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1、外研版五年级上册专项练习 句型 一、单项选择。() 1. _ did they do last summer?A. WhatB. WhenC. Who() 2. What did your family do _ the weekend?A. ofB. toC. at() 3. My friend and I _ the British Museum last year. A. visitB. visitedC. visiting() 4. _ did you go yesterday evening?We went to the park. A. WhereB. HowC. What() 5

2、. There_ thirtyfive pupils in our class. A. amB. isC. are() 6. I want _ a new basketball. A. buyB. to buyC. buys() 7. _ you jump high? No, I cant. A. DoB. DoesC. Can() 8. In the past,my grandpa _ fast. A. runB. runsC. ran() 9. Would you like to play _ us?A. toB. ofC. with() 10. Were _ the blind man.

3、 A. helpB. helpedC. helping() 11. You were very _ basketball in England. A. good atB. goodC. well() 12. Can you do it _, Lanlan?A. goodB. fineC. well() 13. How _ oranges do you want?A. muchB. manyC. well() 14. How much _ do you want?A. juiceB. orangesC. egg() 15. Dont _ in the river. Its dangerous.

4、A. swimB. swimsC. swimming二、判断下列句子与图片内容是(T)否(F)相符。() 1. I get up at half past six every day. () 2. Ten and ten is twenty. () 3. The birds cant eat. Their mother helps them. () 4. What time is it now? Its two oclock. () 5. Are they feeling sad? Yes, they are. 三、选择填空。1. This man is blind. He cant _ (s

5、ee, hear). 2. This dog _ (help, helps) the blind man. 3. There are _ (many, much) pens on the desk. 4. We took _ (photos, photos) of the Great Wall. 5. _ (Do, Does) you do morning exercises every day?6. Yesterday I _ (go, went) to school. 7. Are you _ (feel, feeling) sad?8. There _ (is, are) two chi

6、ldren. 9. _ (Dont, Doesnt) walk in the street. Its dangerous. 10. I can _ (smell, feel) some nice soup. 11. Here _ (is, are) your hot dog. 12. _ (How many, How much) rice do you want?13. _ (Do, Does) he go to school by car?14. Can you help_ (my, me)?15. My English teacher _ (feel,feels) happy. 四、给下列

7、句子选出正确的图片。() 1. She goes to school by bike.A. () 2. He does his homework after school.B. () 3. He watches TV at 7 oclock.C. () 4. They do exercise every day.D. () 5. She can skip very well.E. 五、给下列问句找到正确的答语。() 1. Did you go to the park yesterday?A. I went to the library. () 2. Can he run fast?B. I w

8、atched TV. () 3. Do you want to be in our team?C. Yes, I do. () 4. What did you do last night?D. No, he cant. () 5. Where did you go yesterday?E. No, we didnt. () 6. Is she blind?F. Yes, he does. () 7. How did they go to Shanghai?G. Five bottles. () 8. How many boys are there in your class?H. By pla

9、ne. () 9. How much juice do you want?I. Yes, she is. () 10. Does he feel angry?J. There are twenty. 六、连词成句。1. man, is, this, blind(. ) 2. very, ran, he, fast(. ) 3. eat, you, fruit, cant(. ) 4. feeling, you, are, sad(?) 5. did, come, back, when, you(?) 七、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。Shop assistant: Can I help yo

10、u?Mum: 1. _ I want to buy some fruit. Shop assistant: 2. _Mum: Yes,I do. Shop assistant: 3. _ Mum: Six. Shop assistant: What about apples? They are sweet. Mum: 4. _Shop assistant: How many apples do you want?Mum: 5. _Shop assistant: They are 15 yuan. Here you are. Mum: Thank you. 参考答案一、1. A2. C 点拨 a

11、t the weekend是固定搭配。3. B 点拨 由时间状语last year可知应用visit的过去式。4. A 点拨 由答语可知是对地点进行提问,所以用Where。5. C 点拨 本题考查there be 句型。在there be 句型中如果be 动词后的主语是复数形式,be动词要用are。6. B 点拨 want后跟动词时,用to动词原形。7. C8. C9. C 点拨 play with. . . 跟一起玩。10. C11. A 点拨 be good at意为“擅长”,是固定搭配。12. C13. B 点拨 How many可数名词的复数形式。14. A 点拨 How much不可

12、数名词。15. A 点拨 Dont后跟动词原形,是祈使句,意为“不要”。二、1. T2. F3. T4. T5. F三、1. see2. helps3. many4. photos5. Do 6. went7. feeling8. are9. Dont 10. smell11. is12. How much 13. Does14. me 15. feels四、1. B2. C3. E4. D5. A五、1. E2. D3. C4. B5. A 6. I7. H8. J9. G10. F六、1. This man is blind. 2. He ran very fast. 3. You can

13、t eat fruit. 4. Are you feeling sad?5. When did you come back?七、1. E2. A3. D4. B5. C文明是无处不在的,它可以表现出一个人的道德修养,它可以增进人与人之间的友谊,它的作用太多太多了。那么怎样才能使小学生文明地学习生活在美丽的校园里呢? Hao are you首先,我们小学生要着装得体,符合学生身份,体现出新世纪学生蓬勃向上的风采,因为仪表、仪容、仪态可以让人一看便知道你的修养。这些芳香正来自于各种花朵,你、我便是他们中的一份子,相信自己,我们一定能行文明是无处不在的,它可以表现出一个人的道德修养,它可以增进人与人

14、之间的友谊,它的作用太多太多了。那么怎样才能使小学生文明地学习生活在美丽的校园里呢? Hao are you首先,我们小学生要着装得体,符合学生身份,体现出新世纪学生蓬勃向上的风采,因为仪表、仪容、仪态可以让人一看便知道你的修养。这些芳香正来自于各种花朵,你、我便是他们中的一份子,相信自己,我们一定能行文明是无处不在的,它可以表现出一个人的道德修养,它可以增进人与人之间的友谊,它的作用太多太多了。那么怎样才能使小学生文明地学习生活在美丽的校园里呢? Hao are you首先,我们小学生要着装得体,符合学生身份,体现出新世纪学生蓬勃向上的风采,因为仪表、仪容、仪态可以让人一看便知道你的修养。这


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