高中英语 Unit 4 Earthquakes Part 3 Learning about language学案(无答案)新人教版必修1 学案

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1、Part 3 Learning about languageGrammar 定语从句(一) (Attributive Clause)一、【学习目标】1、掌握定语从句的基本概念,即定语从句的含义、句法作用以及在句子中的位置、先行词、 关系代词等;2、掌握定语从句中关系代词的选择;3、掌握定语从句中的一些特殊现象。二、【自主预习】(请大家认真预习以下内容)定语从句(一) (Attributive Clause)在复合句中修饰某一名词、代词或句子的从句叫做定语从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词(定语从句所修饰的名词和代词以及句子 )之后。定语从句的引导词分关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有:that, w

2、hich, who, whom, whose, as;关系副词有:when, where, why. 关系代词通常有下列三个作用:1)引导定语从句;2)代替先行词;3)在定语从句中充当一个成分。 如:The car which my uncle had just bought was destroyed in the earthquake. 句中_是定语从句,修饰先行词_; _是引导定语从句的关系代词,替代先行词在从句中作宾语。表一:关系代词的用法关系代 词指代对象及在从句中的成分使用要点例句that既可指人、也可以指物,在从句中作主语或宾语(作宾语时可以省略)1、 指物时可以与which通用

3、;2、 只用于限定性定语从句;非限定性定语从句中不能用that ;3、 介词后不能用that.1) Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress (that) I gave her. 2) I have a friend that likes listening to classical music. which指物;在从句中作主语或宾语(作宾语时可以省略)1、 可用于限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句;2、 在限定性定语从句中可以用在介词后面1) My parents live in a house which is more than 100 years

4、 old. 2) I cant find the book for which I paid 20 dollars.3) He was late again, which made his teacher very angry. who, whom指人;who作主语,也可作宾语;whom作宾语; (作宾语时可以省略)1、 先行词必须是指人的名词或代词;2、 介词后只能用whom1) A couch potato is a person who spends a lot of time watching TV. 2) The woman (who/ whom) you saw yesterday

5、 is my English teacher. 3) His daughter, with whom I am working is an engineer. whose既可指人,也可指物;在从句中作定语1、指人时,是代词的所有格;2、指物时,相当于of which1) This is the poor boy whose parents died in the earthquake.2) I am painting the house, whose roof is round. =I am painting the house, the window of which is round. 表

6、二: 只用that不用which的情况当先行词被形容词最高级、序数词及the very、the only修饰时;1) This is the best film that I have seen this month.2) This is the very book that I want to buy. 当先行词被all, little, much, some, any, no, every等修饰时;1) There is little work that you can do. 2) I have some things that I must do today.当先行词是不定代词:all

7、, little, few, much, none, anything, nothing, everything时1)I have said all that I want to say.2) He did all that he could to help her.当先行词包括人和物时 They talked about the men and the things that they saw. 当关系代词在从句中作表语时China is no longer the country that it used to be.当主句以which或who开头的特殊疑问句Which is the ho

8、tel that he stayed at last night?当主句以there is, here is, it is开头时There is a table in the corner that is folded away. 表三: 只用which不用that的情况Which可引导非限定性定语从句,that不能He had failed in the maths exam, which made his father very angry. which可用在介词后,that不行This is the house in which Mark Twain used to live. 表四:

9、as引导的定语从句As引导定语从句主要用于非限定性定语从句和the sameas; suchas结构中1) This is the same knife as I lost yesterday. 2) Dont talk about such things as you dont understand. Which和as都可以引导非限定性定语从句,as引导的非限定性定语从句可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,甚至可以分割主句;which引导非限定性定语从句只能放在主句之后;as一般翻译成正如。Which一般翻译为“这.”1) America is a developed country, as

10、is known to all. 2) John, as you know, is a writer. 3) He was very rude to the customs officer, which of course made things even worse. Such后可接as引导的定语从句,也可接that引导的结果状语从句1) We hope to get such a tool as he is using. _2) We hope to get such a tool that we can do our work better with it. _the sameas与th

11、e samethat引导的定语从句区别:前者修饰的是与原物相似的东西;后者修饰的是先行词所指的东西。1) This is the same watch as I lost. 这和我丢失的那只表一样。2) This is the same watch that I lost. 这就是我丢失的那只表。三、【合作探究】(学贵在用,你能运用所学知识,又向前跨了一步!如果能在10分钟内完成就更好了)1. - Do you have anything to say for yourself? - Yes, there is one point . (insist) -对于你自己,你有什么要说的吗? -有一

12、点我们必须坚持。2. There were about 50 foreign students studying in our school, _. (most) 大概有20个外国学生在我们学校学习,他们大多数来自德国。3. _, well have to take the college entrance examination. (announce) 正如已宣布的那样, 我们得参加高考。4. This depends on the way . (treat) 这取决于我们对待他们的方式。5. This is not such a good film . ( expect ) 这不是我所期望

13、的那样好的一部电影。6. This is the same kind of pen _. ( lose ) 这和我昨天丢失的钢笔是一样的。7 .The room , _, is accessible to cars. ( face ) 这个房间,小汽车可以进去。房间的窗户朝南。 8. Who is the boy _ ? ( read ) 那个在那边树下读书的男孩是谁?9. This is the very book _ these days . ( look ) 这就是这几天我一直在找的那本书。10. There was a time _in the stadium . ( work ) 曾经有段时间他们经常在体育馆锻炼身体。11. He talked happily about the men and the books_ at school. ( interest ) 他们高兴的谈论着学校那些令他们非常感兴趣的人和书。12. I want to find the very pen . (write ) 我想找到我用来写过这封信的那支笔。13. English is the most difficult subject _.( learn ) 英语是你这些年要学的最难的学科。14. This is the


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