Unit 4 Section B 3a-self check课件人教版七年级英语上册

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《Unit 4 Section B 3a-self check课件人教版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 Section B 3a-self check课件人教版七年级英语上册(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4,Wheres my schoolbag?,Section B 3a-Self Check,Can you describe my room?你能描述一下我的房间吗?,bed,sofa,dictionary,books,schoolbag,a computer game,Spelling games:,Before-writing,T: Where is my schoolbag?,It is under the table.,Guessing games:,S: Is it on/in/under the table?,Where is my pencil box?Is it i

2、n/under/on the.?,It is on the table.,Where are my book and my ruler?Are they on/under/in the.?,They are in the box.,They are on the sofa.,Where are my computer games? Are they under/in /on the.?,My schoolbag is_the table.,My pencil box is _ the table.,My book and my ruler are _ the box.,My computer

3、games are_ the sofa, and my dictionariesare _ the bed.,under,on,in,on,on,A: Wheres the?B: Its ,Work in pairs:,Where are the ?They are ,Group work,Report like this:My dictionary is on the safe, and my books are in the bookcase.,A:Where is/are your .? B: My . is/are in/on/ under the.,This is my sons r

4、oom. Its very nice. His sofa and his table are _ it. His computer is _the desk. And his CDs are_ the desk, too. The baseball is _ the chair. His books are _ the bookcase. His clock is_ the table. Where is his blue book? Oh, its _ the bed. He loves his room very much!,on,under,in,on,on,on,in,Do you h

5、ave these things? Where are they?,Pair work,Make conversations with the table of 3a.,Do you have a schoolbag?,Yes, I do.,Pair work,Make conversations with the table of 3a.,Where is your schoolbag?,Its on the chair.,Pair work,Make conversations with the table of 3a.,Do you have a radio?,Yes, I do.,Pa

6、ir work,Make conversations with the table of 3a.,Where is your radio?,Its on my desk.,3b Write about where the things are in your room. Use the word and if you can.,1. My dictionary and my radio are on the desk.,2. My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk.,3. My books are

7、and my notebook is4. My quilt and my jackets are 5. My cup is and my clock is ,2. Write about the things in your classroom with in , on and under.,The chalk(粉笔)is in the chalk box, and thechalk box is on the teachers desk, too. The teachers chair is under the teachers desk. The map is on the blackbo

8、ard(黑板).,desk, _,1. Write the things in your room.,table,chair,sofa,bed,bookcase,Furniture fnt家具,Self Check,pencil, _,Write the things in your room.,pen,rulers,eraser,pencil box,dictionary,books,schoolbag,English book,Chinese book,notebook,Stationeryste()n()r文具,watch, _,Write the things in your room

9、.,keys,cup,computer,baseball,computer game,TV,clock,radio,tape,hat,tape player,model plane,Other 其他,ID card,2. Write about the things in your classroom with in, on and under.,The tape player is on the teachers desk. _,The tape is in the tape player.,The clock is on the wall.,The basketball is under

10、the teachers desk.,The books are on the students desks.,The schoolbags are in the students desks.,一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1Do you have a sister?No._ (但是) I have a brother.2I _ (认为) the picture is very nice.Me too.3_(她们的)pencil boxes are in the classroom.4The hat is on his _ (头)5Here is a _(时钟) for you.,But,t

11、hink,Their,head,clock,二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。6Toms and his brothers _are tidy.7The _ are on the floor.8He _helps his parents.9Where _ his pen and pencil?10The tape is _,rooms,models,always,are,hers,三、单项选择。11This is a picture _ my room._ room is tidy.Aof,A Bof, TheCfor, A Dfor, The12Alice isnt tidy. In he

12、r room, the books are_Ahere BwhereCthere Deverywhere,B,D,13_ are the English dictionaries?_ on the desk.AWhere, Its BWhat, Theyre CWhere, Theyre DWhat, Its14Are those CDs on the sofa?_ANo, they arent BNo, it isnt CYes, those are DYes, it is15My pen is on the table, _ Toms is in his pencil box.Abut B

13、andC/Dso,C,A,A,四、根据汉语意思完成句子。16丽莎 (Lisa) 的椅子上有三本英语书。There _ on _ chair.17彼得的飞机模型是蓝色的。Peters _ are blue.,are three English books,Lisas,model planes,18我父母认为我的学校不错。My parents _ my school _ good.19他总是在这里。He _ here.20快点儿,吉姆!_ , Jim!,think,is,is always,Come on,1. - Where _ the cat? - It is _ _ _.2. - Where

14、 _ the computer? - Its _ _ _.3. - Where is the family photo? - _ _ wall.4. - Where are the students? - _ _ the classroom.5. - Where are the books? - They are _ _ _.,四、看图完成下列对话。,is,in the box,is,on the desk,Its on,Theyre in,under the chair,A: Where _ my English book? B: I _ know. Is it _ your schoolb

15、ag? A: No, it _. B: Is it _ your desk? A: _, it isnt. B: Is _ on the teachers desk? A: No, it _. B: Oh, look! _ _ the teachers chair. A: I see it, too. Thanks.,is,dont,in,isnt,on,No,it,isnt,Its on,五、读对话,填上正确的单词。,看右图,用介词in, on, under写几句话描述一下图画里的事物的位置。2. Review Section B.,Homework,Thank you !,Good bye!,



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