九年级英语中考介词复习 精辟 试题

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1、介词复习 常用介词介绍(一)表示时间的介词:1at, on, in(1) at表示“在某一时刻、某一时间点”at 5:30 在5:30 at sunrise 日出时 at lunch 午饭时at noon 正午时 at night 夜间I get up at 6:00 every day. 我每天6:00起床。表示“在岁”时用at the age of。如:at the age of five 在五岁时(2) on表示“在具体某一天或某天的上、下午”。如:on Monday在星期一 on April 1st在四月一日I heard a shot on the morning of March

2、18.三月十八日早晨我听到一声枪响。泛指上、下午、晚上、夜间时用in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night;但若指具体某一天的上述时段时,则一律用on。如:on the afternoon of May 23 在五月二十三日下午(3) in表示“在某月、季节、年、世纪”以及泛指的上、下午、晚上。in September 在九月 in winter 在冬季in 1999 在1999年 in the 20th century在20世纪in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上2for, during, throug

3、h(1) for表示“一段时间”,后接与数词连用的时间名词。多与完成时连用。Ive been a soldier for 5 years.我入伍已5年了。She has been ill for several days. 她已经病了几天了。表示“持续一段时间”时,for后面必须跟“数字+时间名词”,而during后决不可接数字。(2) during表示“在期间”He visited many nice places during his stay here.在他逗留期间他参观了许多美丽的地方。What did you do during the summer vacation? 你在暑假做了

4、什么?(3) through表示“一直,自始至终”They worked hard through the winter.整个冬天他们都在努力工作。She treated me like her brother through these years. 这些年来她始终把我当哥哥对待。 3from, since(1) from 作“从”解,多用于“fromto/till”中。You can come anytime from Monday to Friday. 周一至周五你什么时间来都行。The exam will start from 9:00am. 考试将从上午九点开始。from“从(开始)

5、”未必持续到现在,如:from 1995 to 1998.从1995年到1998年。而since是指“自从以来一直持续到现在”since一般只与现在完成时连用,而from不受此限。(2) since表示“自从以来(直到现在)”He has been away from home since 1973.他自从1973年就离开了家乡。We have known each other since ten years ago.我们十年前就认识了。for与since表示一段时间,但for与时间段连用,而since与时间点连用。如for two hours(持续)两小时;since last week自从

6、上周直到现在4before, by, till, until(1) before指“在之前”Please come before ten oclock.请10点以前来。The meeting will end after 3:00 p.m.会议将在下午三点后结束。表示“在以前”时,before与by基本可通用。但by还有“截至为止”之意,此时可与完成时连用,而before一般不与完成时连用。如:How many models have you made by the end of last month?截至上月底你做了多少个模型?(2) by指“不迟于,到时为止,在以前”I must fini

7、sh my homework by lunch.午饭前我必须做完作业。We had learned over 1000 words by the end of last term.到上学期末为止,我们已经学了1000多个单词了。(3) till (until) “直到为止”You must wait for him till tomorrow.你必须一直等他到明天。He didnt come back until twelve oclock last night.他昨晚到12点才回来。在肯定句中,till (until)必须与延续动词连用。若与点动词连用,till (until)只能用于否定句

8、中。5after, in, withinafter表示“在之后”,是before的反义词。Well hold a party after dinner.晚餐后我们将举办晚会。He got a cancer and died after a year.他患了癌症,一年后去世了。Ill phone you after I arrive.到达后我给你打电话。(after作连词)within“在时间之内”I can finish it within an hour.我不需一小时就可把它做完。in“在时间之后”Ill arrive in an hour.我一小时后到达。比 较 after与inafter

9、后可跟时间段,也可跟时间点,如after school(放学后),而in后必须跟一段时间,如in an hour(一小时后)。after既可用于将来时,也可用于过去时,而in只能用于将来时。after既可作介词,又可作连词,而in只能作介词in与within后都必须跟时间段。(二)表示“地点、方向”的介词:1in,outside,between, amongin表示“在里面”,如:Whats in the box? 盒子里是什么?She put her book in the desk. 她把书放进了书桌。outside指“在外面”There are many people outside t

10、he room.房间外有很多人。What did your see outside the hall? 你在大厅外看见了什么?between在之间(指二者)There is a hospital between the hotel and the post office.在宾馆与邮局之间有所医院。The building stands between the park and the small river. 那栋建筑位于公园和小河之间。 between是指“在两者之间”,而among指“在多个之间”。among在之间(指三者以上)“There is a thief among you.” T

11、he policeman shouted to the crowd.警察向人群喊道:“你们中间有个小偷!”He found his place among the crowd. 他在人群中找到了他的位置。2on, above, over, below, under(1) on在上面,表面相互接触。There is an apple on the table. 桌上有一个苹果。On the top of the hill, there is a flag. 山顶有一面旗子。(2) above只表示“在上方或位置高出”,与below相对。A plane flew above our heads.一

12、架飞机从我们头上飞过。The Turners live above us. 特纳一家人住在我们的上面。(3) over“在正上方”,与under相对。There is a bridge over the river.河上有一座桥。The picture is hanging over the blackboard. 那张图挂在黑板的正上方。(4) below在下方,低于There are many flowers below the window.窗下有很多花。Her skirt reaches just below her knees.她的裙子刚到膝盖下。(5) under在正下方They

13、sat under a big tree, drinking.他们坐在一棵大树下喝酒。What are you wearing under your coat? 你外套里面穿了什么?3near, by, beside(1) near在附近,与far相对A hospital was built near the railway station.在火车站附近建了一所医院。My home is near the school. 我的家离学校很近。(2) by = beside,靠近,在旁边,比near距离更近 He just sat by/ beside me in the cinema.在电影院他

14、就坐在我旁边。He lay down beside the statuary. 他在雕像旁躺下了。4in front of, behind, around(1) in front of在前面A river flows in front of the house.房子前有一条河They put a bunch of flowers in front of the door. 他们在门前放了一束花。 in the front of表示“在前部”,指里面。There is a red chair in the front of the room.在房间前半部有把红椅子。(2) behind在后面A high building stands behind the village.村子后面有一高层建筑。The cat lies behind the door. 猫躺在门后面。(3) around在周围,围绕There are many trees around the village.村子周围有很多树围绕。There are flowers around the stage. 舞台周围摆着鲜花。5from, to, for, into, out of(1) from从The train started fro


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