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1、Little mouse,little mouse; Run so fast,run so fast; Where are you going? Where are you going? Tell me now, let me know.,Lets sing a song!,Unit 5 Where are you going?,park,Where are you going? I am going to the park.,/pa:k/,cinema,/sinim/,shop,/ p/,book,store,/buk st:/,bus,stop,/bs stp/,hospital,/hsp

2、itl/,Lets chant: Park,park,going to the park; Cinema,cinema,going to the cinema; Shop,shop,going to the shop; Bookstore,bookstore,going to the bookstore; Bus stop,bus stop,going to the bus stop; Hospital,hospital,going to hospital;,Homework: 1. Copy the words three times(抄写单词三遍). 2. Preview the dial

3、ogue of page 39(预习39页的对话) .,Goodbye!,Look and match,see a film buy a story book fly a kite take a bus buy a pencil,shop park cinema bus stop bookstore,Ask and answer:,-Where are you going ? -I am going to the_.,Play a game:Drive a train(开火车) 每一位同学 写上自己所在区域的地名,每次选五名同学当passenger(乘客),当到达目的地时要喊:stop,然后回答driver(司机)的问题:Where are you going?,-Where is he/ she going? -He/ She is going to_.,Ask and answer: -Is he/ she going to the _? -Yes, he/she is. No, he/ she isnt.,What are you going to do? -I am going to _.,dance sing songs watch TV play games see a film swim ,


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