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1、语法专题六 数词和主谓一致一 数词考点解析一. 数词包括基数词, 序数词, 分数词和倍数词.1. 基数词 表示数目的词是基数词, 最基本的数词如下:1 one, 2 two, 3 three, 4 four, 5 five, 6 six, 7 seven, 8 eight, 9 nine, 10 ten, 11 eleven, 12 twelve, 13 thirteen, 14 fourteen, 15 fifteen, 16 sixteen, 17 seventeen, 18 eighteen, 19 nineteen, 20 twenty, 30 thirty, 40 forty, 50

2、 fifty, 60 sixty, 70 seventy, 80 eighty, 90 ninety, 100 a hundred, 1000 a thousand, a million, a billion 基数词12是独立单词, 需逐个记忆. 基数词1319是个位数词的词干后加-teen构成. 其中thirteen, fifteen, eighteen的变化不规则. 基数词2090(整十的) 是在十位数词后面加-ty构成。基数词2199是在十位数词后面加上个位数词合成, 中间加上连字符 “-“. 如:21 twenty-one, 95 ninety-five 三位以上的基数词, 在百位和十

3、位之间, 一般要用连词and. 如132 one hundred and thirty-two, 1340 one thousand three hundred and forty表示 “万”的词英语中没有. 如1万可用10千来表示, 即ten thousand. 30万可用three hundred thousand来表示.2. 序数词 表示数目顺序的词是序数词. 序数词119除第一,第二, 第三, 第五, 第八, 第九, 第十二变化不规则外, 其余均在基数词后加上-th.十位整数的序数词的构成方法是, 将十位整数基数词的词尾-y变成i再加-eth. 几十几的序数词, 只是把个位变成序数词,

4、 十位数不变.3. 分数词 分数由基数词和序数词合成, 分子用基数词, 分母用序数词, 分子大于1时, 分母的序数词要用复数形式. 1/3 one-third; 3/7 three-sevenths4. 倍数词 倍数词表示倍数关系, 如double(两倍), half(一半), three times(三倍)等.二.数词的用法1. 做主语 Thirty of them are Party members. 他们之中的30人是党员.2. 做宾语 Please pass me the second.请递给我第二个.3. 做定语 The nine boys are from Tianjin.这九个男

5、孩子是天津人.The ninth boy is from Tianjin.第九个男孩子是天津人.4. 做表语Six plus four is ten.六加四等于十5. 做同位语(只限基数词) We four will go with you.我们四个人将和你一起去.6. 做状语 When did you first meet him?你什么时候和他第一次见面?数词的句法功能成分 例 句主语Four-ninths of the students in our class are boys.我们班九分之四的同学是男同学宾语I dont like the third. 我不喜欢第三个定语Sunday

6、 is the first day of a week. 星期天是一周的第一天表语My classmate is eighteen. 我的同学十八岁同位语They two will go to the cinema tonight. 他们两个今天晚上要去看电影状语He came out second in the contest. 他在比赛中得了第二名高考示例【例1】2005安徽高考 John is the tallest boy in the class, _according to himself.A. five foot eight as tall as B.as tall as fiv

7、e foot eightC.as five foot eight tall as D.as tall five foot eight as 提示:as tall as意为 “高达”, 后面接表示具体高度的词.例2】2005湖北高考 What a table! Ive never seen such a thing before. It is _it is long.A. half not as wide as B.wide not as half asC. not half as wide as D.as wide as not half 提示:形容词同级比较结构中,倍数及否定词都应放在 “a

8、sas”之前, 而且否定词应该放在倍数的前面. 【例3】2004全国高考III It is reported that the United States uses _energy as the whole of Europe. A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much 提示:同级比较 “asas”前加倍数时,倍数一般放在第一个as之前. 【例4】_people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day. A. Several million B

9、. Many millionsC. Several millions D. Many million 提示:million前有具体数字或several等词时, 要用单数形式. many一般不与million等词连用, 表示”数百万”用millions of.【例5】_of the land in that district _covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; is D. Two fifths; are 提示:五分之二是two fifths,句子的主语是不可数名词land

10、, 谓语动词要用单数形式.注意: 例1-3事实上都是结合数词考查同级比较结构asas的用法.英语中表示比较的形式常见的有如下几种: 倍数或分数+形容词比较级+than;倍数或分数+as+adj. +as; 倍数或分数+the+名词+of; 表示同级比较用asas,否定用not as/soas; the same+名词+as; the+比较级+of the(两者), 表示两者中比较的一个;less+adj. +than比更不(=not as+adj. +as); the+比较级+, the+比较级+越就越dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million billi

11、on前的数目确定或是被several修饰时, 不论后面有无of均不加-s. 分数的分子用基数词, 分母用序数词表示. 如果分子大与1, 序数词后加-s 触类旁通1. With too many trees cut down, _of the farmland in that district _become desert in the past 50 yearsA. two seventh; has B. two seventh; haveC. two sevenths; has D. two sevenths; have2. According to the new investigatio

12、n, unemployment was at about 6.2%, half that in France, _in Germany. A. a third fewer than B. less third than C. third fewer than D. a third less than3. It is not rare in _that people in _fifties were going to university for further education. A. 90s; the B. the 90s;/ C. 90s; their D. the 90s; their

13、4. The building about_belongs to our company and it is the second tallest building in our city so far. A. 150-meter-high B. 150-metress high C. 150 meter high D. 150 meters high5. Shortly after the accident, two _soldiers were sent _the spot to keep order. A. dozen; to B. dozens; up C. dozens of; fo

14、r D. dozen; out6. Can you imagine that _students in our school are using cell phones every day? A. several hundred B. many hundreds C. several hundreds D. many hundred7. After the new equipment was introduced, our factory turned out _in 2004 as the year before. A. as three times many cars B. three times as many cars C. as many cars as three times D. three times more cars than8. They have been in the reading room since _.A. a long time B. in had been open C. eight oclock D two hours9. Ill never give up not even on _try.A. the 1000 or 10 000 B. the 1000 and 10 000C. the 1


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