting events and amusement parks.Just seeing a mascot made Kyleshudder. He even would have trouble breathing. “Whats wrong with me?” Kyle wondered. And as time went on

12、, the problem only became worse.Kyle decided to face his fear. He told his dad about it. Hearing that, his dad couldnt believe his ears. He took Kyle to a hospital at once. There Kyle was treated (治疗) in a special way. He was asked to face the feared object step by step.First, a man carrying a rabbi

13、t costume appeared. Kyle started to fear, but he didnt run away. Next, the man put on the whole costume except for the head. Then he played basketball with Kyle. After a while, the man put on the head. Other mascots joined the game.Kyle was nervous every step of the way. But finally he relaxed. By t

14、he end of the day, his fear was gone. To prevent his fear from returning, Kyle played with mascots several times for a month.To celebrate Kyles new relationship with mascots, his family went on a trip. Where did they go? To a place full of mascots!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。26What does the underlined word “shudder” in Paragraph 2 mean?AForget.BShake.CAnswer.DSing.27How did Kyles dad feel when he knew about Kyles fear?AAngry.BFunny.CDisappointed.DSurprised.28How was Kyle treated in the hospital?ABy making more friends.


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