山东省东营市第二中学六年级英语上册《Unit1 How do you go there》学案

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1、东营区二中六年级上册英语导学稿(二)课 题 6A Unit 1 How do you go there?课型新授执笔六年级英语组学 习目 标1、知识目标:掌握本部分的重点单词和句型2、技能目标:复习、巩固交通方式的表达方法; 学习如何用英语表达交通规则; 训练学生的阅读和表达的能力。3、情感目标:培养学生对交通规则的识别和应用。重 点难 点灵活运用询问交通方式的常用语,能正确询问和表述常识性的交通规则。一、 预习作业1、 熟读并识记P86单词 trafficknow练习:短语翻译交通灯 交通规则到达 汽车站,公共汽车停车点-在左边- 在右边在路的左边- 在图书馆的右边-2、 预习P7 Lets

2、 learn部分,识记各个表达交通规则的句子,并理解其意义。练习:翻译下列句子(1) 红灯停。绿灯行。黄灯亮了等一等。_(2) 记住交通规则。_(3) 看交通灯。_3、听录音,写单词 The traffic lights are the _ in every country. There are always _ lights: red, _ and green. Red means “_”. Yellow _ “Wait ”, and _ means “ Go”. In China, drivers drive on the _ side of the road. In the US, dr

3、ivers _ on the right side, too. In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. If you go by car, by _ or on foot, you must know the traffic _.二、 知识点总结1. go to school 去学校 go to work 去上班 go home 回家 go to the zoo 去动物园注:不能加the 的情况:(1)固定短语 (2)城市、国家名称前(the USA, the UK) (3)专

4、有名词前(大家都知道的,只有一个)2. the No. 12 bus -12路公共汽车 go by the No. 12 bus = take the No. 12 bus 乘坐12路公共汽车3. -Which floor? 在几楼? - The fifth floor. 在五楼。 ( the + 序数词+ floor ) 序数词:一般的在基数词后加th, onefirst, twosecond, threethird, fivefifth eighteighth, nineninth, twelvetwelfth, twentytwentieth4. Room 502 (502房间)、Gra

5、de Six (六年级)、Class Nine (九班)5. See you at 2 oclock. 两点见。( at + 点钟 表示在几点)6. near 在.附近 far from 离.很远 My home is near the post office. - My home is far form the post office.7. on the left side 在左边 on the right side 在右边 on the left side of 在的左边 on the right side of 在.的右边三、 应用练习1. 选出交通标识对应的描述。 ( ) ( ) (

6、) ( ) ( ) ( )A. No entry B. No bikes. C. Turn right. D. Crosswalk E. One way. F. No left turn.2. 单项选择。( )1. _ do you go _ school? A. What; from B. How; to C. What; to( )2. New York is far from China. We must go there _ . A. on foot B. by bike C. by plane( )3. There _always three lights in every coun

7、try: red, yellow _ green. A. is; and B. are; and C. are; or( )4. _ at a yellow light, and _ at a red light. A. Go; stop B. Go; wait C. Wait; stop( )5. In the US, drivers drive on the _side of the road. A. left B. right C. A and B( )6. My home is near. Usually I go to school _ . A. by train B. by shi

8、p C. on foot( )7. If you go on foot, you must know the _ . A. traffic B. traffic lights C. traffic rules( )8. The _ lights are the _ in every country. A. traffic; different B. office; same C. traffic; same( )9. -Can I go to the park on foot? -_. A. Yes, you can. B. No, you can C. Yes, you cant( )10.

9、 -Thank you. -_ . A. No B. You are welcome C. OK( )11. _ the traffic rules! A. November B. December C. Remember( )12. Look _ the traffic lights. A. on B. up C. at( )13. I usually go to the cinema on foot because my home is _ . A. near B. next C. far( )14. - How can I get to Zhongshan Park? - _ . A.

10、You can go by the No. 5 bus B. You can go there C. You are welcome3. 连词成句(1) I, get, can, Zhongshan Park, How, to ( ? )_(2) at, the, look, lights, traffic ( . )_(3) on, to, I, go, foot, Usually, school ( . )_(4) on, to, I, go, foot, usually, school ( . )_(5) bus, by, the, go, No. 15, You, can ( . )_(6) bus, by, the, go, No. 15, you, Can ( ? )_4. 翻译句子我如何才能到达中山公园啊?_你可以乘坐15路公共汽车。_


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