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1、By GenderKill上海五年级英语N版下学期期中试卷Name_Mark_Part 1 Listening 40%一、Listen and choose.(根据听到的句子,选出最相符的单词或内容)8%( ) 1. A. bread B. break C. brush( ) 2. A. to B. two C. too( ) 3. A. pictures B. please C. puppets( ) 4. A. for B. four C. fourth( ) 5. A. have lunch B. have a break C. have a lunch break( ) 6. A. /

2、bed/B. /bd/C. /bd/( ) 7. A. glueB. blue C. flu( ) 8. A. their B. here C. there二、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出反义词。)4%( ) 1. A. under B. up C. on( ) 2. A. clean B. light C. write( ) 3. A. behind B. before C. beside( ) 4. A. heallhy B. health C. unhealthy三、Listen and choose the correct response.(听录音,选出适合句子

3、)8%( ) 1. A. Yes, it was. B. It was on the sofa.C. It is on the sofa.( ) 2. A. By underground. B. On June 1st.C. A quarter past 4.( ) 3. A. It is interesting.B. It is red.C. It is a butterfly.( ) 4. A. Where does he live? B. Where did he live?C. Where is he?( ) 5. A. Yes, its my biscuit.B. No, its h

4、is.C. No, its mine.( ) 6. A. Youre welcome. B. OK.C. All right.( ) 7. A. Yes, they are. B. Theyre his crayons. C. Theyre his.( ) 8. A. Not at all. B. thank you. C. Sorry, I dont know.四、Listen and complete the sentence.(听录音,将下列句子或段落补充完整。)12%Georges teacher is Mr. Brown, He from England. He is a nice

5、man. He speak a Chinese, but he doesnt how to Chinese. He likes his in but he doesnt Chinese . Mr. Wu teaches George . He can sing very . He is Georges good 五、Listen and choose. (听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。)3%( ) 1. A. Some things for school. B. Some crayons, pencil and a nice bag. C. Some boxes of crayons, pen

6、cils and a nice bag.( ) 2. A. Between Tom and Mary. B. In front of Tom. C. Behind Mary.( ) 3. A. She did her homework. B. She went to bed. C. She watched TV.六、Listen and choose.(听短文,选择正确答案。)5%( ) 1. Jim is a boy of .A. eleven B. seven C. twelve( ) 2. Jim usually Bets up at .A. 7:30 B. 8:30C. 6:30( )

7、 3. Jim is always late for .A. school B. busC. breakfast( ) 4. Jim can see pet shop on his way .A. to school B. to the zooC. home( ) 5. Jims birthday is on .A. January the fifteenth.B. January the fifthC. January the fourteenth.Part 2 Reading and Writing 60%七、Copy the sentences. (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号

8、。)4%shall we go to see a film Alice thats great 八、Read and choose. (辨音,将不含有所给音标的单词选出来。) 4%( ) 1. / /A. fifth B. thin C. smooth( ) 2. / a /A. yellow B. mouth C. cow( ) 3. / /A. card B. warm C. hard( ) 4. / b /A. beef B. bed C. climb九、Read and judge. (判断下列单词划线部分字母发音是否相同,用T或F表示)6%氨氧化催化剂往往亦可用作醛类氧化催化剂,其原

9、因是由于这两类反应通过类似的历程,形成相同的氧化中间物之故。上列反应中以丙烯氨氧化合成丙烯腈最为重要,下面即以此反应为例进行讨论。5( ) 1. giraffe job( ) 2. match what( ) 3. pourhour( ) 4. meat heat( ) 5. bothsoft ( ) 6. piece cave十、Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案。)12%( )1. Kitty and Alice are sitting an old sofa, watching TV.A. between B. on C. in( )2. A: in th

10、e box? B: There are some toys.A. Whats B. What C. Where( )3. Eating too many hamburgers your health.A. are bad for B. is bad for C. are bad to( )4. The Whites having breakfast now.A. be B. are C. is( )5. We want to healthy.A. have B. be C. do( )6. A: bells are they? B: Are they hers?A. Whose B. Who

11、C. Whos( )7. We d like some and . We all like Chinese food.A. noodles; dumplingB. noodle; dumplingsC. noodles; dumplings( )8. We breakfast on Sunday.A. dont have B. not haveC. havent( )9. A: is the weather like? B: It is windy and rainy.A. WhatsB. How C. What( )10. Its time have our IT lesson.A. of

12、B. to C. for( )11. The pupils have a lunch break half an hour.A. for B. in C. at( )12. These ten apples are for you.A. both B. all C. each十一、Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words. (用所给单词的适当形式填空。)6%1. Look at the white (geese). Its near the river.2. Do you like (potato) ? -Yes,

13、I do.3. The wind (blow) and many (leaf) fall down.4. Hurry up, (child). The bus is (come).十二、Rewrite the sentences.(按要求改写句子。)10%1.It was cloudy and cool yesterday. (对画线部分提问) was yesterday?2.I like English best. (改为同义旬)English is my .3.My brother had an apple for his breakfast. (改为否定旬)My brother an app



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