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1、2021/8/6,1,Approaches and Methods : 500 years of Foreign Language Teaching in the west,2021/8/6,2,1.In the process of your teaching , what kind of teaching methods do you often use in your class? 2.When you want to choose a teaching method , what factors do you have to consider ?3. Do you think what

2、 is the best way to improve English, especially oral English and written English?4.What is Task-based Language Teaching? Do you often adopt it in your class?5. In your opinion , do the good students in your class have something in common? If they have, what are they?,2021/8/6,3,Grammar-translation M

3、ethod the Direct Method Audio-lingual Method Communicative Teaching Method Task-based Learning,2021/8/6,4,Grammar-translation Method : APPROACHWhat is language ?,They learn by memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary . They practice by translating sentences from L1 to L2 and back again .,How do peopl

4、e learn language ?,Language is writing .,2021/8/6,5,The grammatical structures of the L2 and lists of vocabulary.,Design,What should be in the syllabus ?,What sort of activities ?,Translation exercises from L1 to L2 and from L2 to L1.,2021/8/6,6,. PROCEDUREWhat should teachers do ?,They should expla

5、in the grammar rules and vocabulary, in L1 if necessary.They demonstrate model sentences .They supervise the doing and correcting of the practice exercises .,2021/8/6,7,They listen to the teacher. They try to memorize the grammar rules and vocabulary .They do the exercises as told to by the teacher.

6、,What should learners do ?,2021/8/6,8,Textbooks that contain the grammar rules , model sentences to show how the rules work , lists of vocabulary, practice translation exercises .,What sort of materials ?,2021/8/6,9,Teachers do most of the talking .They are in complete control of the class . One les

7、son is very similar to another .The learners listen to the teachers .They do exactly as they are told .They rarely talk .,What is a typical lesson like ?,2021/8/6,10,The major characteristics of Grammar Translation,1.Classes are taught in the mother language, with little active use of the target lan

8、guage.2.Much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated words.3.Long elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given.4.Grmmar provides the rules for putting words together, and instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of words.5. Reading of difficult classical t

9、exts is begun early.6.Little attention is paid to the context of the texts, which are treated as exercises in grammatical analysis.7.Often the only drills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences from the target language to the mother language.8.Little or no attention is given to pronunci

10、ation.,2021/8/6,11,The Direct Method :Time : Mid- 19th to early 20th century Main characteristics : This advocated that second language learning should take into account what was known of first language learning .The focus should be on the spoken language and only the second language should be used

11、in the class . The language introduced should be “ everyday language ” common structure and frequently used vocabulary ,and learners should practice it by actively using the language in the classroom .,2021/8/6,12,The principles of Direct Method,1.Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in t

12、he target language.2.Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.3. Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully traded progression organized around question-and-answer exchange between teachers and students in small, intensive classes.4.Grammar was taught inductively.5.New teaching

13、 points were taught through modeling and practice.6.Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas.7.Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.8. Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.,2021/8/6

14、,13,The Audio-lingual Method Time : Mid-20th century Main Characteristics :This method also saw the spoken language as the fundamental form of language and insisted that only the L2 should be used in the classroom . It divided up language into parts , each representing an item within the system of t

15、he second language structures.,2021/8/6,14, Learners learn the language item by item , never moving on from one item until they could reproduce it perfectly in a variety of classroom drills . Errors were not tolerated . The accurate production of correct language structures was seen as more importan

16、t than being able to produce meaningful sentences . The underlying assumption was that if learners knew the structure of the language thoroughly , they would automatically be able to use the structure to understand and express meaning .,2021/8/6,15,Audio-lingual1.Attends to structure and form more than meaning . 2.Demands memorization of structure based dialogs . 3. Language items are not necessarily contextualized .,Communicative Language Teaching,Dialogs ,if used ,center around communicative f



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