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1、Ava艾娃()完整中英文对照剧本巴黎布尔歇机场 汉密尔顿先生 Mr.Hamilton.怎么 Yes.您这一侧的车门边有水 You have water in the door.好极了 Great.直接去会展中心吗 Straight to the convention center? 当然 Absolutely.你是美国人 Youre American.阿肯色州 Arkansas.南方女孩 Ah, Southern girl.是的先生没错 Yes sir, I am.叫我彼得吧 Call me Peter.叫先生让我觉得自己要退休去佛罗里达州了 Sir makes me feel like Im

2、 retiring to Florida.那真是太抱歉了 Oh, Im so sorry about that.你叫什么名字 Whats your name? 我叫布兰迪 Im Brandy.我今天早上糟心透了布兰迪 Ive had one of those fuckers of a morning, Brandy.很遗憾听到您这么说 Mm, Im so sorry to hear that.我开了个会有个消极对抗的狗;hearts;杂;hearts;种;hearts; I had this meeting, and this passive-aggressive motherfucker 一

3、直含沙射影给我找茬 insinuates all this shit about me.这个挤兑我不称职的混;hearts;蛋;hearts; Why was I so blind to this fucking prick who was suggesting 我怎么早没识破呢 I wasnt very good at my job? 不过我的确不称职 Which I am, by the way.愿上帝保佑他 God love him.克罗伊斯曾经说过t;唯有幸福以终 You know, Croesus once said, t;Count no man hy 堪称幸福之人t; until

4、 the end is known.t; 厉害啊 Look at you.做个交易吧 Lets make a deal.我不认识你你也不认识我 I dont know you, and you dont know me, 既然我们是陌生人 and since we dont know each other, 那也就没什么损失 weve got nothing to lose.我们可以坦诚以对 We can just be real.好吗 Okay? 摘下面具 No masks.布兰迪和彼得之间的一段经历 Just the e_perience of Brandy and Peter.你觉得呢

5、What do you say? 这招平常管用吗 Does this usually work? 好吧 Okay.摘下面具不说废话 No masks, no bullshit.我现在很想停车 Im up here thinking that Id love to pull the car over, 钻进后座跟你喝一杯然后get in the back, have a drink with you, and then看看会发生什么 see what else hens.真希望我可以喝 Oh, I wish I could.我以为I thought我说的是很想喝一杯 I said Id love

6、 to have a drink.但只要我喝一口就会有人因此入狱 I have one sip of that, and someones going to jail, 有人被送到急诊室 someones going to the ER.我来后面不是为了喝酒的彼得 I didnt e back here for a drink, Peter.我想从这个角度好好看看你 I wanted to see what you looked like from this angle.喜欢你所看到的吗 You like what you see? 你本人比照片上帅多了 Your pictures do no

7、t do you justice.过来 e here.等一下彼得 Hold on a second, Peter.我想先问你个问题 I just want to ask you a question first.请问 Yes, maam.现在你说了算 Youre the boss now.你做了什么 Whatd you do? 我做了什么 What did I do? 我不知道你是什么时候做的但是Well, I dont know when you did it, but我知道你做了坏事彼得 I know you did something, Peter.你到底在说什么 What are yo

8、u talking about? 为什么会有人想要你的命呢 Why would someone not want you to be alive anymore? 如果翻译成现代人的用语克罗伊斯其实是说 You know, if you modernize it, what Croesus actually said is, 只有体面地死去才能称得上是幸福的人 Count no man hy until hes had a good death.我每次都会尽力让目标死得体面 I genuinely try to give my subjects a good death when I can.

9、但如果不了解你的恶行我就不能保证了 But I cant do that unless I know what you did.这可不好笑 This isnt funny.谁派你来的 Who put you up to this? 是罗尼吗 Was it Ronny? 那个混;hearts;蛋;hearts; Aw, that bastard.我就知道是他 I knew it was.给他打个电;hearts;话;hearts; Lets give him a call.请把手;hearts;机;hearts;放下 Put the phone down, please.妈的 Ah, fuck!

10、 求你 Oh, please! 求你别杀我 Please dont, please! 别求我 Dont beg.把这看作既成事实就好 Just think of it as though its already hened, 因为事实如此 because it has.现在回答我的问题 Now answer my question.我什么也没做 Nothing! 我是个无名小卒 Im a nothing! 不是什么大人物 Im a nobody! 我只是为企业转移资金而已 I just move money around for panies! 所以你回答不了我的问题吗 So you dont

11、 have an answer for me? 别别别等等 No! No, no, wait, wait.好吧我说 Okay, okay.我知道为什么我知道 I know why.I know why.不你不知道 No, you dont.很少有目标知道原因 Subjects rarely do.好吧好吧求你 Okay, okay, please.我给你钱 Ill pay you.你肯定总听到这种话 Im sure you hear this all the time, 但我可以把所有的钱都给你我是搞金融的 but Ill give you every cent that Ive got.Im

12、 in finance! 执行编号;hearts;74598CG E_ecutive code 74598CG.管理编号;hearts;840227 Management Code 840227.确认 Confirmed.目标解决 Subjects closed.你听起来有点不对劲孩子 You sound a little off, kiddo.有什么想说的吗 Anything to share? 没有 Nope.没有要汇报的吗 Nothing to report? 得新买;hearts;hearts;几顶假发了 Gotta get a new set of wigs.不知道是假发套缩水还是我

13、的头变大了 I dont know if theyve shrunk, or my heads grown.遇到问题了吗 Any hiccups? 你不用再替我担心了 You can s worrying about me now.等我放心了自然就不担心了 Ill s worrying when I s worrying.精神状态如何 Hows the mind? 清醒 Clear.很好 Fine.听起来并不清醒 You dont sound clear.闭嘴 Shut up.也不好 Or fine.请闭嘴吧 Just please shut up.我只是还在回想而已 Im just stil

14、l in it, thats all.你让目标有尊严地离开了吗 Did you close this subject with dignity? 是的 Yep.管理层暴露了吗 Was management promised? 没有 Nope.那就别再想了 Then move the fuck on.我想回波士顿待一段时间 I think I might go back to Boston for a bit.这是个好主意吗 Is that a good idea? 是私事杜克 Its personal, Duke.你想口头演练利雅德的任务吗 You want to talkprep for R

15、iyadh? -晚点好吗-好吧 - Later? - Okay.像对待高考一样仔细过一遍 Well, lets go over it like its your S-A-Ts, 因为管理层指名要你去 cause management asked for you specifically.他们会看着你的举动 Theyll be watching.这次我们把所有退路都想好了 We cover every e_it on this one.杜克 Duke.如果你不给我打电;hearts;话;hearts;我就打给你 Ill call you if you dont call me.小心行事保持警惕孩子 Keep your head down and your powder dry, kiddo.小心行事保持警惕 Head down, powder dry.明白 Got it.最后一遍登机检查 Just doing the final boarding check.去往波士顿的飞行时间大约 Flying time to Bosto


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