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1、Will-people-have-Will-people-have-robotsrobots课件课件Lead-in:1.Do you like listening to music?2.What do you like doing when you are free?3.What s your favorite entertainment?EntertainmentWhat did he say?I like football.He said (that) he liked football.What did she say?My favorite band is S.H.E.She said

2、 her favorite band was S.H.E.Listen and readIndirect Speech Direct Speech She said that she was with some classmates. She said, “Im with some classmates”. She said, “Im studying Chinese.” She said that she missed her parents. “China is a very exciting place,” she said. She said that she was studying

3、 Chinese.She said, “I miss my parents.”She said that China was a very exciting place.A Whisper game S1 Whisper the message to S2. then S2 whisper to S3 about what he heard, and so on. The last one of each team stands up and reports: He said that Listen and write notes1.Who is speaking ?2.Where does

4、it take place ?3. What time of day is it ?Sally Maxwell and ChenHuan (are speaking)It takes places at Radio Beijing .Its late at night.Answer the questions, Use the words in the box to help you .1.What does the man say about Sally?2.what does the man think of the music?3.What does the man tell the l

5、isteners to do if they are awake?4.What does the man tell them to do if they are too sleep? among awake believe beside cheer clap fantastic plenty sleep worryHe says that she plays the violin really well.Its fantastic. He tells them to stand beside their beds and dance and cheer . He tells them to s

6、tay in bed and clap your hands .Listen and answer the questions 1.Why didnt Betty hear Sallys interview on the radio ?2.What does Sally think is the main reason for her visit ?3.Why did Daming want to cap and cheer ?4.Why does Betty think they should look after Sally ?Because she was too sleepy .To

7、make friends .Because Sally played the violin very well .Because Betty thinks that Sally is unhappy .Language points:1.take place: 发生发生 (非偶然性非偶然性的的”发生发生, 举行举行”)2. happen:发生发生(突然性突然性,强调偶然及意外强调偶然及意外), 碰巧碰巧昨天他发生什么事昨天他发生什么事?_ yesterday?自从自从1980年以来年以来, 我国已发生了巨大的变化我国已发生了巨大的变化.Great change _ in our country

8、 since 1980.What happened to himhave taken place2. among: 在在中间中间(三者或以上三者或以上)3. between: 在在中间中间/之间之间(在两者之间在两者之间) We had a rest _ the trees. He sits _ the twins.amongbetween3. (be) awake: adj.醒着的醒着的 -asleep (反义词反义词) wake: v. 醒来醒来,醒着醒着 wakewoke-waken Eg: 孩子们还没有睡着吗孩子们还没有睡着吗? _ the children still_? Are a

9、wake 拓展拓展: wake up: 醒来醒来 wake sb up: 叫醒某人叫醒某人1)早上他经常很迟醒来早上他经常很迟醒来. He often _ in the morning.2) 今天早上妈妈六点叫醒我今天早上妈妈六点叫醒我. My mother _ at six this morning.wakes upwoke me up4. think of sb/sth: 想起想起,觉得觉得,认为认为 think about sb/ sth : 考虑考虑 eg: 你觉得那部电影怎样你觉得那部电影怎样? What _ you _ the film? 我正在考虑去哪里我正在考虑去哪里. I _

10、. do think ofam thinking about where to go5. No, I was too sleepy. 没有呀没有呀,我太困了我太困了. sleep: 睡觉睡觉 (动词动词) be asleep: adj. 睡着的睡着的, 熟睡熟睡 (只能放在只能放在be后面后面) sleepy: adj.困倦困倦,瞌睡瞌睡; 贪睡的贪睡的,懒惰的懒惰的 (放在放在be/ feel后面后面,名词前名词前面面) Eg: The baby looks _. Dont make any noise. The baby is _. I couldnt _ well last night.

11、 sleepyasleepsleepa sleeping child: 一个睡着一个睡着的孩子的孩子 6. She said that she was with some classmates from London, and that she was studying Chinese.她说她和一些来自伦敦的同学在一起她说她和一些来自伦敦的同学在一起, 她在学习中文她在学习中文.这是转述别人的话这是转述别人的话,英语中叫间接引语英语中叫间接引语.托尼说这是一场很令人兴奋的电影托尼说这是一场很令人兴奋的电影. Tony said that it _ film.玲玲说她不喜欢动作片玲玲说她不喜欢动

12、作片.Lingling _ that she _ films.was an exciting said didnt like action 7. She said that she missed her parents but she had some close friends here. 她说她想念她的父母她说她想念她的父母,但她在这里有一些但她在这里有一些亲密的亲密的朋友朋友.miss: 想念想念 他经常想念父母他经常想念父母. He often misses his parents. 错过错过,未赶上未赶上 我迟到了因为我误了公共汽车我迟到了因为我误了公共汽车. I was late

13、because I missed the bus.8. Thats us! 那正是我们那正是我们!9. She explained that her visit was about making friends.她解释说她来参观中国就是关于交朋友她解释说她来参观中国就是关于交朋友. explain sth to sb: 向某人解释某事向某人解释某事 你能向他解释我们的计划吗你能向他解释我们的计划吗? _ you _ our plan _?Can explain to him10. Was that it? 就这些吗就这些吗? 口语中常常用口语中常常用“Thats it. ”表示表示“就这样就这

14、样”.11. And finally, he played the recording of Sallys music. 12. be worried about sb/ sth:担心某人担心某人/事事 妈妈总是担心他们的孩子妈妈总是担心他们的孩子. Mothers _ often _ their children.are worried aboutGammar 直接引语和间接引语直接引语和间接引语直接引述别人的原话直接引述别人的原话,叫做直接引语叫做直接引语;用自己的话转述别人用自己的话转述别人的话的话,叫做间接引语叫做间接引语.间接引语一般构成宾语从句间接引语一般构成宾语从句.直接引语直接

15、引语必须放在引号内必须放在引号内,间接引语则不用引号间接引语则不用引号.直接引语改为间接直接引语改为间接引语引语时时,除将引语部分变成宾语从句外除将引语部分变成宾语从句外, 它的变化规律它的变化规律:一般现在时变为一般过去时一般现在时变为一般过去时 :is /am 变为变为was ; are 变为变为were 人称变化规律人称变化规律:I变为变为 He /She , Tom said ,“It is time for class .”(直接引语直接引语)Tom said that it was time for class .(间接引语间接引语)Lucy said , “I dont like

16、 watching TV .” .(直接引语直接引语)Lucy said that she didnt like watching TV (间接引间接引语语)7.Write down what Sally said in the interview with Chen HuanShe said that she was with some classmates from London“Im with some classmates from London.” she said .(she said) that she was studying Chinese .She said that sh

17、e missed her parentsbut she had some close friends here.And she said China was a very exciting please.But she didnt like the word foreigner”“Im studying Chinese, ” she said“I miss my parents ,but I have some close friends here” she said.“Its a very exciting place. .But I dont like the word foreigner, ” she said .结束结束



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