2019版高考英语一轮复习 unit 10 money单元检测b-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版必修4

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2019版高考英语一轮复习 unit 10 money单元检测b-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版必修4_第1页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 unit 10 money单元检测b-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版必修4_第2页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 unit 10 money单元检测b-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版必修4_第3页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 unit 10 money单元检测b-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版必修4_第4页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 unit 10 money单元检测b-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版必修4_第5页
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《2019版高考英语一轮复习 unit 10 money单元检测b-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版必修4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019版高考英语一轮复习 unit 10 money单元检测b-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版必修4(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 10 单元检测B完形填空精准练失分题型强化练完形填空精准练One evening last fall, Marcos Ugarte was doing his homework in his room. His father, Eduardo, a _1_, was busy with his work. Then they heard someone yelling _2_. Eduardo, 47, and Marcos, 15, found the yelling was from one of their neighbors homes, the Ma family. “I

2、didnt think there was something _3_,” Eduardo said. He headed back inside to prepare lesson plans, _4_ Marcos eye was caught by something from Mas house. “Dad, the house is _5_!” Marcos cried. Then the barefoot teen _6_ to Mas home with his dad.Grandmother Yim Ma, mother Suzanne Ma, and son Nathan M

3、a were in the front yard, yelling for _7_. When the Ugartes got there, they saw through the open front door that father Alex Ma was running down from the stairs, _8_.“Is _9_ in the house?” Eduardo asked.“My son!” Alex _10_ to say, pointing to the second floor.Eduardo ran up the stairs, but thick smo

4、ke and great heat _11_ him to his knees. He crawled (爬行) upstairs where Alex said hed find Cody, eight, who had _12_ himself in a bedroom. “Id never seen _13_ like that,” said Eduardo. “My glasses _14_ turned black.” Eduardo hit his body on the bedroom door, but Cody didnt _15_. Eduardo made his way

5、 back downstairs. At the same time, Marcos saw Yim and Suzanne took a _16_ out of the garage. Cody was _17_ at the window. Marcos seized it, positioned it near the _18_, climbed toward the boy and got Cody out.The day after the fire, Alex _19_ Marcos. “Thank you for saving my son,” Alex said. “You a

6、re his _20_ forever.”语篇解读:本文是记叙文。邻居家着了火后,15岁的Marcos勇敢地救出了被困的8岁的孩子。1A.journalistBteacherCwriter Dlawyer解析:选B根据下文的“He headed back inside to prepare lesson plans”可知,Eduardo是一名老师。2A.outside BupstairsCagain Dinstead解析:选A根据该空后的“found the yelling was from one of their neighbors homes, the Ma family”可知,叫声是从

7、外面传来的。3A.attractive BcommonCpuzzling Dwrong解析:选D根据该空后的“He headed back inside to prepare lesson plans”可知,Eduardo认为外边没什么事。4A.or BforCbut Dso解析:选CMarcos的动作与父亲的动作构成转折,故用but。5A.under repair Bin sightCon sale Don fire解析:选D根据倒数第二段第一句的“thick smoke and great heat”可知,那所房子着火了。6A.waved BpointedCrushed Drode解析:选

8、C从上句情况得出,看到邻居的房子着火了,Marcos光着脚冲向了那儿。7A.support BhelpCadvice Dfreedom解析:选B发生了火灾,那些人在前门呼救。8A.coughing BsingingCthinking Dsmiling解析:选A根据倒数第二段第一句的“thick smoke and great heat”可知,Alex Ma被烟呛得直咳嗽。9A.everyone BanyoneChe Dit解析:选B根据上文的Marcos和爸爸看到了Alex Ma从楼梯上跑下来可知,Eduardo问楼上是否还有人。10A.managed BdecidedCcontinued D

9、stopped解析:选AAlex Ma被烟呛得直咳嗽,所以他说话很困难。11A.guided BpulledCforced Dpressed解析:选C根据本空前的“thick smoke and great heat”可知,他上了楼梯,但是浓烟和热浪迫使他在地上爬行。12A.hidden BcaughtCenjoyed Dlocked解析:选D根据下文的“Eduardo hit his body on the bedroom door”可知,Cody把自己反锁在了屋子里。13A.behaviour BsilenceCsmoke Ddamage解析:选C根据上文的“thick smoke”及下文

10、的“My glasses _ turned black”可知,Eduardo说他从来没有见过这么浓的烟。14A.frequently BfinallyCusually Dimmediately解析:选D由本空前的火势判断,火很大,烟很浓,他的眼镜一下子就被熏黑了。15A.struggle BrespondCagree Dappear解析:选B根据“Eduardo made his way back downstairs”可知,他撞了门,但是Cody没有反应。16A.ladder BchairCbike Dbox解析:选A根据本段最后一句的一系列动作可知,Yim和Suzanne从车库里拿出了一把

11、梯子。17A.playing BwalkingCscreaming Dhesitating解析:选CEduardo撞门时,Cody没有反应,由此可知,Cody正在窗户那儿大声呼救。18A.tree BgarageCdoor Dwindow解析:选D上句中的window有提示。他一把抓过梯子,把它靠在窗户那儿,然后爬了上去。19A.visited BencouragedCrecognized Dmissed解析:选AMarcos家和Alex家是邻居,所以第二天,Alex去拜访了Marcos并表达了谢意。20A.leader BheroCfriend Dfan解析:选B根据上文Marcos勇救Co

12、dy可知,Marcos将永远是Cody心中的英雄。失分题型强化练.语法填空Sending gifts varies greatly from country to country.In Australia, Canada, the United States _1_ European countries, sending gifts is rarely expected.While seen as a nice gesture, it is more important to avoid _2_ (give) highly personal gifts such as clothing.Whe

13、n visiting the home of a colleague from one of these _3_ (country), it is normally appropriate to bring a gift to the hostess.In America, _4_ (expense) gifts are definitely out.A good _5_ (choose) is to take the deserving person to dinner, or to _6_ entertainment or a sporting event._7_ the contrary

14、, gift giving is a traditional custom in Japan.In Japan the proper gift is thought _8_ (express) the givers true friendship, gratitude and respect far _9_ (well) than words can.So if you plan to visit Japan or to have any Japanese visit you here, be prepared.Australia is known for its friendliness a

15、nd informality.So modest gifts, such as a diary, a paperweight, or a coffee cup might _10_ (present) to a friend.At a trade show, Tshirts, ties, baseball caps, or a pin may be appropriate souvenirs.Anything more than these types of gifts could cause embarrassment.1and考查连词。根据空前的“Australia, Canada, the United States”和空后的“European countries”可知,空处前后为并列关系,故用并列连词and。2giving考查动名词。avoid doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“避免做某事”,


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