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1、人教修订版高二英语下Unit 11 Scientific Achievements单元教案Teaching Goals1.Talk about science and scientific achievement 2.Practise expressing intentions and wishes3.Learn about Word Formation(1)4.Write a persuasion essayPeriod 1 Warming up, Listening and SpeakingTeaching Aims1. Learn and master the following(1)

2、New words : engineering, solar, significant, mankind, constitution(2) Everyday English: If I got the money ,I would My plan is.I hope that I would wish/hope/want/intend/plan toI would like to Im thinking of2. Train the students listening and speaking ability3. Talk about science and scientific achie

3、vement .Teaching Important Points:1. Finish the task of listening to train the students listening ability2. Practise expressing intentions and wishes to train students speaking ability .Teaching Difficult Points:How to help the students talk in English about science and scientific achievement freely

4、.Teaching Methods:1. Listening and speaking activity2. Individual ,pair or group workTeaching Procedures: Step I Greetings and Lead-inT: Hello, everyone .Glad to be here with in you again. With the development of science and technology, the world is changing day by day. Today we are going to learn U

5、nit 11 scientific achievementStep II Warming up 1. Learn the new words of this part 2. T : Please tell us what scientific achievement you think have changed the world?(electricity ,cars, airplanes, telephone, radio, television, the Internet, solar energy, genetic engineering.)T: Which one do you thi

6、nk is the most significant? Why?S : I think the electricity is the most significant , because it is a basic part of nature and it is one of our most widely used forms of energy.Step III. ListeningT: The listening material contains two parts. You are going to hear some words said by some famous peopl

7、e at the time when they achieved success.Look at the chart in exercise 1 at the top of page 2.Listen to the tape to complete the chart.(Play the tape two times).T: Listen to part 2 and complete sentences in exercise2 (Play the tape 2 times and then check the answers)Step IV speaking 1. T: Here are f

8、our scientists who want to get money to complete their project. Each scientist will have to introduce his or her project and explain why it is the most important .Now, I will put you in groups of five to have discussion.Some useful expressions will be given:If I got the money, I would My plan is to

9、I hope that I want /wish /hope /intend /plan toId like to Im thinking of 2. Ask some students to act out their dialogues. Step V Homework 1. Remember the new words and phrases and practise using the useful expressions.2. Preview reading partStep VI The Design of the Writing on the Bb. Unit11 Scienti

10、fic Achievement I. Scientific Achievements: Electricity, cars, airplanes, radio and TV, the internet, cloning, genetic engineering, nuclear science, solar energy II. Useful expressions: If I got the money,I would My plan is.I hope that I would wish/hope/want/intend/plan toI would like to Period 2 Re

11、ading Teaching Aims1. Learn and master the following words and phrases:(likely, zone, private, grasp, master ,perfect, arrange, set foot in, rely on ,failure ,locate, valley.)2. Train the students reading ability3. Get the students to learn about ZhongGuanchun-Chinas Sillicon VelleyTeaching Importan

12、t Points1.Sentence patterns: It is likely that .makes it clear that 2. Improve the students reading ability.Teaching Difficult PointsHow to help the students understand the reading material exactly.Teaching Methods1.Discussion 2. Fast reading 3. Careful reading 4.Pair or group reading Teaching Proce

13、duresStep I GreetingsStep II Lead-in T: As we all know , science and technology in our country is rapidly developing, and it is also well-known that there is a new center for Chinese science and technology in Beijing . Do you know what it is? Today we will read a passage about it.At first ,learn the

14、 new words Step III Reading 1.T: Please open your books at page 3 , read the passage quickly and find out the following questions:1). Where is Zhong Guanchun?2). When was Zhong Guanchun set up as a special economic zone?3). What made Zhng Guanchun a success? 4). What are the two mottos mentioned in

15、the text?Suggested answers: 1). Zhong Guanchun is in Beijings Haidian District.2). in the late 1990s3). the spirit of creativity and scientific skills4). a. Relying on science, technology and knowledge to increase economic power b. Encouraging pioneering work and accepting failure.2. T: Read the passage carefully again and then deal with some difficult points 1). in store (for sb. or sth.): coming in the future; about to happen 即将到来


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