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1、2011年10月3日普特天空听力2011-10-03 超级城市巡礼 伦敦 Megacities London 52011-10-03 穿越银河系的旅行 Through Milky Way20They were one store to mark the outer limits, but today astronomers believe the Milky Way galaxy is much bigger than what we can see. To understand why, well travel to the stars of the galactic disc. Far f

2、rom our usual place in space, we approach the edges of the galaxy, where we may be able to discover what holds all the stars together to make our Milky Way. Here, our night sky looks a little different, the Milky Way smaller and skies darker. But even though wait tens of thousands of light years fur

3、ther away for the center of our galaxy, we still bond to it by the force of gravity.Gravity is the force that makes any two objects when it moves toward each other.On earth, cities have been from iron girders and concrete beams. This largely invisible scaffold holds these buildings up against the pu

4、ll of the gravity. Without this scaffold in, the skyscrapers would crumble and the bridges would collapse. The gravity not only governs us on earth, it governs throughout the universe. Its laws are straight forward. Anything that has mass has a gravitational pull. The greater the mass, the stronger

5、the pull. With 200 billion stars, the Milky Way has a huge mass and the tremendous gravitational attraction. So like buildings, our galaxy also needs popping up against the force of the gravity.BBC 2011-10-03BBC news with Marion Marshal.Thousands of Libyans have been fleeing from the city of Sirte,

6、one of the last strongholds of colonel Gaddafis forces under a temporary ceasefire. The city has been under siege for weeks but Gaddafi loyalists continued to offer fierce resistence. Jonathan Head is outside Sirte.A mass of cars crowded around two petrol tankers parked beside the road leading west

7、from Sirte.Hoses were hurriedly pushed into petrol tanks, each car getting a few litres, enough to get them away from the besieged town. They were packed with possessions and with people. These are mostly Gaddafi supporters and they seemed very stressed.I dont understand whats happening, said Ismail

8、. There were shells and bombs exploding all around my house. We had to leave. With the exodus picking up transitional government forces hope they can finally take the town.The Afghan government says the killer of the former president Burhanuddin Rabbani was a Pakistani citizen and the plot itself wa

9、s organized from inside Pakistan. Mr Rabbani whos attempting to mediate between the Afghan government and the Taliban rebels was assassinated by a suicide bomber almost two weeks ago.The head of the interim military government in Egypt has said they asked president Hosni Mubarak never ask the army t

10、o fire on protesters. Field Marshal Mohamed Tantawi who is Mr Mubaraks defence minister said he had tesified before God and told the truth. Sebastian Usher has more.CNN 2011-10-03A big thank you going all the way for South Korea for getting todays show going today from the CNN center in Atlanta, Geo

11、rgia. Im C.A. Lets get to the headlines.First up, were looking at the possibility of a US government shutdown again. October 1st, which is just a few days away, is the start of the government fiscal or financial year. But unless Congress takes action this week, there wont be any money for government

12、 programs. If that happens, and its just an if shutdown. Candy C. looks at which government agency is at the center of this new round of debates.For the third time this year, a congressional stare down threatens a government shutdown. Let me start with you, senator W. and ask you if there is a point

13、 at which you think this is embarrassing?Yes, it is embarrassing.Are we there?Can we once again inflict on on the country and the American people the spectacle of a near-government shutdown? I sure as heck hope not.The US government runs out of money at the end of this week, unless a temporary spend

14、ing bill is passed on Capital Hill. Inside the house version is money to replenish the Federal emergency management agency, FEMA, which assists disaster victims, tornadoes in Joplin, hurricane in the Northeast. The remarkable thing is that basically congress cant agree on something everyone is for f

15、unding FEMA. The crux of the matter is how and when to decide how to pay for it. Senate Democrats have rejected the House version saying Republicans are proposing to pay for increased FEMA funds with cutbacks in programs that create jobs. Nobody is budging, ergo stalemate, a looming shutdown and the

16、 politics that ensure.Ill give the Senate Democrat leader most of the credit. He manufactured the crisis all week about disaster when this is no crisis, everybody knows who are going to pay for every single penny of disaster aid that the president declares and that FEMA certifies. One point about who to blame or not to blame on this current, hopefully non-shutdown is that there is a group. And I do believe that it


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