高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Period three学案(无答案)外研版必修1 学案

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1、浙江省嘉兴市秀州中学高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Period three学案(无答案)外研版必修1【学习目标】 1. 通过对文章的学习,掌握一些重要词汇的用法。 2.认识、归纳以-ing和-ed结尾的形容词。【学习重难点】区分以-ing 和-ed结尾的形容词的用法。导学:Language points: 1.far from 远离;远远不,完全不. e.g You need not take a taxi. The hotel is not far from here ._ His work is far from satisfactor

2、y._ 2. enthusiastic adj. 热情的,热心的 enthusiasm n. 热爱 ,热心,热情 be enthusiastic about /over /for 对 .充满热情 e.g. Shes very enthusiastic about singing._ 导练: He didt show any _ for our new plan. A. enthusiasm B. enthusiast C.enthusiastic D. enthusiastically 3. amazing adj. 令人吃惊的,令人惊讶的 amazed adj. 感到吃惊的 be amaze

3、d at 对大为吃惊 释:英语中有很多表示引起人的某种情绪状态的动词,如interest,excit ,surprise,disappoint 等。它的-ing 形式和-ed 形式可用作形容词.eg. an interesting story He is interested in telling stories. 试概括:-ing结尾的adj. 常修饰 译为 -ed结尾的adj. 常修饰 及人的 (voice)、 (expression)、 (appearance),常译为 _ 导练:概括本单元中出现的-ing,-ed结尾的形容词。_ what do you think of the sud

4、den news? well ,its quite _ and I am quite _ at it . A. amazed, amazed B. amazed, amazing C. amazing, amazing D. amazing, amazed He is very popular among his sutdents as he always tries to make them _ in his lectures. A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. to interest 4. We are using a new text

5、book and Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. nothing like (1) 什么也不如 e.g. There is nothing like swimming for exercise._ (2) 完全不是,不全 e.g. This is nothing like what I wanted._ that 此处用作代词,是特指,用于替代前面那类事物,可替代可数名词单数或者不可数名词,往往带后置定语。 导练: The weather in

6、Kun Ming is better than that in Wu Han._5. I dont think I will be bored in Ms. Shens class!_ 否定转移的用法: (1)表示“相信,认为,臆测” 等意义的动词,如think , believe, imagine, suppose,expect 等,后接否定内容的宾语从句时,宾语从句中的否定结构常常转移到主句的谓语动词中来,称为否定转移,译成汉语时,仍将宾语从句译成否定意义。 I dont suppose that it will rain tomorrow. 我认为明天不会下雨。 导练:试翻译:He di

7、dt think you were wrong。 _6. Today we introduced ourselves to each other. introduce sth/sb to sb 把某事物/某人介绍给某人 introduce oneself 自我介绍 导练:完成下面句子。 我想给你介绍一位女朋友。 I want to _ _ _ _ _ you.7. instruction n. 指令;指示;教导;说明(多用复数)leave/give instructions 留下/给予指令 follow the instructions 依照说明或指示将下面句子译成中文: Mr Wang ga

8、ve his students instructions to finish their homework today. 。8. in a fun way 用一种有趣的方式 way在这里表示方法、手段,与介词in 搭配 He smiled in a friendly way. 他友好地笑了笑。 根据汉语提示完成句子: You can English well . 你能通过这种方法学好英语。9. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. (1)in other words _ (2)倍数表达法: 这个箱子是那个箱子的

9、三倍重。/ 这个箱子比那个箱子重两倍。 e.g. This box is three times as heavy as that one. This box is twice heavier than that one. This box is three times the height of that one.概括:A is B A is B A is .times the size of B(此处的size可以换做height, length, depth,area,width等名词) 导练: My uncles house in the downtown area is smalle

10、r than ours, but it is ours. A. twice the price of B. twice the price as C. twice as the price of D. the price twice of 10. look forward to 期待;期望;盼望 注意to在这里是介词,后面只能接名词,代词或动名词。 根据汉语提示完成句子: Im you next time. 我期待着下次与你见面。拓展练习1. The house is expensive here . Ive got about half the space at home and Im pa

11、ying _ here .A. as three times much B. as much three time C. much as three times D. three times as much 2The questions the reporter asked sometimes were _ and they made me _. Aembarrassed;embarrassing Bembarrassing;embarrassed Cembarrassed;embarrassed Dembarrassing;embarrassing3. My village is 10 mi

12、les _ the nearest town. A.far from B far away from C far away D away from4. Mr Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel. A tired; boring B tiring; bored C tired; bored D tiring; boring5. I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times _ . A as much B as many C so much D so many 6.This is not a match. Were playing chess just for _



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