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1、上海海事大学硕士学位论文 双层规划模型在物流中心选址中的应用研究摘 要现实世界中,存在大量的复杂系统可以用复杂网络来表示,例如,互联网、航空网、新陈代谢网、演员合作网等,即在网络图中点表示个体,边表示个体之间的相互联系。在网络图中,这些不同类型系统的拓扑结构有着纷繁复杂的表现,但同时又表现出一般的3大共性:连接度呈幂率分布,较高的集聚系数、以及较短的平均路径。这些共性引起了科学工作者的极大兴趣,并引起了复杂网络的研究浪潮。本文针对物流网络的特征,将复杂网络研究中的演化模型、数学解析方法、计算机仿真方法应用到物流网络中,通过建立改进的复杂网络模型来对物流网络的宏观拓扑结构进行研究。本文首先介绍了


3、可以计算出物流选址最优方案。本文最后根据实际企业建设物流配送中心的具体案例,以企业已建物流中心和分销点为基础,模拟生成具有一万个带有地理坐标的节点的物流网络,计算每个节点的连通度,并选取度较大的三个节点作为拟建物流中心节点。接着将此三个节点的相关数据代入双层规划模型进行计算分析以得出最终选址结果。基于复杂网络的双层规划模型为物流网络配送中心选址提供了一个新的思路。关键字:复杂网络,物流网络,物流选址,复杂系统,双层规划ABSTRACTIn the real world, there are many systems, which can be represented by complex ne

4、tworks, such as the Internet, aviation network, metabolic network,movie actor collaboration network, and so on. In those complex networks, the nodes represent individuals or organizations and edges mimic the interactions among them. And many empirical studies indicate that these various kinds of net

5、works have some common characteristics: power-law distribution of degree, high clustering coefficient, and small average path length. These characteristics have received researchers great interest and considerable attention. On account of the characteristics of logistics network, this thesis takes m

6、athematic analytical method and computer simulation into the logistics network, builds some improved models on the logistics network to study on the character of the logistics network.Firstly, this thesis introduces the background and significance of the complex networks and logistics; also, relevan

7、t conceptions are explained in a detailed way. Then to solve the limitation of the models and combine the logistics network, the study works as follows:1. The location of Logistic Network Nodal Points with the characteristics of complex network is proposed. Based on the complex network, concept of t

8、he impact factor is introduced, the statistical characteristics are considered as factors that determine the degree of the influence between the logistics facility, and the influence coefficient of every nodal point is calculated. Then, the coefficients are added in the model of the location of logi

9、stic network, to amend the benefit matrix of the logistic facilities and the places. At last, the author constructs the integer programming model of the location of the logistic network, and it is validated to be resoluble.2. A logistics network model with the changing scaling exponent is proposed.

10、There are many nodes and complex relationships among them in logistics network. Based on the BA model, we import the preferential attachment mechanism between the old vertexes and propose as model in which the scaling exponent can change in certain scopes. The paper calculates analytically the degre

11、e distribution and the result indicates that the scaling exponent varies 2 to 3 under different values of the parameters. It is also pointed that the BA model is a particular case of the model.3. Setup a computer simulated logistics network of the evolved network model proposed in step 2 with 10 tho

12、usands nodes. The virtual network shows the power-law distribution of degree, which verifies the validity and effectiveness of the model. At last, the nodes with the largest degrees are chosen as the nodes of logistics network, and the place of logistics distribution center is determined by centric

13、method, which provides a new idea of these problems. By Juan Du(Transportation Palnning Management) Directed by Xuefeng Wang(Professor)KEYWORDS: complex networks, logistics networks, location of logistics, complex systems, bi-level programming目 录摘 要IABSTRACT II第1章 引言 11.1选题的背景与意义 11.2物流中心选址研究的发展简介11

14、.2.1国外研究现状21.2.2国内研究现状21.3本文的研究内容及结构3第2章 物流配送中心选址模型52.1物流配送中心理论综述52.1.1物流配送中心的定义52.1.2物流配送中心选址52.2物流配送中心选址模型理论综述92.2.1物流配送中心选址的一般方法92.2.2双层规划模型12第3章 复杂网络与物流网络143.1复杂网络143.1.1复杂网络的概念143.1.2复杂网络结构与特征143.1.3复杂网络模型163.1.4BA模型193.2物流网络的概念223.3物流网络演化模型233.3.1模型的演化规则233.3.2网络模型的解析解24第4章 物流网络中双层规划选址模型的应用274

15、.1双层规划模型分析274.2双层规划模型解析274.3双层规划选址求解30第5章 算例分析325.1问题描述 325.2拟建物流中心的选取345.3双层规划模型的求解365.3.1上层规划模型的求解365.3.2下层规划模型的求解385.4求解结果及其分析415.5小结41第6章 结论与展望43参考文献44致 谢54附录硕士在读期间发表的论文55附录计算机模拟程序5646第1章 引言1.1 选题的背景与意义被称为“第三利润源泉”的现代物流及供应链管理在国内发展迅速,使得物流企业的竞争也越来越激烈,要想在竞争中不断发展壮大,取得竞争优势,就要优化物流过程的各个环节。物流网络的概念是指物流的过程,如果按其运动的程度即相对位移大小观察,它是由许多运动过程和许多相对停顿过程组成的。所谓物流网络结构,是指由执行物流运动使命的线路和执行物流停顿使命的结点两种基本元素所组成的网络结构。配送中心是物流网络最具有影响力的节点,是物流系统的重要基础设施。物流配送中心选址在整个物流网络中是



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