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1、主谓一致用法总结I.主谓一致定义II.谓语受主语支配,和主语在人称和数上保持一致,这叫做主谓一致。III.例: My favorite foodis noodles.II. 主谓一致的重要原则?语法原则?意义原则?就近一致(一)语法一致IV.顾名思义,即谓语在语法角度 上与主语保持一致,不考虑主语的意义。V.以单数名词或代词,动词不定式短语作主语时,谓语动词要用单数;主语为复数时,谓语用复数。例如:注意:不定式及动名词作主语时,谓语动词单数。 E.g. 2) 由 and 或 both and 连接的并列成分作主语时,谓语动词用复数。例如:Both you and heare right. Mr

2、. and Mrs. Brownhave a son called Tom. 但并列主语如果指的是同一人,同一事物或同一概念,谓语动词用单数。例如:The poet and writerhas written lots of books. The poet and the writer have come. 可通过名词前定冠词来判断。3) 由 and 连接的并列单数主语之前如果分别由each, every 修饰时,其谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:Now every man and every womanhas the right to receive education.4) 主语后面跟有 bu

3、t ,except, besides, with ,together with 等介词短语时,谓语动词仍用与主语(即前面的词语)保持一致。例如:The teacherwith his students is going to have a picnic in the park. The studentswith the teacher are going to have a picnic in the park. Nobody but two boys was late for class.5) 集合名词作主语谓语动词要用复数。如 people, police, cattle, clothes

4、等。集合名词指可用来指称一群对象的词语,这些对象可以是人、动物、或是一群概念等事物。常见集合名词:people, police, cattle, goods, clothes等。e.g. The police are looking for him. ?有些集合名词如class, team, group, family 根据其表达意义不同,单复数用法也不同。当表示整体概念时,用单数; 表示整体中的人员时,用复数。e.g. Our family is a big one. 我有个大家庭。Our family watch TV together every evening.我们家人每晚一起看电视。

5、6)有两部分构成的物体的名词,如glasses, trousers, chopsticks, scissors 等作主语时, 谓语动词用复数。例如:Your trousers are dirty. Youd better change them. 但如果这类名词前用了a pair of, 谓语动词的单复数形式则取决于pair的单复数形式。例如:My new pair of socks is very expensive.练习 I ( 一) 选择最佳答案。1.E-mail, as well as telephones, _ very important in our daily life. A.

6、 is B. have C. are D. has 2.My shirt _ white and my trousers _ blue. A. are; are B. are; is C. is; is D. is; are3.Nobody but Jane _ the secret. A. know B. knowsC. have known D. is known 4.They said the eighteenth and last lesson _ quite easy. A. is B. wasC. are D. were 二) 填空1.The family is a very ha

7、ppy one. (be) 2.The football team are having a bath. (be) 3.The police were searching for the murderer last night. (be) 4.Few libraries are as modern as Beijing Library. (be) 5.The pair of glasses with a metal frame is beautiful but expensive. (be) 6.Both rice and cotton grow here. (grow) ( 二) 意义一致谓

8、语在 语言意义 上与主语保持一致,不考虑主语的单复数语法形式。(1) 表时间、距离、价格、度量衡等的名词作主语时 , 谓语动词通常用单数。例如:Ten yearsis a long time. Two hundred dollarsis too much for him.2) 由 all, most, more, some, any, none, the rest及分数或百分数“ +of+ 名词 ”作主语时, 谓语要以 of 后面的名词而定。名词是复数, 谓语用复数: 名词是单数, 谓语用单数。例如:All of the work has been finished. All of the p

9、eopleare friendly to me. Half of the doctors here are women. Three fourths of the surface of the earth is sea.3)以 “定冠词 +形容词 ”作主语如果指的是一类人,谓语动词用复数;如果指的是一个人或抽象概念,谓语动词用单数。例如:The sickhave been cured and the lost have been found. The deadisa famous person.练习 II 1.How time flies! Ten years _ passed. A. hav

10、e B. has C. is D. are 2.Most of the houses _ this year. A. has built B. have built C. has been built D. have been built 1.How time flies! Ten years _ passed. A. have B. hasC. is D. are 2.Most of the houses _ this year. A. has built B. have built C. has been built D. have been built3._ of the land in

11、 that district _ covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; is D. Two fifths; are 4.About 60 percent of the students _ from the south.The rest of them _ from the north and foreign countries. A. are/is B. are/are C. is/are D. is/is 3._ of the land in that district

12、 _ covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; isD. Two fifths; are 4.About 60 percent of the students _ from the south. The rest of them _ from the north and foreign countries. A. are/is B. are/areC. is/are D. is/is 三) 就近一致(1) 即谓语的单复数由距离其最近 的句子成分来决定。1通常遵循就近原则的词或词

13、组有:or, eitheror, neithernor, not only but also。例:Either you or I am right. Neither my sister nor my brotherslike the movie. 2) There be 句型使用就近原则。?There areseven dwarfs and a beautiful lady living in the forest. VI.There has been a year and seven days since he left.( 一) 选出最佳答案1.Not only his parents b

14、ut also his brother _d_ to the Summer Palace. They haven t been back. A. have been B. have gone C. has been D. has gone 2.Neither my father _a_ going to see the patient. A. nor I am B. nor I are C. or me are D. or me is3. _d_ Helen _ Joan speaks beautiful Chinese after they came to China. A. Neither

15、; nor B. Not only; but also C. Both; and D. A and B 4. _d_ of them has his own opinion. A. Both B. Some C. Every D. Each 5.Nobody but two students _a_ left in the classroom. A. is B. are C. has D. have6.Three-fourths of the homework _today. A. has finished B. has been finishedC. have finished D. hav

16、e been finished 7. Many people say 10,000 _ a lot of money. A. dollar is B. dollars are C. dollars is D. dollar are 8.The police _soon. A. is coming B. are coming C. has come D. have come6.Three-fourths of the homework _b_today. A. has finished B. has been finishedC. have finished D. have been finished 7. Many people say 10,000 _c_ a lot of money. A. dollar is B. dollars are C. dollars is D. dollar are 8.The police _b_soon. A. is coming B. are coming C. has come D. have come9.-When are you going



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