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1、青 少版 新概 念 2A-2B课文 文本 Unit1-30Unit 1:Linda comes to London LINDA:Hi, Karen. Where are you.KAREN:Imin the coffeebar next to the Arrivals,exit.Im waiting for you, and Im having a cup of coffee.KAREN:Where are you, and what are you doing.LINDA:Im in the Baggage Hall. Im waiting for my suitcase. LINDA:Ah

2、, I can see it. Its coming round now. There it is.LINDA:Oh, Karen. Is Paul with you.KAREN:Yes, of course he is. Hes standing here beside me. Im giving him my phone now.KAREN:Here you are, Paul. Talk to your mother.PAUL:Hello, Mum.LINDA:Hello, Paul. Ive got my suitcase, and Im coming out now.Unit 2 :

3、 Good luck on Sunday.REPORTER:Mynames TomFrench. Imspeakingto you from the ExCelCentre in Londons Docklands.Weare visitingthisyearsREPORTER:Marathon Expo.This is theTrade Fairof theLondon Marathon.Its下载文档可编辑very noisy.Therearehundredsofexhibitorsand thousandsofvisitors here.REPORTER:Thisisa biginter

4、nationalevent.Butitslikea village.People are talking and laughing like old friends.REPORTER:Imstandingwithoneofthecompetitors.Letme introduce Paul Bruce. Hi, Paul.PAUL:Hi, Tom.REPORTER:Paul, please tell our listeners. This is your first Marathon, isnt it.PAUL:Yes, it is.REPORTER:Are you looking forw

5、ard to Sunday. PAUL:Yes, I am.REPORTER:Thats the spirit, Paul. Good luck on Sunday.Unit 3JACK:Thats strange.Whats this note in my pocket.It isnt mine.Is it yours, Daisy.DAISY:No, it isnt mine.Let me see. Oh, it belongs to Paul.The handwriting is his. JACK:So why is it in my pocket.DAISY:Idontknow.It

6、lookslikePaulsto-dolist.Let me read it.JACK:HMM. Give it to me, Daisy.Yes, it is Pauls, isnt it.DAISY:Yes, Jack. Put it back.Unit 4 : The top three percentVOLUNTEER:Congratulations.Two hours and fifty-nine minutes. Thats fantastic. Whats your name.PAUL:Paul. Paul Bruce.VOLUNTEER:Well done, Paul. How

7、 are you feeling. PAUL:Im OK. Thanks.VOLUNTEER: Good. Now, Paul. Heres your foil jacket. Put it on.You mustnt get cold.PAUL:Yes. Thanks.VOLUNTEER:Just a hundred and seventy-nineminutes. Paul,youre a hero.PAUL:Thanks.VOLUNTEER:Now,Paul, walk thisway. Pick up your medal. Itsyours.VOLUNTEER:There are t

8、hirty-fivethousand runners in thisrace,and youre in the top three percent. Congratulations.Unit 5:All about ants.ROBERT:Look at this webpage, Mum. Its about ants.KAREN:Ants. Why are you looking up ants.ROBERT:Why not.Antsarereallyinteresting.They do really interesting things.KAREN:What kind of thing

9、s.ROBERT:Well,they usuallylivein dry places.But they can survive under water for two weeks.KAREN:Really.ROBERT:Oh, Mum,how about this.Ants always stretchtheirlegs in the morning.KAREN:Youre joking.ROBERT:NO, really.KAREN:DO they usually yawn in the morning, too.ROBERT:Well, funnily enough, they do.U

10、nit 6 :An elegant sizePOLLY:Youre looking very elegant today, Annie.ANNIE:Yes,Im on my way to my accountants.I always put on a nice outfit for him.SO Im going by bus.POLLY:What do you mean, Annie.ANNIE:Well,I usuallywalk intotown.But today Imgoing by bus.Its my shoes, you see.POLLY:Your shoes.ANNIE:

11、Yes, my shoes. Theyre size six. POLLY:Theyre perfect with your outfit. ANNIE:Thanks. I like them, too.ANNIE:My feet are size five in the morning, and size six in the afternoon. I cant walk in these shoes before lunch.ANNIE:ButI cantwalk in them in the morning.Theyrefinein the afternoon.Unit 7 :A goo

12、d example ROBERT:How about this, Dad.Twenty-twopercentofpeopleinBritainnevereat breakfast. Sixteen percent eat breakfast at work.WILLIAM:Itstrue. My assistanthas herbreakfastat work every day.Its a waste of time, really. KAREN:Poor girl. She works very hard.WILLIAM:She goes out with friends nearly e

13、very night. Then shegets up late,and rushes to work late.WILLIAM:Thenshe has breakfastat her desk.Itdoesntlook good.KAREN:She works late twice a week,too.WILLIAM:Well, we all do that. Goodness, is that the time. WILLIAM:I must rush.KAREN:But what about your breakfast.WILLIAM:Thats all right. I can g

14、et some breakfast at work.Unit 8 : A nice quiet afternoon.MR. FORD:What are you going to do now, Paul.PAUL:Im going to take it easy this morning. Then Im going to meet Claire for lunch.MR. FORD:Where. Here in Barnet.PAUL:NO, at an Indian restaurant in Canary Wharf. Her mother recommends it.MR.FORD:Verynice.Havea good lunch.Eat a double portionof rice.You need the carbohydrate.MR. FORD:And have a dessert. Why not have two desserts. But no alcohol, of course.Have a nice quiet afternoon.PAUL:Wer


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